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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. This kinda stuff ticks me off. Our defense has struggled for years getting stops late in games. They finally got a stop, turnover on downs, against the chiefs of all teams!!!! And this is ESPNs headline!?!? F you you lying a holes!!!! “Chiefs stymied by refs: Not what we want for NFL” sorry I’d post the picture but apparently my phone screenshot files are too big for the board? Lol
  2. The McDermott Handicap - thats what I call it now. Its the number of points McDermott will cost the team with about 4 mins left at half and the end of the game. I really think its -5.5 or-6.5 points!!!! Its becoming ridiculous how awkward this team plays in those situations. We tend to leave points on the board before every half, or gift the other team an opportunity to score! We blow two minute drills constantly, cant ever get a stop etc. If you were an odds maker what would your McDermott Handicap be? Against the Eagles we played so conservative, using 2 TOs on defense, then taking a knee with 20 seconds and one (but could have been 3) timeouts left. All you need is a FG but you chose overtime?!?!?! Then against the chiefs - completely different situation. We get a 1st down due to penalty, with 2:13 left in the game on the 25ish yard line. RUN THE BALL is the obvious choice...... No, 3 straight pass!! Huh!?! We have this defensive coach who lost the game being too conservative last week. He should be wetting his pants for the opportunity to run it 3 times and kick the FG. But then its all passes!?!?! And before you say the swing pass is like a long handoff blah blah blah - the chiefs blew that play up 3-4 times that game. It didn't work once. and was super awkward, our staff has no feel for the game. No inclination of whats working, whats not, and no situational awareness of any kind.. On defense, again no feel. Its either full out prevent defense, or all out blitz. Over and over and over again. Dude, find a happy medium. Maybe, i don't know, don't call the same all out blitz ON EVERY SINGLE PLAY?!?!? The show all out bitz and then all out blitz. Eventually these teams beat the all out blitz and score - We lost the Broncos game with that one. We could try, maybe, disguising a blitz? Or Blitzing every other play?? Which leads me to.... McDermott has no feel for these situations. He is like that super socially awkward guy, who never knows what to say in a group. Everyone knows someone like that....and that's the football equivalent to McDermott. Post game McD said he watched every single 2 minute drill in every nfl game in the last 6 years, trying to find tendencies. Wow man, love the dedication, but that's sad. Thats like an awkward guy watching every episode of Friends trying to get less socially awkward. Just sad. Watching Michigan this year gave me an idea. Harbaugh is their head coach, but was suspended for a number of games. Harbaugh was allowed to coach during the week, but couldnt be on the sidelines for gameday. So one of their assistants was "Acting" head coach for those games. Thats what we need - we need to hire a "Game Day" coach who would relive McD of Head Coach decisions on gameday. Someone who has a feel for the game, situational football and what's working that day at that moment. Someone who wont abandon the run for 2-3 quarters at a time. Someone who knows when to play conservative and when to be aggressive. I think McDermott would benefit A LOT from a guy like that.
  3. So was the lateral a designed part of the play or just off the cuff?
  4. In his defense, shouldn’t that call be whistled immediately upon the snap?? Offside or illegal formation usually is right??
  5. I was watching in a bar- why was Mahonnes so pissed
  6. If we ran it and gained zero uards the chiefs would have 0 time outs. Keep that in mind on this last drive
  7. McDermott as coach is a -14 point handicap. Good god wtf was that series???
  8. Two bull#### holding penalties to kill a drive
  9. Kielce rule from 20 mins ago!!! That’s a catch!!!(this game at least)
  10. The way Mahonnes hand snapped back to a fist made me think he did fumble that
  11. So who do we want to lose and is actually losing…..?
  12. The 9/11 thing will not affect any decision making. Twitter crap like this blows over like a good fart in the wind. Tomorrow’s outrage will be focused on some other nothing.
  13. I’m clicking through this thread trying to find out what he said. Got a link?
  14. Younger days, I was all Bills and it was terribly depressing. Then I bought a motorcycle and that was awesome. A truly hobby. I had never experienced that before. Whether it is hunting , guns, trucks, four wheelers….. just try some other manly hobbies and have fun with that. ps I have also found it’s a lot more enjoyable to watch on TV. Get to the TV 5 mins before kickoff, poop in your own house, Home immediately after the game. No sun burn or frost bite…..
  15. Elam to IR was an excuse. He wasn’t injured enough for the move, they just didn’t want to cut him outright . Saves a roster spot
  16. It’s impossible to smoke a good brisket your first time. Takes a ton of practice to get the feel of it. it varies by pit but, at least an hour per pound is what mine takes. By far the best method I have found is the foil boat. One key is the collect all your fat trimmings and smoke them in a separate pan. When you wrap it the boat, pour the melted fat all over the brisket and let it soak.
  17. He is totally right. He named 3 superstar defensive players who could dominate games. Can you think of 3 now? I can’t.
  18. My thoughts exactly. That call wasn’t bad. It would have been yucky tack to throw the flag there. The DB had eyes on the ball and played the ball. Maybe a tad early under slow motion, but very well timed on live speed. I saw multiple PIs not called on the Eagles, all much more egregious than that.
  19. So is it possible for Miami to lose to Dallas and Baltimore and Bills then us win the division??
  20. I’m watching Indy/Ten. It’s awful. Jv backup scrimmage level ugly.. We would beat these teams by 35, yet have the same record as Indy. Woof
  21. It’s sucks CJ stroud is so good and went 2nd to an AFC team, bc B young stinks and he went 1st to the NFC
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