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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. Right? Just turn inside and get run over by the DB
  2. Wasn’t he hit real early? Diggs needs to beg for flags
  3. Our punter sucks balls. He’s like a HS punter.
  4. Yea it was tight. He missed with his shoulder but rapps elbow hit adks helmet. sad to me that defenders aren’t allowed to hit anymore. The league expects Rapp to just stand there and hug him as he runs by.
  5. Now please don’t abandon the run for 2 quarters. paraons looks like a knee ligament. That sucks, hope he’s ok. His stupid teammate with the late stuff
  6. When we run the ball we win. When we abandon the run we lose. it’s honestly that simple
  7. Is anyone else so sick and tired of huge 4th Q leads being meaningless? this new NFL sucks.
  8. Or what about all the WRs sprint down field to the right corner of the end zone, Josh rolls to his right, and you throw it back to Cook who snuck out of the backfield late. You hit him at the 30 or so, but as soon as our WRs see Josh wind up, they break for the opposite sideline, and block like it’s a punt return. you could do the same thing by hitting your TE shorton the right side with a planned throw back to cook.
  9. I like the idea of running it a down early, before the defense has put in their tallest WR and TE to hang out in the end zone. then perhaps scheme some kind of pick play where everyone is on the left side of the field, and one wr runs off a pick and to the opposite side of the field
  10. Exactly. Dude deserves it and so do we. He is a good punter, ours sucks, we deserve to get something for our 6th pick
  11. He deserves a second chance and the bills deserve a batter punter.
  12. This espn broadcast is like a HS football radio broadcast
  13. I have always thought that the league limiting tv stations to 3 games between the 1 and 4 pm starts was super weird. Why not just allow 4 games on? That’s seems like the easiest way to increase revenues. But this isn’t a bad idea either. I have non interest in the nfc game, but would watch the afc matchup. I do agree a staggering start time would be nice. The 830 games go too late for an old fart like me
  14. The League has done an early and a late MNF game in the past, but I can’t remember them ever having competing games at the same time in prime time. What’s the reasoning here? Testing a new concept??
  15. Yes I was well aware of the fake they ran. And it was surprising considering how hard the Chiefs had been crashing on the screen all game. I also am well aware that josh has the option to hand it inside to cook on those plays and did that throughout the game too. And all things considered I still think it was a stupid risky call in this game at that time. So no one else has put up what their guess at the MCd Handicap number should be? -2.5?? Anyone? Bueller?
  16. Im speaking specifically to how well they [didnt] work in this game. Not how well they may have worked in other games. Thats kinda my point. McD needs to get a feel for the game, each game is different. Sometimes Diggs is unstoppable. Sometimes he is a ghost. Sometimes we cant run the ball, other times our running game is the best option. McD/the staff should have known the screens were blown up a few times earlier in the game, and not tried the square peg round hole thing. Maybe in some tough decisions. But 1st and 10 at the 25 with 2:13 left and to not call a single running play? Thats like pop warner leveling DUH!!! MCD is so awkward, he seemingly cant differentiate between different in game scenarios. "Last week vrs Philly i wasn't aggressive and we lost. this week I be aggressive and win!!" when the situations dont call for the same football.
  17. Obviously the Defense is expecting a run. You still can run the ball. That's what 99% of teams would do and there is a reason for it. No you don't NEED a TD - what you need is a First Down, because there WAS a situation where we could eat the entire clock. With ONE first down. Then you kick the FG from inside the 20 as time expires. Never give the Chiefs the ball back. Not to mention, our run game was great last night. Our passing game was lacking. Going with our strength at that moment would have been going to the run. Especially when you have Josh Allen who can do a QB lead or Draw or Sweep. I'm not against passing it there at some point, but 3 pass is ridiculous in that specific situation and with how the game played out all night. Again no awareness from this staff.
  18. But that was not the only time they ran that play. they ran it 2 or 3 times before, and the Chiefs had it scouted and defended well. Its the type of play you give up on because it wasnt working all game. I don't blame Diggs honestly. I could see blaming Allen bc he should have known better than to take that option by then.
  19. Has anyone - EVER - seen a ref run over to an offensive player, and warm him he is lined up wrong? WRs checking with the officials is different. WTF is with this "the refs didnt fix our mistake" crap???
  20. McD certainly did his dad dear to lose it but we still won!!
  21. Why so serious? Im not even being hard on McD. Im just saying he costs us points repeatedly and a solution might be to hire a game day coach to help him out.
  22. Thats actually a great take and completely true I guess. Thats also the treatment the Cheaters in Boston got for 20 plus years.
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