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Everything posted by AthensThunder

  1. Oh I don't know.The two San Diego games and the Rams vs Hawks games look like Yawners too but the rest are good to watch for Various reasons.
  2. Its kinda like when Oakland tried to hide a 355 lb tackle on their PS.
  3. Thought I was going to read an interesting thread.Then I saw who wrote the article and the reaction in me was NEXT!!! What a waste he is.
  4. Thank you a whole lot.I'm another out of towner that wishes he were there. Your reporting is so great.Its detailed.Please keep up the good work. I am totally focused on the "D" this year.I love that Batten and Jasper are going full out so far. I would also like to know what Merriman and Heard are doing. I'm dreaming of a Dareus,Jasper,Heard goal line stand coming up this year.
  5. Smith and Nesbitt=camp compitition for something going on!!!!
  6. Something is going on!!!!! Smith and Nesbitt!!!! Gailey has some idea planned.
  7. Actually before anything was done at St.John Fisher,They asked Buffalo if there would be any problem. They were told it would be no problem so they went ahead and did their changes. I fail to see how any new agreement would hinge on the new set up especially if they were told there would be no problem.
  8. Just hold a block for 3 seconds,,,,HmmmmmmmmmmmmmI really would like to overhear a conversation between you and say Wood or you and Chan maybe. Being clueless is one thing but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,You are at a whole nuther level.
  9. Just curious ,which O-line are you refering to.The one we started with,the 3 or 4 we had in the season or the one we ended up with??? Another thing is just how many linemen do you know that can be dropped into a game without knowing the offense at all?Again just curious.
  10. You could start living like that now.All you have to do is to walk into any bank with a gun and the state will put you in the kind of guarded community that you desire.
  11. Maybe the FCC can pay the taxes that the people in the county pay for the upkeep of The Ralph. That way they would have a ligitimate claim on the power to "black out " a game to THE PEOPLE .
  12. Hey,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hey,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are we there yet,,,,,,,,,Hey are we there yet,,,,,,,,,,no really are we there yet,,,,,,,,,,,,,I wanna know,I'll hold my breath!111,,,,,,,,,,,,no really are we there yet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hey are we there yet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are we almost there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Are we there yet
  13. Maybe I missed somethingbut he did say he was flying in and flying out. Do any of those lots that are mentioned let you park a freakin plane?????????? Maybe he is going to rent a car but if he is doing that,he might as well take a cab and then make arrangements with the cab to be picked up and taken to the airport.Maybe there is an airport shuttle,don't know.have to find out then.
  14. This has been a sore point for a long time especially considering the tax that the county people are taxed for the stadium. I have long insisted that you build a fan base by tv appearances. Its hard to judge one city from the next.62900 people floor for Buffalo may be fine for Buffalo but not for say Dallas. I also remember seeing seats covered by canvas eliminating them from counting toward the blackout number. Each stadium has a seating capasity.If you sell out 85% of that number that should get you out of a blackout situation in my opinion. My overall opinion is that blackouts do not insure sell outs especially for bad teams.I think blackout are more of a hinderance in building a fan base so the leagure is cutting their own throats with this stupid policy.
  15. Colin Brown is BIGGEER and stronger and doesn't play with his sister.
  16. Carefull there buddy.You came awful close to saying its a team sport and all us posters know how wrong that is!
  17. OK ! You got me all confused!!! Are you Mad because we don't have an all pro line,,,,or are you Mad because we now have a better line than we started last year with. God forbid that we pick up some more talent durning the year that are not household names because they are young.
  18. Are they talking about the O-Line we started with,or the O-Line in the middle of the year,or the O-line we ended up with. There were not a few but several O-Lines for the Bills. We also had more than a few who had no knowledge of the offense when they were thrown in We now have one of the youngest O-lines in the league.We are consuderably bigger and stronger.
  19. I too think you tend to be a little generous with your grades.If you were a teacher the kids would love you. Here are some of my thoughts for the coming year. First,I believe our TE situation will be a lot better this year as the two guys that Nix got late in the year have some good roots before they got to the NFL.I believe that Chandler will be our starter and Caussin and Martin will be the back ups. With the type of problem Shawn has he is at best a part time player and we just cannot afford a part time player. When we started last year I had no confidense with our O_LINE.Here agin Nix got some impressive replacements.I do think that when Nix and Chan said we need a tackle they were talking about LT and not RT.We have at least 3 guys that can play RT now but LT is not like any other of the O_LINE positions. I think we may have one of the best D-Lines in the league.The only questions are Jasper and Heard.I personally am pulling for both these kids but the reality is we can't keep everybody.(here's hoping the league will allow us a bigger roster to compensate for having no time to evaluate our new guys)I don't think McCargo will make this team of hungry young guys. Dave Wannstedt is a HUGE addition.A good coach can make a differance.I don't see anyone running for much gain in this coming year against us. The thing is CJ is a tremendous athlete,I believe he will show something this year.
  20. One they don't have the statium needed. Two there is no show of support from the local fans. Three it would stuggle to support a thousand employees ,not thousands and thousands. Four Buffalo is bring the NFL to toranto now.Good move on their part to show l;eague that it would not pay to offer a franchise to Toranto. Five Buffalo benifits from a Candian fan base of aroud 12000 ea home game.If there was a "Toranto" team Buffalo would lose that support and the league would have a weak franchise to deal with.(two counting Toranto) Sixth the NFL will in time become international.There is nothing you or I will be able to do about it.There is just too much money in places like Lyondon,Paris,Berlin,Mexico City,Tokyo,etc,etc, etc.The NFL only knows one thing for sure,it will go where the money is. Actually if Buffalo had been moved years ago, then Toranto would have been in the NFL sites,but with Buffalo there and with them playing a few games in Toranto I believe they have effectively removed Toranto as a possible site.
  21. Count me among the idiots.When I watch a Bills game of course I want to see a hard fought game but If you take out the stars what is left. Beating NE wouldn't mean anyrthing if Brady didn't play.It would be like you beating your little brother.What would be the point? If you are a fan you want to see the big name players,thats why you pay for those tickets to sit in a winter storm. Also if you are an owner and you arwe paying your big name guys 10--------- million dollars a year,you don't want them on crutches. How3 would you feel if you were the owner? We don't need cheap shots we need for the big names to play .
  22. Another "beast" imagine that! How many does that make now??? If you put Dareus next to Easley. Are both really beasts? And Jasper is a beast and Heard is a beast. Why don't someone pick up a dictionary there really are more nouns and adjectives
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