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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Jon Stewart pretended to be impartial throughout the Bush Presidency.He stated several times in interviews that his goal as a comedian was to lampoon those in charge. (A traditionally American right) Only after Obama's election did Stewart openly admit that he was a liberal by refusing to parody the left. He betrayed his audience when he remained focused on bashing conservatives, who (at the time) had lost control of every branch of government. (in essence he was gleefully kicking a wounded dog). Being a (former) Daily show fan, I was sickened with his unabashed bias. Once he was able to show his true allegiances, he fully embraced his role as a progressive puppet. Reading through this thread, he played his role perfectly. He has been allowed to spread his propaganda unhindered by the limiting constraint of facts simply by labeling it comedy. He could go on air today and accuse any conservative candidate of any number of imaginary offenses (and has done so in the past) and people wouldn't think twice about it. As far as his influence in shaping political opinions? We're talking about a population where the majority still believe Tina Fey is Sarah Palin. Comedy Central is their primary source of news.
  2. It would be cheaper to put urinals along the wall.
  3. What they need to do is implement pee-free zones.
  4. 2016 political dream team Trump: Secretary of Homeland Security (ruthless enough to deport a baby) Cruz: Treasury secretary (can balance the budget) Sanders: Secretary of Education (speaks their language) Hilary: head of IRS (knows where/how people hide money) Bush: Secretary of State (He can annoy other countries for a change) Obama: US Ambassador to Kenya (send him home) Presdent: Jon Stewart (He can distract the population while his cabinet works)
  5. People forget that humans bred out a lot of "natural" traits in our food sources, long before Science jumped into the mix, because they could kill us. ie. Recently, Japanese have started to farm salmon because their "free range" cousins contained parasites: which is why salmon sushi in japan was unheard of until recently. (and not served at all in traditional bars)
  6. Twenty years from now, Obama will be labeled a far-right president. We're headed towards socialism, and there's nothing (short of zombie apocalypse) that can stop it. Don't worry, the world won't end. The US will just become as poor as the European countries these liberals envy. Equal in shared poverty.
  7. A fast food phone app would make it a lot easier, and cheaper than cashiers.
  8. After the activists burned us with their "organic" is more nutritious nonsense, I think I'm going to have to wait for confirmation on the GMO crusade. ...and yes, i laugh at everyone shopping at whole foods.
  9. http://www.hbo.com/show-me-a-hero New HBO series. The propaganda machine has begun.
  10. A Liberal minded friend just argued that this deal is good, because even if it does help the Iranians get a nuke sooner, it will keep diplomatic channels open to persuade them from using it afterwards. Like North Korea....
  11. What if you only found out you're related to your husband when a distant relative from the old country finally decides to attend the reunion? ...not to mention those women who can't figure out who's the Daddy despite appearing on Jerry Springer 10 times. ...coma patient? ...old person who thinks it's menopause? ...late bloomer who had sex early? ...wasn't always a dude? No matter how thorough the escape clause, there is always that one exception that the opposition can point out to ruin it for everyone.
  12. I was listening to Cowherd live as he did his tirade against baseball. I didn't think (at the time) that he said anything wrong. But, he did pause for a second during his example knowing that if he didn't phrase it correctly, people would get offended. It didn't work. Personally, I found the original premise (that baseball is a thinking man's game), as offensive as cowherd's rebuttal. Fans were trying to say that baseball players, and managers, had to be highly educated in physics, calculus, geometry, statistics, etc to be successful. Cowherd pointed out that players from the Dominican Republic who grew up in poor neighborhoods without proper schooling were dominating the sport. Made perfect sense when he said it. This is just one of those times when people are offended by the truth.
  13. Beware the idiot with a college degree... ...because they believe a piece of paper proves their stupid ideas have merit.
  14. I would have no problem hanging a noose in the middle of every jail cell in the country... just to save some tax payer money. hmmm, maybe the overpopulation propaganda is getting to me. As I get older, I start to notice just how many useless people are walking around.
  15. The liberal solution is to legalize a crime to lower the amount of criminals. Makes sense.
  16. I have a bad feeling that we might have to start going through metal detectors and removing our shoes to get into a theater soon.
  17. So the Democrat Congress passed a "crummy law" because they knew Republicans were about to take over, and the IRS didn't have the money or personnel to do their jobs, before they were de-funded, which forced them to persecute conservative non-profit groups... We can't call the Prez a liar because he said it on comedy central... And how big a tool has Jon Stewart become?
  18. I will happily use a fast food kiosk whenever they're implemented.
  19. Is her suicide considered a hate crime? Black on black violence? I know I should feel bad, but I think I'm getting desensitized.
  20. I don't understand why these alarmists are so worried. Their prediction of the world oil supply running out by 1997 will solve the carbon emission problem overnight.
  21. Since we're going to legalize them anyway.... How about if we make border fence building a requirement for citizen? If you do the math, each of the 20+ million illegal aliens only have to build 6 inches each of the 2000 mile long wall.
  22. You're defending his craziness. I know, I know...you're probably going to say that you didn't, (not really) but by undermining the policies pointed out by other posters by saying they're too liberal to pass, you've turned yourself into his campaign's spin doctor, directing people not to look behind the curtain until it's too late. Now let's get to the point. What exactly is your opinion on Sanders? Are you okay with the Idea of Sanders getting elected because you feel safe that his policies are too far left to pass? Isn't that how we ended up with Obama?
  23. Can someone explain to me how he can force $15/hr without a law in place?
  24. So you're willing to vote for an insane person because you believe there is no way in hell anyone will follow crazy down the rabbit hole? Have you not noticed the sheer amount of idiots walking down the street? Isn't the mere existence of Gatorman soundly disprove your assumption?
  25. "Any Day now" in geological terms is anywhere between tomorrow and a few thousand years in the future.
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