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Everything posted by simpleman

  1. And maybe certain arrogant posters on here should just say you worded it wrong instead of being insulting. How about spending some time learning to be decent human beings instead of spending so much time being arrogant and insulting. Yes, I messed up the title and did not explain the process thoroughly enough. There is no need to be arrogant and insulting to posters. Thank you Kirby for deciphering my thoughts perfectly from my too hasty a written post.
  2. Check out the playoff standings. We should all be rooting against Denver. Denver could be headed for a top 5 pick in the 2018 draft. Bundling a 2nd round with our KC 1st and TT and trading with Denver might get us a decent QB prospect, maybe not first tier, but the cream of the 2nd tier.
  3. Now you confuse me, I thought Whaley was fired this year, not years ago. But yes, this is like all the Dareus haters because the Bills are notorious at writing really bad contracts.
  4. Excuse me. Revival? He had the most targets in the game. Yet he only caught 3 of 10. He dropped 7. All the other targets caught all their targets or missed just 1 in the game. He has not been very reliable or productive. I'm not calling him a bust, but he has yet to prove himself as a reliable hands guy and has not been very good at getting separation. He at this time has a long way to go as proving he could be a credible number 3. He did not bother to drag his feet to stay in bounds, even though he had a well placed ball. That pass would have been caught by most NFL caliber players.
  5. Okay try to use those "facts" that "are" which prove we are getting better, not just moving forward. If the motion is just moving forward, time itself moves us forward. It does not necessarily make you better. Just your gut feelings or beliefs are not a fact. Exactly what concrete, qualitative measurement of fact proves we are definately getting better. Feelings and beliefs are not convincing facts. Make me a believer.
  6. Not surprising. But I doubt that it will really matter in the won / loss columns. With the mess at the right side of the Oline we failed to address in the off season. With our Oline coaching and scheme, any QB is doomed to fail. Our WR talent is weak beyond our two new rentals. Which QB we start will not make injured players suddenly heal. The Bills have devastated the talent level on the DL and the LBs with losses, age and foolish trades. The only bright spots left on the D are the corners and the safeties. The QB we choose will not magically fix our putrid D. It will not make our D suddenly remember how to tackle. It will not make our Oline learn how to block and protect. It will not polish the old turds we have in Vlad and Mills, or turn an old career backup RB like Tolbert into a young productive stud. Our player personnel beyond our kicker and our backfield are worse than even last year. We acquired a bunch of good old boy buddies from management's and coach's former teams that are not building the team for the future. At this point, the season is over from mismanagement and a highly questionable belief in future pipe dreams. I do think we should give NP one last chance later in the season to show he actually isn't the steaming pile he appeared to be in the last half he played in.
  7. Thank you for sharing something informative and educational!
  8. Ever heard of the term "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" after you piloted the ship into an iceburg. Go MickyD & Bennie!
  9. I don't think you understood what the OP was saying. It was not about Dareus as a person, it was about the fact that after making such a big deal that the management was committed to winning now and was " all in", and that the players had to be just as "all in" and committed as management was for the "system" to work. At a point where the team appeared to have a real chance of finally getting to the playoffs this year, management basically tossed Dareus in the garbage can and got nothing in return. It was a message that management was not "all in" for this season. They betrayed the players about being "all in". Dareus may have not been "all in" and not playing up to his contract, but the players knew Dareus was still making an important impact and helping the players win. He was a weapon they needed, and he was simply unceremoniously trashed without being replaced with another weapon at least equal to what he was, even at the diminished level he was playing at. If they had brought in a weapon at least equal to what he provided, it might have been different, but they didn't. It is hard to be "all in" when you are betrayed by a management showing they expect you to be "all in", when they clearly have shown they are not interested in holding up their side of the "all in" bargain. It is about the message they sent to the players and the timing of when they sent the message. They said to the defensive players "Even though you were winning and fulfilling your side of the bargain, we have decided to quit on you this year, and you are on your own. We are on to next year and our long term rebuild."
  10. Hey, having to constantly hear all the posters here "preaching" about " the process" is the BB equivalent of having Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on my door 10 times a day, 7 days a week. Have you ever spent the day around a person who says "you know" after every sentence, then you would realize exactly how irritating it is. It is not about the game, it is about the constant preaching here ruining my "source of entertainment".
  11. I am never going to be able to understand the individuals here who believe in "the process" and have this blind optimism for the future despite history and the cold hard facts. They approach Fandom like most approach religion. I don't believe in "the process" based on pure hope and faith anymore than I could accept the statements from my ministers to my every serious question about religion in my teenage years with "you just have to have faith" How has having "faith" worked out for us the past 17 years and counting?
  12. I still stand by my preseason prediction for the Bills. Anywhere from 7-9 to 9-7. 8-8 is right in the middle of it. Sadly we were there with Rex already, so I don't see this team as advancing at all. We picked up a great defensive backfield, but lost so much talent on the rest of the team, and our OL seriously regressed. Beyond the defensive backfield gains we did gain with Hauschka, the other bright spot moving forward.
  13. OMG quoting Daily Caller is like quoting the political equivalent of the National Enquirer. Alien babies, secret invasions, crazy plots and all kinds of made up circus sideshow freaks. LOL. Move along here, nothing to see.
  14. They are two separate issues. Gilmore simply was too expensive for what the Bills felt his value was. I highly doubt that at the time they decided to let Gilmore walk they already were planning on trading down and drafting Tre. I think we may have still drafted Tre even if we had kept Gilmore. Luckily for the Bills, Tre so far has turned out to be a great value. There was no guarantee Tre would be so good, so soon, as a rookie. You win some, you loose some when making draft choices. I think the trading of Darby is more related to Tre's play than the drafting of Tre being related to the Bills not being willing to overpay Gilmore.
  15. Releasing 3 marginal players Vlad, Davis and Holmes gives you 3 Million more cap next year and gets you an extra 3rd round draft pick to use as a pick next year or to bundle to draft your QB you hope will be your franchise QB. It will not make or break the chances of getting a wild card this year. None of them are someone a legitimate contender would have as a starter or should factor in a team's plan as starters in the future.
  16. We trade a multi time pro bowler, at a ridiculous dead cap figure, for a very late round pick, but won't release 3 almost scubs for a 3rd. Oh. I sense a serious ego over intelligence issue with this team. But no one ever accused of this team's management of being overly intelligent. All hail the egotistical "process" and blind loyalty to the "process"!
  17. Watch it. The "process" believers here don't like logical statements that point out the inconsistency and faults in the thinking behind the mythical, almighty "process".
  18. We will see. I am not arguing with you. I am saying the logical move is to wait till the end of the season and evaluate each the players based on their performance with this team and their value to the team. If it is not worth it, move on. Let the season play out as it does, just don't rush into premature judgements.
  19. I don't deal in the past under other different circumstances. It does not matter what he did in the past. Would you judge the value of Hughes to the Bills based on his past with his previous team. Performance can go either way after a trade. Look at Dareus's record over his first contract with the Bills. Then compare his record the past two years. How about the Bills re-signing Fitz to a big contract too soon. It is better to wait. I don't deal in hope and dreams, I deal in the performance in the now. Let him prove it with the Bills before you jump too soon.
  20. He has yet to prove he deserves the Woods type money he will require. And he has not yet performed even at the level of Woods for the Bills. I give him the rest of the year to prove it. Everyone is penciling in Zay as a top 3, he has not proven he belongs there. I am not calling him a bust or saying release him, I'm just saying he has not proven he deserves to be in the top 3. I again give him the rest of the year to prove something. Benjamin has not played one game yet for the Bills. Let us see what he brings to the Bills when he gets on the field. Beyond them there is no one who has proven they are much more than depth. So far Thompson has had one decent game. I see the WR position as far from set at this point. Ask me again after Christmas. I would release Holmes in a heartbeat for a 3rd round pick. The deadline for that is approaching, is it not?
  21. You are assuming that the Oline was just lazy and that was the problem. I think the problem is not lack of effort, it is lack of skill and talent. Expecting Mills and Ducasse to suddenly acquire talent that they never had seems unreasonable. Who knows what we actually have in Dawkins , he is still a "to be determined" rookie. I see it more a fact of the failure of management to acquire decent talent and with various coaches who are just not very good at their jobs. Miller was showing talent and improving until this coaching staff and scheme failed at sledge hammering his round peg into an inflexible square hole. I believe he will again thrive when he is on another team with better coaches and schemes than he has had this year in Buffalo.
  22. As someone mentioned, he might have been "overdrafted" but he is in no way a bust. He is a solid contributor to the defense. He is not in any way part of the problem with the team.
  23. We need a big DL up the middle who can run block and pull double teams, be a pro bowler like oh …. We need a speedy WR with good hands who can make great catches and go deep and on the outside, run good routes like oh …. We need a good RB for a change up to McCoy like that guy in NE We need another quality corner for special formations and for depth. If we can’t resign our rental CB, EJ, we will also need another starter at corner. Would have been nice to have a quality CB sewed up for another year or two at a low price We need a right OL and a right OG, just like last year We probably will need a Kyle replacement if he retires We might be able to wait a year, but Richie is getting up there in age and need to think about grooming a replacement We still need a Franchise QB like we have since oh, when we had that Kelly guy We need pretty much quality depth at all positions …. But hey we have all that “character” on our team and all that trust in the mysterious all mighty “process” We are really going to need this draft to be very successful since we have 19 million in dead cap money that we can’t use to get talent in free agency Lucky we have such an experienced veteran HC and GM to guide us through all this
  24. Fact: Whaley was with the Bills since 2010 as assistant manager. He became GM within days of the trade for Hughes in 2013. He was already defacto GM, since Nix was already on his way out long before he officially left. I challenge you to highlight exactly where in my post I stated Sean did not have anything to do with Hyde, I stated it could have been Whaley or Sean. I never mentioned Brandon, but Brandon was not with the team till May 9th.. The draft was held in April. He could not have been involved in the selections in the 2017 draft. I may be incorrect on this fact, but I believe Brandon was still a Carolina employee at the time of the draft. To be employed by a team while making a decision for a competitor would be a serious ethical violation. You are seriously uniformed, unable to deal in facts, and have an inability to either read or comprehend even simple statements. Please consider quitting before you further embarrass yourself. You may have your opinions, but they are definitely not backed up by any legitimate facts whatsoever. It is great that Hyde was signed by whoever actually did it. He deserves all the credit he gets for his play.
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