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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. Carrington in my opinion will be in the starting lineup if not week one soon after. I think most of us will agree Troup had a good enough showing in his rookie year to at least believe he's someone you feel good about coming off the bench. I think our D-line is a testiment to the job our FO is doing building this team. This year is going to be a "feeling out" of sorts for the Gailey and the Defensive Coaches. But I think Nix has given them a heck of a mix to play with. Who would mind any of these guys playing?: Dareus, Edwards, Carrington, Williams, and/or Troup. With Depth and possibly earning significant time: Troup, Johnson, Jasper, and Kelsay. I think we're on the verge of having a very strong front 3, and being more than capable of putting 4 of these men on the line in our 4-3 packages. In the next 2-3 years I firmly see this a position of strength for the Buffalo Bills. I don't expect immediate results as most of these players are still developing, Dareus being a rookie, and Jasper being a project. But if we can't find 2-3 core players out of this group to go with the proven Williams I'd be shocked at this point.
  2. But you thought we were fools to sign him to the extension.
  3. I suspect the coaching staff and FO will take his weight as a sign he's still not serious. He needed to gain at least 20 lbs in order to have a shot at making this team. I think this young man is done in Buffalo. I suspect he'll be in the first round of cuts.
  4. I want to make the team ... this much.
  5. Heap was the guy I thought we would go after. I never believed we'd be in the Miller and Boss sweepstakes, but that veteran second tier type TE. When Heap got release I said "There's the type I was thinking about". I'm a little miffed we aren't showing interest either. But as I've said for two off seasons, I trust Nix and Gailey to be going after the needs they believe are best for this team.
  6. I don't get why you think our FO is stupid? In their second season of running things, I think they are on top of doing the right things for this team. If we have the first pick, Luck is a lock to be on our team. What gives you the idea we wouldn't?
  7. Someone would invite him to the remainder of camp, then he'll get cut by that team.
  8. Arthur Blank had the best line I've ever heard in regards to free agency yesterday. He said "you have to be carefull, free agency can be like going to the grocery store when you're hungry. Sometimes that makes you overpay and buy things you don't need."
  9. You say a lot of things, most of them stupid. I'm not annointing him, will you take a few seconds and try to stay on point. My post was referring to taking chances on someone like Merriman is our best shot at getting high end talent. Of course it's a risk you knumbskull, but it's a risk a team like the Bills has to take. We don't get top FA's to come. This team needs to build it's core through the draft, win, try and gain some respectability, and then become an attractive landing spot for FA's.
  10. Yeah and you said we shouldn't have taken a chance on Merriman too. You obviously know how to build a winner "over pay for free agents", you truly are the most unreasonable poster on this board. You hate the Bills and I don't understand how legitimize yourself. Wake up. For the most part this team has no choice but to build through the draft. High profile free agents aren't coming here unless we adopt your "over pay" philosophy. So don't you think it's smart that the FO realizes that and adopts the build through the draft philosophy. It's so simple yet going way over your head.
  11. Yet you're dumb enough to think this team shouldn't have a "build through the draft" philosophy.
  12. I think you should start freaking out. This was an excellent move. Let's face it folks, when you have your franchise QB you can go have fun with player movement. For those who have followed any of my posts I'm not a doom and gloom guy, and still am not. I just firmly believe we will compete with the likes of the Pats when we find our own franchise QB, or when Brady is done playing.
  13. I'm interested to know if everyone feels the same about Nix? I personally do. I think he and Chan are on the same page. I'm behind this entire Front Office. I love the "draft em, develop em, win with em" philosophy.
  14. Good point. I should have just said "Nothing would take me away from mine if she was dying." and not the first sentence.
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