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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. Why do you hate women @Tiberius? According to WHO, 70000 women a year die due to unsafe abortions. All this bill does is assure that if something goes horribly wrong, thew woman can get the medical attention they need, to hopefully survive this trauma. And you stand against it?
  2. I posted a story a few weeks ago about this and here is a new one. THis could also answer the question above as to why the EU has less cases than we do now. The virus was there first, so if this hold true, it not only explains the lower mortality rate here now, but also tells us we will soon have less cases as well... https://www.foxnews.com/world/italian-doctor-says-coronavirus-weakening-may-disappear-on-its-own-report
  3. Again, that still doesn't make your lie the truth, not to the people who can know better
  4. Seriously? Did you really just call Thomas Sowell a hack?
  5. Yup, NAZI's used that as well to try and convince. Goebbels is most often crediting with the saying, "repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth" Democrats should be proud of carrying on that work through you on this board, and Pelosi on the Hill with her wrap up smears
  6. Looks like Israel has found a cure... https://www.theyucatantimes.com/2020/05/israel-announces-antibody-that-neutralizes-coronavirus-even-amongst-infected/?fbclid=IwAR2fwXBaW2MgzNRyHOWkQJ22L8YrBosFkFbcUmv7khBkxhwr-RapO-JNVc8 So confident, they have lifted all mobility restrictions in their country now
  7. I hope not.... the way this year has started out, I really don't think they will have the patience for those idiots like they did in 2016 and it won't end well for them
  8. I know... Joe would rather cower and live in fear like you than to actually, you know....lead?
  9. Yeah, and everyone knows Joe Biden would have easily brought in more people for one of his rallies huh?
  10. You really need to study up on your candidate. Here, I'll help..... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=biden+plagiarism+scandal&atb=v168-1&ia=web
  11. my bad.... I could start making sh1t up like they do but have an issue with truth...
  12. Sorry, should have posted a link... Texas has a really good dashboard here: That graph is the fatality trends tab
  13. Texas curve can't get much flatter than this....
  14. Good thing the death rate is still plummeting though huh?
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