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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. Silly man, he's a Democrat so all is forgiven.... Ironic how that is the very first bit of legislation Democrats EVER voted in favor of though in't it? All those Jim Crow laws they talk about were DEMOCRAT LAWS.
  2. You've brought up gerrymandering more than once. How does that possibly affect anything besides the House elections? It certainly has nothing to do with Senate, Potus, or Statewide elections. And the 2 worst states for it are Maryland and California which have been in Democrat control forever?
  3. WOW! I just ran totals and it looks like you could add together the entire south and still not equal to just NYS! DEATHS Florida 7402 N Carolina 2039 S Carolina 1847 Georgia 3921 Alabama 1695 Tennessee 1117 Kentucky 751 Louisiana 4051 Mississippi 1753 total 24576 New York 32801
  4. Yeah, cause comparing Cuomo 34 thousand deaths to DeSantis 74 hundred proves Cuomo is the winner huh?
  5. Yes, but in every other category, even given the Germany anomaly and the Cuomo bungle are pretty even.
  6. Since Libs have now switched over to concern about cases over deaths, I added them to the chart along with deaths per case, and deaths per population. Notice the death rate per case is a lot lower for us, while per population about the same. NATION COVID CASES TOTAL TESTS COVID DEATHS POPULATION DEATHS PER CASE DEATHS PER POPULATION UK 306,293 16,942,992 46,299 67,920,084 0.151159 0.00068 France 192,344 2,982,302 30,296 65,287,519 0.157509 0.00046 Germany 213,265 8,066,135 9,240 83,809,800 0.043326 0.00011 Italy 248,419 6,984,589 35,171 60,453,051 0.141579 0.00058 Spain 349,894 7,064,329 28,494 46,756,550 0.081436 0.00061 Belgium 70,648 1,743,265 9,852 11,594,464 0.139452 0.00085 TOTAL 1,380,863 43,783,612 159,352 335,821,468 0.115400 0.00047 USA 4,919,297 61,624,005 160,335 331,187,544 0.032593 0.00048
  7. I'm tired of hearing how badly Trump has handled this, and even seeing on the news how Europe did so much better I figured it was high time for a comparison. These numbers are current on the Worldmeter site as of 8/5 around 10am Eastern. I grabbed Western Europe nations to try and get close to our own population, without appearing to pick and chose. The numbers are really close to each other, with the US having a few more deaths however look at Germany who has done outstanding through this by comparison not only to us, but literally everyone else. Like us, their cases still appear to be going up, but deaths are going down. But if you take into account Cuomo incompetence on our side, this more than makes up for the anomaly so far in Germany NATION COVID DEATHS POPULATION UK 46,299 67,920,084 France 30,296 65,287,519 Germany 9,240 83,809,800 Italy 35,171 60,453,051 Spain 28,494 46,756,550 Belgium 9,852 11,594,464 TOTAL 159,352 335,821,468 USA 160,335 331,187,544
  8. Thousands of lives are affected by this tragedy, if not lost, and you all think it's a big joke? Is there any wonder why no one takes you seriously?
  9. Is this a new topic you piece of s***? Every single one of your SPAM threads can easily go into another thread.
  10. Megyn Kelly Lays Out What the BLM Is All About, And She’s Not Shy About It File)
  11. Really hard to tell, but looks like a smaller explosion, maybe a bomb? Sets off a larger gas explosion.
  12. The travesty of it all! Animal rights group offers $5,000 reward for information on who put 'Trump 2020' sticker on a bear
  13. Scared of muslims, scared of health care, scared of democracy, scared of strong women, scared of facts, scared of information, scared of the truth...could write all day! Don't mistake fear with disgust or disagreement.
  14. From the same article I linked above... Losing 1 of every 8 mail in ballots sent out I just can't view as a success under any circumstances
  15. 28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections
  16. MSNBC producer resigns from network with scathing letter: They block 'diversity of thought' and 'amplify fringe voices'
  17. Until Valhalla Marines and Corpsman.... Semper Fi! Marines and Corpsman from the AAV Accident
  18. But you see, according to the leftist ideal of unconscious bias by you're very assumption, that black and brown people don't have the ability or know how to go to the polls to vote, YOU ARE IN FACT PROVING YOUR OWN RACISM! That's not by any standard I've written, it was written by your very own WOKE generation
  19. So when pray tell did you attend seminary? I figure you must have to feel you have the wherewithal to judge another's faith. Please tell us?
  20. Cut and paste from Occupy Democrats? Seriously? Since you don't think links are important, I'll post if for you
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