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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. Easily top 10 for most ignorant rant of the year!
  2. Unlike you, I've actually read it and defended it.....
  3. Your right of course, but they won't let me use claymore mines along it so the wall is all we have left. And don't hank my chain with that "virtual wall" crap.
  4. Really? No wonder no one answers my posts over there anymore! Thanks for the heads up!
  5. It's sure a G** D***ed good thing I don't care about no ****, *******, ****, **********, list anyway!
  6. COOL!!! Maybe we'll get some James Taylor the night Kerry speak!
  7. He lied repeatedly and still continues to do so about the effectiveness of HCQ, as well as he overhypes the effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) of Remdesivir
  8. yup, from a state Biden was going to win anyway, with a claim of being black to win a vote he was probably going to win the majority of anyway?
  9. Just announced, the President's younger brother Robert Trump has passed away
  10. Isn't it nice to still have a REAL NEWS channel?
  11. And I wonder what names Trump has been called so far today.....
  12. But does it really matter at all? Think about it... Would it be any different if Cruz, Rubio, Paul, or even Bush were POTUS right now instead of Trump? Look back to the Bush admin with Pelosi and Reid? There has always been animosity between the parties, but it had never gotten to the level of hatred and shear lies those 2 fostered on Bush. Then along came Obama who even people like me who didn't vote for him hoped could actually heal the divide, but instead he drove that wedge deeper. Going in to the 2016 primaries though, does anyone else remember the stories of other campaigns besides Trump being spied on? At least 3 of the 4 I mentioned above had been targeted too it's just that Trump won, so he became the focus of the lies. If any of the others had won do you really think the Democrats weren't also prepared to attack them? Not at all... Only difference is Trump punches back and I'm not sure any of them would have but I hope their learning. Over the last 4 years we have seen what the Democrat Party has become. Lies, deceit, and divisiveness is all they have left of a once honorable party and it can only get worse unless they are held accountable. Just look at the paid schills we have even here on PPP. The Democrat Party will stop at nothing to gain power and it should disgust any honest American wrong side
  13. Yup! It was Trump who set all those fires and looted all those store. How the hell do you think he got rich? It couldn't have been through honest means we know because the lamestream news has told us so!
  14. But wait.... Didn't Joe tell us China wasn't a threat to us? And that Trump was a racist and shouldn't have shut down travel from China because of the Rona?
  15. To @Magox, you forgot to add: "I was too young to vote in 2016 and will still be too young this year." I'm just afraid your alienating too many of the progressive members here by not giving them a chance to vote.... As for me, yeah, I voted for Trump last time, and I even made the switch this year from Constitution Party (about the last 20 years) back to Republican and will of course vote Trump again this year. To me, the Democrat Party is now so morally and ethically corrupt I'm not sure I will ever vote for one again. As a Constitutional Originalist, I really expect the Democrats to try and declare the Constitution obsolete when they get the House, Senate, and POTUS back again. And I'll be damned if I will be a party to that, even at the lowest level of government. I will however be one of the marching on DC when it happens though... ?
  16. 50 is too young? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keisha_Lance_Bottoms I thought you were supporting AOC in 2024?
  17. All the front runners carry too much baggage, Bass, Rice, Harris, Warren that will make them a tough choice. I honestly think it will be Harris, but wouldn't be surprised to find a choice out of left field like the Atlanta Major, Keisha Lance Bottoms. Youth and inexperience (read no voting record) aside, she would be a fresh attractive face in the ring. I'm betting Biden is cursing himself the last couple weeks for promising a female running mate of color cause he limited the hell out of himself without thinking that promise through.
  18. Fauci Lied and People Died https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/08/bad_medicine_on_hcq_faucis_waterloo.html
  19. This one is crazy and true... If you work reduced hours; 32 instead or the regular 40; during this, you qualify for 8 hours of the normal state unemployment and you also get this entire 600.
  20. Well, if you take two and two and add them together once, you then have 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 and there you have my best impersonation of common core math....
  21. Nothing to see here..... Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess 1 out of 4 mail-in ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or other defects End debate.....
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