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Everything posted by AthensThunder

  1. You guys are something else. Tasker is usually the only one in the booth that knows what is really going on.
  2. Sullys been found!!! He is on Mike Schoop's roof. He went there to talk Mike down from the roof but ended up losing the argument. Now they are both up there crying their eyes out,wondering what they could possibly say next week to the fans.
  3. I don't remember seeing him last year. Is there any film links .I don't know how I could have missed a 355 lb guy in a game.
  4. Why not add the O-line and the rest of the D_line. You can never have too many there for the coin toss.
  5. Do you have a link or any presentable proof of this statement or are you just blowing smoke out your butt?
  6. So you think Hairston was very very good.The guy that played next to him most of the night made no mistakes so then he must have been very very very good. You also think White is as good as Fredie.Does that make Hall the best back on the team? They threw at Corner early and often and they only got a couple of completions.So defending three times as many passes as he missed on puts him in the bad section. What I saw was Thigpen was awfull Eastly wasn't.
  7. You can probably meet half the team limping around outside the stadium.
  8. I know that the GMs get the credit and the blame because they pull the trigger in the draft,but they do so with the info gathered by the scouting department. I believe that one of the reasons we have drafted so poorly for a while now is because of a poor scouting department. I believe Nix figured this out and completely revamped this department. I have very high hopes that going forward we will have our best drafts in years and years. If that isn't a positive,I don't know what is.
  9. Look,forget Shawn.Its sad but his disability is greater than his ability.Only a miricle could put him on our 53.
  10. I don't know.2 weeks ago Bell was set in stone and Pears wasn't worthy to play an NFL game. This week Pears is doing OK and Bell is treading water. Now I happened to see at least one play where Bell was just standing in space as a DE i think just ran right past him to the QB. The last time I saw anything that bad was when John Fina played. Now I would like all you scouts to decide one way or the other,or better yet let the PRO whose job it is to figure it out make his changes while we watch and see if anything gets better.
  11. I don't really care what you believe.Ralph could have moved the team more than a couple of times and been in a position to make am lot more money. And the next time you go up to the teller to pay for your seats,curse Ralph for having the lowest prices for seats.Imagine the money he could make just raising the ticket price just $10 each. Oh ya and the team is still in Buffalo.
  12. Who cares,,,? Its just preseason and the Refs are knocking the rust off too.
  13. It sure was an ugly show,I'll give you that. The way I look at it is that Chan has 90 players that he has to cut to 53. There was no game planning for either side of the line. I know it doesn't mean much but if you check out the box scores you will see that we lead in almost all catagories.
  14. I do believe that what you see is the product of our scouting department.It just wasn't evaluating players with the right tools and we ended up not getting the value we needed when we drafted. Nix idenified the problem and completely restructured the whole department. Hopefully this will be a big help in our future drafts.
  15. Why didn't Batten-2 sacks and Heard - 1 sack look good to you???
  16. No no no,haven;t you been reading ESPN or any of the other "experts" The only D-Line anyone is going to worry about is Detroits line.
  17. No no no.All off season the experts and professional scouts and coaches proclaimed Heard to be a scrub. You can't come here johnny come lately and say good things about him.Its against the rules on this message board.
  18. OK if thats the way you want it.I'm pointing my finger at you and telling the world that the last 5 huge screw ups at your company were because of you and you alone.Don't give me any cr*p about you not being there,according to you it doesn't matter.
  19. Who was he going one on one with?
  20. I'm sick and tired of the "my team sucks" people When asked why they feel that way most of them start by saying "well last year" This is exactly the wrong thing to say about this years team. This year we will have 7-10, new players on our team,and yes it is a team sport. If you have a better player next to you,it frees you to be better. Last year Fitz didn't get first team reps in OTAs and training camp. Merriman was injured.Poz couldn't cover recivers.Whitner couldn't cover. This year's yeam will be filled with new and better players. To that list,add Dareus,Jasper and Heard.
  21. Last night in his FIRST practice Chandler caught 2 td passes. After watching that Gailey said he is going to get him more involed in his up coming game plans.
  22. Just like when I go to an ethnic resturant,if I can't pronounce it I don't want it.
  23. Tebow was going to be a project.Everybody knew this including Denver.They gave him some trash games last year and they will contiue to coach him. In the background however is John Elway who thought that the pick was a wasted use of a valuble pick which he would never have done. If you have an ememy that big in the shadows,his time is limited.
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