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Everything posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Call timeout Detroit misses FG All of a sudden you have like 25 seconds and a Detroit team that thought they won having to go play.
  2. If you were a KC or neutral fan that was an all time epic game
  3. Tampa should have taken a timeout after 3rd down. 30 seconds were left on the clock
  4. I get the math and all but going for 2 there is just as likely to put your own team under pressure
  5. I think Jason Kelce hasn't announced yet because they want to do it together. Edit: in reference to Travis Kelce retiring
  6. It's amazing when a team takes the opening kickoff and goes down to score and it's 7-0. The other team is playing catch-up all game. However it also happens often that they go 3 and out and now the other team has good field position and the chance to double dip. I would almost always defer, unless I was playing a team like Baltimore where getting up on them early could possibly rattle them a bit and force them out of their game.
  7. Bad news for the Browns is Watson will be back He hasn't been good since the 2020 season. That's 4 years ago this fall.
  8. The simple solution is to say no interviews or hires until after the Super Bowl. Push the combine and draft a couple weeks. It only affects coaches and front office people. There's plenty of time. NFL off-season is already 3 years long! And teams like the Patriots can give their coaches vacation for most of January and February.
  9. Plus the Ravens totally shut down Stroud and the offense all day. Texans only TD was a punt return
  10. Bills 30 Chiefs 20 BUT it will be Bills up 23-20 until someone on D gets a pick 6 to end it!
  11. If they can get into the tournament you just never know. Green Bay was a couple plays away from the NFC title game
  12. Happy for Pierce. It's also weird to be old enough now to have watched guys play and then go on to become HCs
  13. It's not impossible. That team is pretty loaded. But AFC is so much harder of a road, mostly to get to the playoffs. Their OL needs some serious work though.
  14. Rodgers should have 2-3 rings easily. He's been a no show in the playoffs so often. I remember people saying Peyton Manning choked in the playoffs but he had a winning record vs Brady in the AFC title game and went to 4 Super Bowls, winning 2 with 2 different teams. Rodgers only getting to one is a huge disappointment.
  15. Packers underestimated I think. They are going to be a force in the future with all those young guys.
  16. What a game! Green Bay showed some incredible guts tonight.
  17. I think they'll chuck it deep which could give them DPI again
  18. I thought they let him score until I saw the reaction from #93 on the Packers
  19. Bosa and Parsons invisible 2 weeks in a row. That's nice work
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