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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. 4 down territory here. Don’t trust your kicker and don’t trust your D
  2. Dude wtf is with these two D timeouts!?!?!? There’s 25 seconds left if they make the fg we get the ball with 3 TOs!!!
  3. Refs could have leveled the playing field and called that a fumble
  4. I’m not forgetting should have been up 28 or more at half with unbiased reffing. every NFL team is close. No team can beat two opponents
  5. Maybe the refs will make up for the first half and make 12 horrific calls to give us the game?
  6. This game should have been over at halftime up 30+ points I’ve never seen such a lopsided reffing performance I’m still shocked. Truly shocked
  7. Easy 31 points for us maybe 0 for them I don’t really remeber their scoring drive
  8. And from what I’ve seen, it should be the complete opposite
  9. It would be 31-7 if we have fair and equal officiating
  10. These refs need to be sanctioned in some way this is ridiculous
  11. I’ve never seen so many BLATANTLY OBVIOUS and EXTREME penalties not called in such lopsided fashion. It’s ridiculous. as I wrote this they throw a flag for intentional grounding!?!? He was outside the pocket
  12. Bet your life savings on the eagles. Refs will not let us win this game
  13. What cars are white with a black roof like that? Convertible with rag top??
  14. I’f this picture is from the bridge, then it wasn’t a Tesla. Because that’s clearly a gas or diesel engine
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