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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. Don't think this has been posted yet: German study finds no evidence coronavirus spreads in schools
  2. I'm calling bullschiff on this. If you are only paid for 10 months, you would then qualify for unemployment for the other 2 months. Do you keep your benefits during those 2 months? Does your healthcare switch to Cobra automatically and then back?
  3. I stand corrected. I don't check it often but I just did when I saw this and while it's not a lot you're right, it is higher than pre-covid now. ?
  4. For the latest weekly update on the death toll from Rona. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html What this chart shows is that we have achieved NORMALCY so enough of this fear bullschiff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. 2 things about this... First, if there were, it would be the top story on every news channel because they couldn't help but to sensationalize it. Second, it sounds like they have been experimenting with platelets from people who have beaten it as a cure. That would be worthless if people didn't build an immunity.
  6. It's just a convenient and ignorant way for the left to say "the stock market crashed" and it's all Trump's fault! Ignoring the fact it is the biggest crash and turn around within a 6 month period in the history of the stock market. Not sure about y'all but my 401K is back where it was before Covid19 now and that's after an almost 20% drop
  7. MAN!!!! I love how you can find anything you want on the internet!!!!! I just googled and found out already what I did tomorrow! SWEET!!!!!! Has anyone mentioned George Soros owns a huge chunk of Wayfair yet? But there is still nothing to find here....
  8. What is it with these judges anymore? First Sullivan now her trying to find a way around a sentence/pardon/dismissal? Sorry, but that's not in their job description!
  9. If she gets bail I suspect she will be suicided or disappear within hours of release. Course I wouldn't disregard an arranged disappearance/suicide with a new ID in exchange for testimony either. Might be the best way to keep her alive too....
  10. My wife sat on a GJ for 6 months a while ago and in her own words, loved every minute of it. While she wasn't the foreman, or the backup, she was usually the one to get up and question the DA about the evidence, and sometimes, about the Constitutionality of how it was acquired. While no cases she reviewed were stopped from proceeding to trial, she did in fact have some evidence disallowed. When it was all over, the DA told her she had been a breath of fresh air because too often, the GJ was just a rubber stamp. There were even times when they presented their case to them that they just turned to her then and asked if she had any questions. For her, it was an excellent chance for her to see the justice system from the inside and she would do it again in a second! If we were younger, I suspect I would now be paying her way through law school... ?
  11. DO you mean like that illogical batshit crazy conspiracy crap over on the Trump Tax Return thread?
  12. You're right, preventative care is less costly, and that was one of the reasons Obama gave to help reduce the number of people going to the emergency room. However once the ACA was passed, the opposite happened. Emergency room visits actually increased since it was now covered and didn't require an appointment be made like your doctor office visits did.
  13. TikTok reportedly hires former aides to top Dems in face of potential Trump ban
  14. DO you have any evidence of this insurance fraud or is it speculation?
  15. SO basically, for the last 3 pages none of you added anything to the conversation, again... Been lot of stroking yourselves so I'll leave you with this.....
  16. Hell, I've had long hair in a pony tail, beard, and some people think I look somewhat crazy. I mean, sort of George Carlin crazy, not Jack Nicholson Shining type crazy. Been that way since I got married 30 years ago and the wifey won't let me cut either off..... Anyway, for most of that, I drove pick-ups or fast cars and got pulled over at least 3 times a year. Yeah, stereotyping for sure! Every ticket I ever got was a non-moving violation. Never even a speeding though I deserve one almost every time I get behind the wheel. ? Funny part is, I bought a hybrid three years ago for better gas mileage to and from work. I've passed cops doing 10 or 15 over, and never once been pulled over in that car. Could it be that now, in my CMAX, with the beard and pony tail, I'm viewed differently? But don't worry... I just transferred to only 6 miles from home, so that hybrid will go soon in favor of another pick-up, gun rack and all....
  17. THAT is complete bullschiff. Welfare is administered by the STATES, not the federal government who does actually pay for most of it though. And few if any states make you prove citizenship for government assistance. With roughly 20 million of them here, and it still illegal to hire them, how the f*** do you think they survive? I find it preposterous that companies are raided sometimes with illegals working there, and the business gets fined. The crazy part is that in some states it's illegal to even ask i they are here legally! Yeah, some work on stolen ID or under the table, but many are also on the government dole. Here is a source for the cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigration.
  18. If nothing else, listen to at the 1:20 mark. Cindy McCain, John's widow saying everyone knew what Epstein was doing? I want to know who the **** "everyone" is?
  19. Let's not let facts get in the way of hyperbole though. Notice this graph shows a seasonal baseline that includes Pneumonia and the flu along with Covid. Alas, it must suck seeing we are back to a normal baseline for deaths of these three COMBINED! https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
  20. I would have agreed on those 2 a couple months ago, but Cuomo is seriously damaged goods now because of the nursing home mess. But then, they're Democrats so many would vote for him anyway since he isn't Trump. Hell, I suspect about 45% of the country would vote for Howdy Doody just because #orangemanbad
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