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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. If global warming is going to kill us all anyway, i would want Trump as president to make it more entertaining. Although, watching Hilary loosing her noodle would be fun to too.
  2. It's pretty bad when you're rooting for the dinosaurs to eat the main characters. Although, you could make the case that the dinosaurs were the protagonists breaking free from their slave masters. Interestingly, Bryce Dallas Howard's indestructible stiletto heels was the least plausible thing in the movie.
  3. All you people who avoid going into banks are the reason why robots will replace people.
  4. What would happen if science discoveries that bathing in baby body parts grants immortality?
  5. At least Dorkington is able to admit that California released a criminal.
  6. I doubt anyone who can justify killing fetuses will care what they do with the body parts afterwards. That's like feigning outrage at a butcher while cheering on the slaughterhouse.
  7. Why is Hilary getting destroyed? It's her turn to be President!
  8. I thought we've established that identity is merely a fluid social construct? He could be a Blackasian Budhist Bigender Bunny Rabbit and his viewpoint would make the same amount of sense.
  9. Would you rather live in countries where treatment wasn't available even if you had the money to pay for it? Liberals cry about how the poor in this country can't afford basic healthcare, while regular citizens in other countries cry about not being able to find basic healthcare. That's the difference. You're ready to burn down the system for an equality of misery to spite quality of care. If you truly believe socialized medicine is better, try convincing the 1/3 of patients on the VA's waiting list that are already dead. Imagine that kind of efficiency on a national scale. http://thehill.com/policy/defense/247752-report-one-third-of-vets-waiting-medical-care-already-dead
  10. The existence of Disney Dollars prove that DisneyWorld is a separate country with it's own government.
  11. It's an emptry threat. White people can identify themselves as Black now.
  12. If you've ever talked to foreigners from countries with socialized medicine, who have actually experienced the US healthcare system, you'll come away with two universal facts: 1) They think it's prohibitively expensive, and that paying up front is inhumane. (but will admit that our taxes are extremely low) 2) They couldn't believe, that not only were they able to see a doctor immediately, but were actually treated the same day. Don't get them started on X-rays in the same clinic; they thought that kind of care was only available to Saudi prince's.
  13. Thousands flee Canada to seek care in the US. http://watchdog.org/208299/canadians-flee-health-care/ http://www.fraserinstitute.org/research-news/news/display.aspx?id=20716 http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/11/report-thousands-fled-canada-for-health-care-in-2011/ Every country in the world has to send their citizens to the US for care. The benefits of socialized medicine is that it's cheap (both in care and cost). If you want the best, only one country can provide. There's a reason why the US produces more medical innovations than every other country combined X4.
  14. The United States is also the only major country who's healthcare system hasn't gone bankrupt and looking for ways to increase people's contribution to their "free" healthcare system. As they are painfully moved to the right, we barrel blindly to the left. "Free people are not equal, and equal people are not free." Why are liberals trying so hard to emulate countries who's economic systems would place them below the poorest states in this country? Is it better that everyone be poor than to have a few people be rich?
  15. If the unthinkable happens and Sanders wins, I will stockpile canned goods, MRE's, ammunition, and convert my savings into gold coin. He'll make the Greek crisis look like a weekend block party.
  16. I've basically seen every big-budget/hyped movie this year and Ant-man has been the best so far. Jurassic World was meh, but I expected too much going in. People will be scared to pay money to see Antman because the trailer and marketing has been awful. Word of mouth might keep it rolling.
  17. If that's an accurate photo of her, the only time she's ever been cat-called is by actual cats.
  18. "The black supremacists came out in force on Saturday afternoon to cheer on the governor's decision to remove the Confederate Flag. Countering their demonstration, people with links to the KKK marched in the name of racial equality" It's accurate, but doesn't seem quite right.
  19. Should I ask for the supervisor before or after the beating?
  20. Maybe we should have separate prisons and police forces for each race.
  21. When the database collected finds a bias against White people, is the information going to be ignored or destroyed?
  22. I justified my subscription for a long time like that too. I needed it for stuffing packages- Covering the floors when I paint- Paper mache- Lighting things on fire, Christmas wrapping, etc. But no matter how things I thought of, the paper just kept coming, It piled up so much I just had to cancel.
  23. In High school, we were given an assignment on household budgeting in Social Studies during Senior year. We were able to choose any profession (teacher approved) and created a list of monthly expenses based on average starting salaries. You should have seen the crap everyone bought. Even with about $1000/month limit, the lists included gaming systems, designer clothes, luxury cars, etc. I don't think it's just about teaching kids how to budget their money, They also have to face that moment when they need cash for a necessity and there just isn't anyway to get any more. The reality is that people get in trouble financially because they max out their monthly allotment without leaving room for emergencies. How many times have you heard someone say they can afford "$$$$ per month" instead of looking at the total price?
  24. It sounds more like she doesn't even know where loans come from. She's asking if she has to go apply inside a bank instead of having the money magically appear in her checking account. Also, if she's too embarrassed to work while in school, How is she going to react once she has to find a job afterwards? What is she in school to learn?
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