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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. I'm with some others here... I too supported Cruz over Trump in 2016 but now see his best position to help for the future would be on the Court. I really think, as of now, the nomination in 2024 would be Nikki Haley's to lose. And we could certainly do a lot worse on the Dem side for the first woman POTUS as Nikki is more qualified than even the supposed over qualified Hillary.
  2. Excellent observations and I really look forward to what I'm sure will prove to be a very civil discussion that hopefully we can all learn from. To the bolded part, it looks like you have thoughts on the gold standard and I'm curious to know how you think this may have affected post Bretton Woods inflation and the loss of real wages.
  3. I read through it too fast, I stand corrected
  4. Can you prove these so called lies? Course he can't, since there aren't any lies in what she said....
  5. Forgot an option - NONE OF THE ABOVE Early on we were only testing people who showed symptoms due to fewer tests available. So in doing this, we were skipping the asymptomatic people, to take care of the ones showing symptoms. This skewed the numbers of elderly high simply because they were more probable to show symptoms. Now that literally anyone can get tested, as often as they want, we're beginning to see much more accurate numbers. We still however need to be more cautious around the elderly since they are still more apt to have troubles fighting this virus.
  6. That' pretty much what I meant about fixing our Immigration system. When it cost in the thousands, and can take years for people to come here legally, we are actually encouraging people to come illegally instead. Especially if we turn a blind eye towards them. Fixing the legal system wouldn't be an end all, but it would surely at leas help to get illegal immigration under control
  7. Dr Fauci? Seriously? He flipped so much during all of this he could be an gymnast!
  8. I say just wall them in. If evolution is true, one of them will eventually be a doctor. Problem is that there will also be a lawyer and politicians.... If they survive long enough...
  9. So much for the mayor's Summer of Peace and Love I guess....
  10. I'll just leave this one here:
  11. Kansas man faces 1,245 years in jail after spraying town with manure I was going to put this in the what have Dems done lately thread, but decided here was better.
  12. This young lady gives me hope for the future
  13. Some of those tweets by the Dems are absolutely disgusting!
  14. Well said! I think everyone here can agree, we still have a lot of work to do as a country, but some wish to just blow it up and start over again which is where the disconnect comes from I think. We are still the greatest country in the history of the world, even with the work we still have ahead of us. But your right, to some of us that Flag; the Colors, stands for everything GOOD about this country. And by God when I hear Taps and the Anthem it sends chills down my spine to this day... The meaning to me is similar to the old Spartan saying to come home carrying their shield or on it For our Flag it's the Pledge to come Home carrying the Flag, or under it....
  15. Semper Fi, and Peace to You and Yours Brother
  16. Why stop at the first verse? Our flag's unfurled to every breezeFrom dawn to setting sun;We have fought in every clime and placeWhere we could take a gun;In the snow of far-off Northern landsAnd in sunny tropic scenes,You will find us always on the jobThe United States Marines.Here's health to you and to our CorpsWhich we are proud to serve;In many a strife we've fought for lifeAnd never lost our nerve.If the Army and the NavyEver look on Heaven's scenes,They will find the streets are guardedBy United States Marines. So I guess it's where ever our Flag is unfurled even unto the Streets of Heaven. I'm a Marine
  17. I love that she said she tried to scare him by shooting at the floor but missed the floor!
  18. Don't ASSUME to know what any military member or veteran fought for, or died for. I'm sick and tired of that bullsh1t line. That very Flag is the Symbol of this Nation, and THAT is what we serve for, fight for, and some died for!
  19. I would have thought that would be essential services?
  20. Not sure why it might be implausible myself. Both MERs and SARs were also coronaviruses that also just disappeared after time. A bit longer, 1 to 2 years, but I've seen nothing to suggest this one wouldn't do the same thing.
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