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Everything posted by Mango

  1. i am more worried about the bills ability to stop brady and co in the first 3 quarters. i will worry about the 4th when we get there. actaully i am worried about a number of things heading into that game, none of which are specific to the 4th as of yet.
  2. so youre saying we will be good? 8-8 after 4-12 is pretty solid. we actually double our win percentage. so....2012....16-0. i like where your head is at
  3. i cant wait to see this kids rookie year
  4. Mangini was the worst today, all over espn. mike and mike and 1st take where miserable with him. sad really. couldnt even stand to hear him speak
  5. i actually thought that mckelvin looked solid today. he put up some pretty solid coverage, defended a few good passes, and jumped a few routes (timing was off a bit, i assume that will get better as the season goes on. he did mis-time the ball for the pick on the kc td, but all in all i thought he was solid today
  6. my sunday ticket togo didnt work for my computer today...at all....for any game. had to watch a stream on p2p. keep checking back and still not working. biggest waste of 350 bucks. i only pay so that i can get an hd feed and not have to watch a crappy online feed
  7. i live in okc. the online listed bills backers bar is a wild wings, where i saw 1 bills fan. pretty ****ty. i have to watch at home. i have been to mcfaddens in nyc and delilahs in chicago. i wish i had one here, but sadly i spend 350 for sunday ticket on my computer because my apt doesnt face the right direction for dtv. fml
  8. let me preface with this before my response. i think losing games for draft picks is stupid and will always set your franchise back. but.... indy without peyton is awful, and they need to find a way to get somebody on the roster as a long term replacement when he retires, and it is time to start thinking about that. i imagine he will be gone in about 5. carson palmer is not the answer, that team is only playoff worthy because of their HOF qb, palmer gets them 6 wins. struggle through the season with what you have, either find a midround qb in the first, or shore up your d, since it is a mess over there. just my thought flame away
  9. detroit is actaully a better fa landing spot. their defense is pretty solid with fairly suh in the middle, adding barnett next to vandenbosch with the lb would shore that d up pretty well. they also have a young tough quickly improving quarterback and half a decade of wr picked in the first round. if you are a player you are picking detroit over buffalo at this point, all day everyday
  10. most likely looking to go. i live in okc now, so its a 2 hour shot, and kc is 6 or 8, so for me it is a good schedule for the bills this year, if there is a this year anyways.
  11. dont get this. so say your last name was malone, i dont(or maybe i just wouldnt) hold the rights to that last name, and can't prevent anybody from ever using it. so because he is John Elway, nobody can name their band that. What if I named my band Jackson, will i get letters from Randy, Fred, Blanket, Bo, and Joe Jackson asking me to change it? Curious as to whether or not the lack of law suit or cease and desist was due to the lack of authority over the name
  12. i think the fact that he was cut after 2 reg season games hides how bad he really was. he should be on everybodies top(bottom?) 5 for the season. Please explain how these top 3 are a sign of poor talent?! 1. Kyle Willaims- Probowl 2. Andy Levitre- He was regarded as a good draft pick 2 yeara ago by the league. He played well last year, and the general concensus on him is that he continues to improve year after year, and is turning into a very solid NFL OL. 3. Stevie Johnson- Didnt he come close to some franchise records last year, and a top 15 reciever stats. I will agree with the lack of talent on this teams roster, but I think identifying these 3 is a bit of a reach, and almost bitching about the franchise because it is what we have always done.
  13. I recently moved to OKC about a year ago, and they have a penny tax added to every purchase. That penny at one point went to helping revamp the Ford Center to lure the then Sonics to come here. That penny tax also goes to rehab the city, creating parks and activities, as well as helping fund the new Olympic Rowing Training Center. The idea is good, and OKC is getting better(def not there). GO THUNDER!!
  14. depending on how far into the 1st they want, i would assume this could be done for our 2nd and our extra 4th. Not quite sure though. if thats the case then no huge loss there. You dont really lose a pick. if this is the case then go for it. if its anything more then see ya.
  15. how is this a smokescreen? so a team wants to move up, they think of possible trade partners and gm's say, "oh the bills would love to pick 2 picks higher, maybe they want to move 4 picks down?"
  16. top of the 2nd seems a bit early, but agreed, i like the kid. if he could be had later in the draft that would be even better
  17. EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT MAJOR FOOTBALL PROGRAMS PAY THEIR ATHLETES. this is going on EVERYWHERE football, basketball, and probably sport we dont care about as well. I am not upset at Auburn or the players. It is upsetting that this is what college athletics have become. What is the NCAA doing that they seem to barely catch anybody doing this
  18. the scouting department should keep an eye on dez bryant. any day now he will be lining up wide with this team this would be an awesome team by the way,it would slam the bills. i also move to remove athletes with dui and pot charges only charges. ie ricky williams, whatever he likes his bud. or bruce smith never killed anybody with his car while drinking, but stallworth did. just saying u could put ALOT of players with that stuff. i would consider rothlistberger eligible.(not trying to start an arguement) peters inelligible due no crime there, oooo loud music. just some thoughts flame away
  19. i had a proffessor who used to work at auburn. they have a class calles nfl101 (i think) where they learn how to interview, find an agent etc
  20. so i am confused, you u didnt talk about gabbert, but now you did...so hes your guy now??? i think he has made it abundantly clear that he is
  21. i never understood this. to me there are 2 things wrong with this theory 1. so this smoke screen, we are telling everybody we want a qb at 3. so other teams who want the same qbs we do will want to trade with US to get that qb. wouldnt it make sense for that team to trade with pick 2 so they could nab them before us. i guess they could offer us a package we could not refuse, but that doesnt seem likely for the talent they are trading for. its not like they are throwing everything at peyton, and if teams where trying for it, any front office would turn any and all offers down for the opportunity to draft him 2. what is the history with the smoke screen and buddy and co. i seem to remember last year alot, alot, alot of people saying watch for spiller. nix and co had alot to say about him(and others as well). i know we made a big deal about tebow, but rumor has it we where beat out by denver. so again the smokescreen makes zero sense and i dont seem to recall last year there being this super thought out conspiracy theory.
  22. yeah because high profile athletes abide by the same rules and procedures as the rest of middle america.
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