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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. 95? WOW? May God continue to Bless her! My Mom was 62, and Dad was 37 when I lost them, both after long illnesses. Not a day goes by I don't think of them.
  2. Prayers to you, my friend, I lost my dad over 30 years ago, miss him everyday, let your dad know how much he is needed, wanted and loved. ^^THIS^^ To any here that still has one or both your parents, love 'em while you've got them, cause some day you won't anymore.
  3. Can't even make up your own sayings just like other libs on this board. 3rd is correct, your grammar sucks so bad it's painful to read. Likewise, down here we expect people to be able to back up their claims instead of just throwing crap to see if it sticks I know, I know... tough on some libs so try reading it slow, it might help
  4. National Defense you f***ing idiot! EVERY nation in the world has borders! Are you trying to say our own national defense is only for wars half the world away? Why do I even engage such ignorance?
  5. And again, none of that declares voting to be a right
  6. Edify yourself, it might help your own bias
  7. If you had bothered to read it, you would have seen they LINK TO THE STUDIES! That's what I call lazy reader syndrome. https://c19study.com/
  8. Anyone can pick and chose on the internet and find stuff to support their bias. But what's more telling is you never looked at the post a little above yours by @B-Man, and now copied here just for you, that shows overwhelmingly that HCQ works
  9. The sad part is that 4 justices sided with the plaintiff. They attacked it on environmental grounds and are used to administrations like the Obama to give up (on purpose of course) once an activist court ruled against them. Team Trump keeps fighting.
  10. Where in the Constitution is this perceived right to vote? And don't point to the 15th, that only says can't be abridge or deny based on race
  11. And that's after Judicial Watch sued them following the 2016 election when they had 144% registered and promised to clean up the rolls as part of that settlement. Funny part is, that is also where Schiff and Waters district is if anyone is wondering how they win re-election....
  12. I have since I have friends that are HIV positive. You've done the same as many others and accepted bogus science. Can you get HIV or AIDS through saliva? Although HIV can be detected in saliva, it can't be passed to other people through kissing because a combination of antibodies and enzymes found naturally in saliva prevent HIV infecting new cells. How HIV is spread. The most common way that HIV is spread is through sexual intercourse, including oral and anal sex. Can you catch HIV from kissing? - NHS www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/3099.aspx?CategoryID=118
  13. THAT would actually be so cool! And confuse the schiff out of Antifa and BLM trying to get to Seattle Washington to join the riot!
  14. Yeah, makes you wonder why Little Cuomo wasn't arrested when he was out and about during his supposed battle with Rona doesn't it?
  15. That's been proven wrong repeatedly over the years. Saliva has enzymes that kill the virus
  16. That article is a total hack job! The Republicans have offered up FOUR proposals, all rejected by the Democrats including one that would have extended to 600 bucks on a weekly basis until a deal could be worked out. IT'S THE DEMOCRATS HOLDING UP A DEAL!
  17. But I'll bet he's still getting kickbacks from Pharma
  18. Not sure this has been shared here yet..... Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running 'misinformation campaign' against hydroxychloroquine "
  19. Was this before or after Vesuvius blew which of course had no affect on climate in the area... Well, except maybe Pompeii and a couple other small towns... But we know volcanoes have nothing to do with CO2 or any other greenhouse gas either.... So I'm sure it is OUR fault for denying global warming that the Med was warmer 2000 years ago!
  20. They're not quite as rude as yesterday, but still cutting off answers an awful lot. Funny to hear the Execs just continue to talk though, especially Bezos ? And Scanlon is worried about her constituents being able to get diapers? That is her main concern with these guys?
  21. Hell, let's compromise and just end ALL funding for schools
  22. You're a hate mongering racist aren't you? Admit it, you just want her to get back on the Democrat plantation where she belongs don't you?
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