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Everything posted by AthensThunder

  1. What a sad post.I feel real bad for you that you look at life from a dark place. See you could have asked who were the 5 best.Then people could talk about their favorite bill and he would be happy and the rest of us would be happy But no,you ask a dark hatefull depressing question like its what makes you feel good. Not every playerr is a pro bowler.Some pro bowlers are not that good and some players have to try to excel with the weight of the death of a mother or a son like Maybin. Take off those bad dark glasses the world can have a little sunlight in it if you let it.
  2. What on earth would Ralph's motivation be in this weird suggestion??? What continually gets left out of these strange suggestions is that Ralph could have made hundreds of millions more had he moved this team years ago. He may have hired the wrong people to coach and manage this team,but he has always maintained Buffalo Bills in Buffalo. You would have to be most ignorant to not see that simple fact.It is also very understandable to know that Ralph enjoys owning the Buffalo Bills.It is a personal pride for him which is why he hasn't sold it already.Why would he as he doesn't need the money? So I have no understanding of why anyone would suggest we are going to lose The Bills to Toranto. Moving a few games there is on the other hand a very sound business transaction on several important levels none of which involve moving the team there.
  3. Well I see a win in KC and both Miami games but I see a loss in Wash,Dallas and Denver.So that would be 4-12. We might get lucky in at lkeast one game so that would be 5-11. Remember that this team will have a ton of rookies and 1st year guys. I see us picking 8 or 9. I do think we will see many exciting plays this year indicating our fairly new team has talent it just needs experience.
  4. OK is Stevie going to the pro bowl???? I don't thinki so.Is he going to grab 1000 again???I don't think so,but the monkey is off his back and you will see around 700 yards as his standard.It could be more if Evans don't take the next step.Plus we now have another 3-4 guys that are going to pull in about 1500 yards unless both Evans and Easley have great years then it will be more like 2500-3000 yards. Now as far as the drops go there is another thing to put into the conversation.That is Fitz and what a lot of us say quietly and that is he needs to step up and get more accurate. Yes I know that there were some chest bouncers but being a foot to a foot and a half off mark too. As far as asking about a dropped game changing pass,that question should go to Ronnie Harmon.
  5. I think Whaley is a hard working dedicated,and intelligent guy. I just think that putting all the college and Pro personal is a bit much for any one guy. Some of this is a rweaction to the Modrak situation but its still too much.
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