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Everything posted by Bangarang

  1. And yet they were able to build up the defense. Again, it isn’t expecting them to build an offense in one offseason. This is McD’s 3rd offseason and Beane’s 2nd at doing this. Are we to believe it takes 4 or more seasons to put a competent offense together?
  2. 1st round TEs are typically not a wise investment.
  3. This is actually the 3rd offseason McD has had to build this offense. And teams literally turn things around on a yearly basis.
  4. That’s it, I’m never watching the NBA again. Who’s with me!?
  5. The notion that Rosen had so much more to work with is flat out wrong. It seems as though people keep repeating this when comparing him to Allen. I won’t deny that Allen looked better but they both had crap to work with.
  6. Flacco is the poster boy of mediocre QBs. Elway is just throwing crap at the wall.
  7. First of all, saying Rosen’s talent around him was a lot better is flat out wrong. People keep mentioning Fitz as if he’s even a fraction of the player he used to be. Johnson and Shady are basically a push and the Cardinal’s o-line was worse than ours. Secondly, what does Allen even have to do with this topic?
  8. Fitz is not even close to being the player that made him a HoF player. Don’t be ridiculous.
  9. Theyd be fools to give up on Rosen this early. He literally was surrounded by trash.
  10. Nobody thought any of those scrubs was the answer to anything
  11. I’m hoping he isn’t viewed as some sort of solution to our line issues. Would like to see the dollar amount.
  12. Given how much cap space we have available are we really worried about adding more?
  13. No idea. Haven’t seen him play LG. I’ve seen people say he projected better at LG though. He has been a decent LT for us so unless we have a plan to replace him I would keep him where he is.
  14. Wait, weren’t people bashing the media that only predicted us to win 4 games and now we are praising the coaching staff for getting more than 4 wins from a roster without much talent?
  15. You don’t have to send people to every game. The Rams played in 2 playoff games. You could easily have personnel scouting the playoff teams.
  16. I can only imagine how many scholarship she they’ll lose There are these people called scouts and player personnel. It’s not illegal to send them to games to watch the opposing team.
  17. We were 26th in sacks last year. It’s orobably our biggest need on defense and since the top of this draft is filled with defensive talent I’d say it would be a solid decision.
  18. Is this the part where we pretend only the Patriots look for any competitive advantage they can get?
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