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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. States of emergency are way overused nowadays, as are "winter storm warnings" and "severe thunderstorm warnings" The Bills/Colts game from a few years ago would never happen today.
  2. Atlanta has a ton of offensive skill players and the #8 overall pick this year. Plus a pathetic division. Imagine having a top 10 pick but also being in the playoff hunt in week 17 for a division title! That would be my destination. Good owner also who seems pretty hands off and willing to spend. Anything in the AFC is brutal. Burrow will be back, and now we know the Browns are legitimately good. Chiefs will get weapons for Mahomes. Rodgers will be healthy, and the Jets won 7 without him. Anything could happen but the AFC will be a real grind. NFC? There's like 3-4 good teams a lot of meh. If the goal is to get to Super Bowls the road is way easier in the NFC.
  3. Bill should hold tight to see if Dallas or Philly opens up. Either one could fire the coach if they lose. Dallas would be the best job open. Loaded roster, rich owner who loves to spend, weak division, weak conference. Raiders is, IMO, the worst. Loaded division with Reid/Mahomes, Sean Payton, Justin Herbert then the Raiders, who can be plucky and tough and whatever but will always be competing for the wild card round. Atlanta would also be a great spot, maybe better than Dallas. You can be 5-10 and still in the hunt for that division.
  4. so much of this is mental, really The more you build it up as a big thing the more you'll notice it. I do a lot of work outside in the winter and thee ae days where I'm out working on something in the weather and don't even realize it's 5 or 10 degrees out. In fact, I'm out there sweating and wanting to take my hat off. Then there's days where it's 25 and I'm more aware of the cold and take more precautions expecting it to to feel cold, and surprise! It does.
  5. the most dangerous part of the cold is Dolphins players acting all tough saying they won't wear sleeves, Tua saying he isn't going to wear any gloves, etc. That's just pride messing with you. Dress for the conditions and once the game starts you'll be fine. But be dumb and expose your arms and hands to that type of cold to prove a point is amateur hour.
  6. worst Super Bowl ever... if you watch the replay on NFL's YouTube channel, players were even yawning on the sidelines! LOL Wasn't it 3-0 going into the 4th quarter?
  7. Belichick knew how to push Brady's buttons and Brady was a guy who dedicated his life to winning Super Bowls and was willing to take the abuse and being dressed down in front of his team on a regular basis because in the end he just wanted the W's Very very few QBs could have done that for very long, especially once he became established. It set a tone for the entire team and made everyone buy in. Imagine the tremendous peer pressure to not screw up when Tom Brady is being ripped apart like a rookie walk on and he's taking it and putting in the work.
  8. Maybe it's just me, but you don't really see kids outside playing much anymore. Very young kids maybe, but once the first Xbox is purchased forget about it. I can't remember the last time I saw a football game being played in the park or in a field somewhere. We would have done the same, so no judgement there. But when we were kids growing up in the sticks there was nothing else to do, so you went outside and found some way to have fun. When your world is frozen farm fields covered in snow and all you've got is a football or basketball (which is no good in the slipery weather) you play football and try to catch with gloves on!
  9. now do Andy Reid with and without Mahomes
  10. hopefully the big man will be ready to roll if we make it to the next round!
  11. thank you! I figured he would be ready fairly soon
  12. kickers are headcases like goalies... Kicking at the NFL level is almost all a mental game. Every single NFL kicker has the leg needed to make just about any kick he would reasonably be asked to attempt. Bass will be fine... kicking league wide is shaky
  13. exactly! Cold is not that dangerous if you're properly dressed. Plus once it gets to a certain point what's the difference? 10 degrees or 0 degrees is cold and you're just going to feel cold either way. 40 and 30, much bigger difference. Heat there is nothing you can do, except stand in the shade while 300 pound men on the other team stand in 120+ degree heat in full football pads I just read through the thread a bit, and actually most of the people posting seem to be saying it's football, suck it up. That and (correctly) pointing out how the Dolphins controlled their own destiny and have themselves to blame
  14. speaking of the big men up front, any news on Jordan Phillips?
  15. I hope they activate big Linval Joseph for this one... Lots of run game= bring in the big man
  16. I love the intensity Diggs shows on the field. Some interpret it as he's unhappy but I just see a stone cold assassin at WR who is just a very intense guy
  17. Sounds like Mayo had something put in his contract making him the successor last off-season.
  18. Draft position means nothing once the games start. Brady was 10x the QB either of those guys were, and that might be low. By the time Alex Smith got to KC he was a reclamation project, and it was Reid who helped him reach his ceiling. I would take Brady and 3 mediocre WR over either of those guys and 3 great WR. And that's coming from a guy who couldn't stand Brady. Brady went to Tampa in his mid 40's and played better with a totally new coaching staff than he ever had for a couple seasons before the wheels finally came off. I was surprised and saddened to see it, but it shows what an advantage having him was. You're right though that we haven't seen the whole story of either guy's career. We don't know for sure how long either will coach. If Reid retires in the next few years he won't have enough hardware and wins to make it a real discussion, but #2 of all time might be a conversation depending on circumstances. Still, I think if current trends hold and Reid sticks with coaching until he's the age Belichick is now, this is going to be a popular debate in 5-6 years when you look at the entire picture.
  19. Rooney Rule question: I was reading that now you must interview TWO external minority candidates for a HC job. Does that mean the Raiders couldn't just name Antonio Pierce the permanent HC if they wanted to?
  20. Andy Reid, especially once another 4-5 years have gone by. IMO he isn't retiring until he's at least 70, so that's another 5 seasons after this one. If Bruce Arians could keep going standing there beet red with his goofy cap and power packs strapped to his chest in his early 70's then Reid can too. Reid has 258 wins now. If Reid averages 11 wins a season he will tie Shula in 6.3 years, when he is 71. So by the end of his 71 year old season he will be the winningest coach of all time, or an extremely close #2 to Belichick. Yes, Belichick is ahead of Reid in wins as of now, but Belichick is also quite a bit older (71 vs 65). Assuming Reid coaches until he is the age Belichick is now he will have not only surpassed the number of wins Belichick has today, he will quite likely have also surpassed Shula. He will likely have at least 1 more SB win than he does now. He is already the only coach in NFL history to be the winningest head coach for 2 different franchises. He's already appeared in 4 Super Bowls, winning 2. He has a huge and successful coaching tree. He was in the top 10 all time in HC wins before he ever met Mahomes. Assuming Reid continues to coach into his 70's the ONLY thing Belichick will have over him is # of rings 6 vs ___? If it's 6 rings vs 3 but Reid is ahead of him in all time wins and his assistants are successful HC all over the league at the end then it's a real debate. Without Brady, Belichick has been meh. Without Mahomes, Reid was already a top 10 winningest HC of all time and had been to a Super Bowl with McNabb and the Eagles.
  21. Agreed and if you're the owner of a team and your HC wants to be somewhere else it's better to do a "mutual parting" whereby the coach doesn't just get free $ to go but he has his freedom. I wouldn't be shocked if there was back channel pressure from the league about not trying to trade head coaches, because it sort of makes a mockery of the Rooney Rule.
  22. I'm convinced the Titans fired Vrabel to accommodate him but don't want to look like that was the reason.
  23. Wow is this an insane coaching cycle! What a time to be looking though
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