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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. That entire article was ridiculous in it's assumptions. I'm sure if we look hard enough we can find something offensive to someone in just about anything. I suppose Master lock company should close their doors now?
  2. Didn't you just post something in another thread praising the Phoenix mayor? What happened between then and now?
  3. And once the new swine flu gets here it will of course be Trump's fault.... As for the plague, if I remember right, it was carried by rats that themselves were immune. So I think most Democrat officials are pretty safe from it...
  4. Interesting take of why so many people have no, or mild symptoms from Covid19. The basic argument seems sound. 60 - 90% of people had in the past been exposed to one of 4 previous coronaviruses and if exposed to this one, triggers an immunity memory which helps them fight off this one. Considering the number of cases is still increasing, while the death rate is still falling, perhaps there is some truth in this and we are indeed near herd immunity. Indeed also could explain how so many younger are getting it now, as they may never have been exposed to a Rona before.
  5. WOW! Who would have expected a Democrat Mayor to be so unkind speaking of a Republican President and Republican Governor?
  6. From the article: Isn't this how both Liberia and Sierra Leone came to be? Beginning in the early 1800s freed slaves were sent to these places IF THEY CHOSE TO GO. Obviously most CHOSE to stay instead. See what happens when you ignore or try to erase history? And edit for, Grand Master? Is this the black version of the KKK?
  7. Ruh-Roh.... Looks like the pneumonia/influenza/covid death rate has fallen to what would be considered "normal" according to the CDC. The black double line is what the CDC figures to be a normal rate of deaths from the 3 of pneumonia/influenza/covid. The red line is what we have actually seen. As you can see, the red and black have intersected which means if we stay on this normal curve the epidemic in our country is over. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
  8. Ruh-Roh.... Looks like the pneumonia/influenza/covid death rate has fallen to what would be considered "normal" according to the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
  9. Would this include re-opening mental hospitals that were closed in the 60s through early 80s?
  10. My thoughts exactly. If they allow her to bond out I doubt she get through a week before getting suicided and I would hope the courts, and her own legal team realize that.
  11. Black Lives Matter and Antifa might disagree with this....
  12. It's okay, because I reject and rebuke Kaepernick
  13. Flyover of DC on Fox News and Right Side of youtube now
  14. Sad July 4th as Liberty Hangout asks questions about Independence.
  15. If anyone remembers the stories of Antifa turning up in Gettysburg, either the stories were bogus, or they were scared away by the huge crowd of Patriots all over there.
  16. Every bit of this statement is wrong. First, there is nothing illegal about Gitmo, and secondly waterboarding is not torture except in the minds of whimps. As for the supposed violations of the Geneva, that is all also bullschiff and only proves how many people never read it. That is because the Convention was written as a guideline of how to treat UNIFORMED military prisoners of the NATIONS in combat. It even goes so far to describe people not in uniform as despicable and not covered by the Geneva. It even goes so far as to state that ANYONE not in uniform that choses to pick up arms against a side, can be held in prison with no charges, until 30 days after the end of all combat, and a winner is declared. They must then be either charged or released. No one in Gitmo wore a uniform, and most can't lay claim to defending their nation so 2 strikes against them And yes, for years the media was just lazy and reported he violated the Geneva. Too lazy because none of them ever picked it up to check
  17. With Carter a very close second
  18. No, you have proven yourself to be like others here. You B word and moan, and when people debate, or show you were wrong, you fall back the stupid ass memes. Don't bother responding, we're done....
  19. Reading comprehension must not be taught in school anymore huh?
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