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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. By the way, it's nice to see the personal attacks are still the norm around here. I had forgotten with the passage of time that with the exception of BiB, may God rest his soul, many of you are bitter, narrow minded pinheads with no lives and too much time on your hands.
  2. Nope, I'm saying that whenever a white guy shoots up a bunch of people the excuse is that he's mentally ill; the implication being that of course he's somehow less of a murderous villain then a "normal" person. Of course he's still a cowardly bully hiding behind a gun.
  3. Maybe they ought to simplify the damn rules. They can't even define what constitutes a catch any more. If it's open to interpretation it's a bad rule.
  4. White guys are always "mentally disturbed" when they do these things, haven't you noticed? Black guys and Muslims, well THEY have an agenda and they're just evil, subhuman killers. Not this this poor guy who beat his wife, peeked into windows, hurt animals, etc. Poor, dear, unbalanced creature. <sarcasm> Meanwhile he killed an awesome police officer - the kind we need more of, as opposed to trigger-happy thugs - and a male war veteran. Not sure why he was there, exactly, but PP provides men's services too, for those of you too ignorant to know and arrogant to bother to find out. And lastly he killed a mother of two.She could have been there for a checkup for all you know. PP provides very few abortions. Most of its services are just regular healthcare. And birth control (hint: abortion is NOT birth control). Less than 3% of the services are abortions and THOSE are NOT funded by your tax dollars. Abortions, actually, are on the decline, which is a good thing. You know what they say: an ounce of prevention, etc...well, perhaps you don't, but it's not my job to educate you. You wanna go after someone, go after the docs in private practice who are raking it in doing abortions in their offices. That's where the money is.
  5. Every bomb we drop, every refugee who drowns in the Mediterranean, every cowardly politician who refuses to show a little compassion, plays RIGHT into the hands of Daesh. What better way to make them hate us? It creates fertile ground for recruitment. I imagine there are plenty of refugees (from beyond Syria) in this country who are witnessing the pinheaded panic first hand and probably toying with the idea of joining up. Boots on the ground is also what they wanted. It was bin Laden's fondest dream. Because we cannot win, and it will slowly bankrupt us. There is no military - exclusively military - answer. Military can be a part of the solution, but it has to be multi-faceted. The goal is to get the moderate people of the Middle East - the MAJORITY, who are cowed and afraid of these extremists too - to become part of the coalition against them. We don't need them to soldier for us, but we don't need to create generations of people with no lots of hatred, no hope, and nothing left to lose. This is where the test of what it means to be America comes into play. This country was founded on tolerance, inclusion, and the willingness to take a risk. So far I see a bunch of cowardly bigots collectively crapping their pants and scuttling under the bed.
  6. Unless they're going to take it and raise it or never miss a child support payment - men don't get a vote.
  7. the playoff tickets are expensive anyway, maybe next year is better.
  8. No kidding. And some of the fans take the cake too. I've lived in 3 NFL cities and the crap that Bills fans spout, and the targeting of certain players, is really something else. I've only seen it to this level in Buffalo. Losing doesn't help but even during the good years they do it. Hard to fathom.
  9. And it was such a shame, with the STELLAR support he got from the defense and special teams :-)
  10. Wow! Cassel had better stats than Aaron Rodgers! Fire Whaley! Seriously - without Cassel the Seahags are 3-5. Well, without Cassel and the support of the usual bad officiating that always seems to favor the Seahags.
  11. Awesome. You fire Whaley. Bring in some other guy with a different philosophy. Disperse the current talent (and coaching staff) to the four corners of the universe. And end up with 15-20 MORE years of futility.
  12. I'm not the one dogging him for not playing because he's injured. You're the one insinuating he's a sandbagger. So for that to be true, it would mean he was cleared to play and wimped out. You made the insinuation, YOU prove it.
  13. Please cite the source that confirms the Bills trainers and coaches have ordered him to play, and he refuses. You're just jealous.
  14. Dude I've had season tickets almost 30 years and have lived outside WNY since 1995. I fly back for 3-4 home games every year. Some are good, many suck. I would like to kick Whaley in the shin for cutting Fred but he has brought a lot of talent aboard. The problem is the coaching staff trying to take that talent and instead of crafting offensive/defensive schemes around it, they're trying to fit the talent into what they think will work. Clearly no-one's happy and it isn't working. Will it ever? Don't know. But that's not at Whaley's door.
  15. Guys gets dogged by beer-swilling losers because, like every other player on bye, he takes a vacation and is naive enough to share photos of his baby girl (the light of his life) having fun. Guy gets mad and says up yours, losers. He's right. I follow his posts on Facebook etc and I have never once see him belittle someone for not doing their job, let alone having an injury or disability. His profession and income have NOTHING to do with it. He has a contract with the Buffalo Bills, not the "fans". He worked hard to get where he is. These beer-swilling losers think what he does is easy, why aren't they doing it? Maybe he shouldn't have responded but he had every right to do so. The losers make excuses saying they're frustrated. They're so stupid they apparently think the team is happy...? WTF. I've seen Bills fans in bad lights over the past 30 years but this year is ridiculous. They're almost worse than the bandwagoning, ignorant Seahawk fans out here. Grow the hell up. If winning is the only thing that matters there are 5 undefeated teams, go cheer for them.
  16. those are some butt-ugly unis. and the jets will wear all green? either early Christmas or let's hope no-one on our team is color-blind. :-)
  17. I'd trade two cases of Spam that expired 5 years ago, a flat tire and the pet rock I have somewhere in the back of the closet.
  18. You are correct. I have a smart TV, I have DirecTV, I have iPads and PC's and smartphones, I have wi-fi, I have mobile broadband. And it's still going to be a pain in the ass for me if I want to watch on Sunday. Hence my boycott statement - does anyone really think the NFL gives a damn? If they see lots of folks sucking it up and streaming this game, guess what? It was a success as far as they're concerned. Next thing you know, you're paying for a subscription service like NFL Ticket, but 1-2 times a year you're going to either be connecting cables, squinting at a smartphone and oh, by the way, paying for those 1-2 views on top of it. And then, eventually, they'll PPV the games AND charge premium for the data you use. My prediction is that tech support lines are going to jam up starting tomorrow afternoon when people start to set up and test their kludgy systems, and PEAK around kickoff. I'll be sleeping snug in my bed By the way, since you're new, don't let the idiots get you down. There are a few factions here, but it does seem like the largest or at least most vocal are "guys with no lives" who either still live at home with mom and dad or are perhaps in a college dorm with not enough homework.
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