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Everything posted by K-9

  1. The kickoff was just the initial blunder. Our coaches played the last 13 seconds like they didn’t understand that KC had timeouts remaining.
  2. Yeah, that’s as classless as it gets. If karma is a real thing, Mac Jones should be weary.
  3. There’s no looking ahead with this staff. None at all. If Groot can dedicate himself to the game like Bruce did, there’s no reason he can’t get there. But that’s saying a lot. Bruce could break down opposing players better than anyone I’ve ever seen. From how much pressure an O lineman was putting on his hand in his stance, to how much weight he was putting on his heels as opposed to his toes, to detecting the slightest differences in how opponents lined up to run or pass block, Bruce was a film savant.
  4. You’re curious about what Josh does against a blitz heavy attack? Go back to the beginning of the 2020 season, watch every game and then do the same for last season. You will learn two things: Josh absolutely destroys blitz heavy schemes and why teams seldom do it anymore.
  5. Well, when you wrote that Burroughs went thru the same thing, I took it mean the “same” thing. How silly of me to take what you yourself wrote literally and wonder if it had been reported somewhere. Hyde seeking another opinion opens several possibilities. I would hope that after he sustained his first serious neck injury in 2016 while with Green Bay, that the doctors would have discovered any congenital issues with his cervical spine. Him simply seeking a second opinion from those that treated him previously is as much a possibility as anything else.
  6. Derrick Burroughs has cervical stenosis, a condition he was born with. Where has it been reported that Micah Hyde has the same thing?
  7. For all this talk about injuries, why so little mention of Miami’s? They haven’t come close to stopping Allen with a healthy Howard and Jones the last two years. And their OL is less than 100% going up against one of the best fronts in the league at the moment. Key injuries often have a way of galvanizing a team and I can see the vets on this defense rallying around the next men up and proving a point. As for Tua and Co., I’ve never seen an offense gain so much hype for one good quarter of football where the QB joined the illustrious Matt Flynn in the record books.
  8. There is nothing about the weather in Miami that this team hasn’t already experienced. This will be the third year in a row that we have played a September game in Miami.
  9. To be fair, “day to day” or “week to week” are both indefinite as well.
  10. In Green Bay they use “sunlights” at night on the field during mostly sunless winter days.
  11. They should copy everything the Packers did when they resurfaced their field. From the drainage and heating systems to the turf itself.
  12. Brown was clearly running along the nine yard line which was two yards past the LOS. There’s no screen pass exception in the NFL. It’s pretty cut and dried. Here’s the NFL rule:
  13. Watch the play again closely and you’ll see that upon the snap and while Allen was executing the play action fake, Brown ran unimpeded along the nine yard line to the left side of the field, two yards past the LOS.
  14. Agreed. Brown got away with one there as he was two yards past the LOS before Allen threw the ball. Brown did a good job of hustling back though.
  15. Sure, better awareness by Chubb would have been great, but he was adhering to a life long body of instinct as a running back; every fiber in his core says to get the ball over the goal line and score. Coaches simply have to take command in that situation to prevent that from happening. Absolutely inexcusable indeed. Right on the heels of the initial inexcusable gaffe of not taking a knee to end the game. Browns deserved what happened to them.
  16. There is simply no excuse for that and I put the blame on the coaches who should have reminded everyone of the game situation and demanded three kneel downs.
  17. Huh? I sarcastically responded to a post written in paragraph form that was as far away from 5-7-5 as can be, so I’m not sure what you’re referring to.
  18. I’m not sure, but I think this is too many syllables for a haiku.
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