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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Do you have any friends kids friends who are like “yeah that guy is going to suck. Hopefully he manages his money well before he flames out of the league.” Haha. But seriously, thanks for the insight!
  2. Honestly, for no other reason than I want “realz to equal feels”, this might have a much better chance. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/dwayne-the-rock-johnson-buys-xfl-for-15-million-with-partners-redbird-capital-and-dany-garcia/
  3. A Rex Ryan team would have 39 cases, 12 hospitalizations, and a dead ball boy by now.
  4. I can tell you as a friend of Emily’s and a former resident at the Olympic Training Center, the flu does not set you 3 months back in your training.
  5. I interchanged post-industrialized and first world, the understanding of the term first world changed over the years. But I digress from the ad hominem. To the point, 42% of people in the US born in the bottom 20% of income earners stay in the same income brackets as adults. And even then, 65% stay in bottom 40 % of earners. Other countries like Canada and Denmark have numbers as low as 25% of those born into the bottom 5th staying in the same income bracket as adults. To your point about GDP, that is precisely part of the problem. The US has a gigantic GDP and a huge income/wage gap, which makes it much more difficult (see unlikely) to climb the socioeconomic ladder. Just to summarize. America is not number one for opportunity when it comes to stratifying the socio economic ladder. They are near the bottom of post industrialized nations. And no, the gap between the best and the worst is not small.
  6. That park was admittedly snarky. I was refuting you’re claim that you had a better chance of socioeconomic mobility in America than “any other place on earth.” Taken quite the step back, eh? Most resources qualify 25-30 countries as first world. Your claim of 20th isn’t so great amongst isn’t so great amongst its peers, is it? Since this is a football board, let’s make it anecdotal to football. You: K’Lavon Chaisson was the first pick in the NFL draft. Me: Actually he wasn’t, here are the order of draft picks. You: There were what, 255 draft picks in the 2020 draft? 20 is still really good. Me: Sure, but that’s not what you said, nor what the conversation was about. Or maybe you should just call Auburn National Champs. I get they weren’t number 1, but they were top 10% and that’s pretty good!
  7. That’s actually not true, and hasn’t been true for decades. Socioeconomic mobility has always been more difficult compared to other wealthy post-industrialized nations. This is why we say the pledge of allegiance in grade school, so that those kids grow up to be adults and just say and believe things about their country that aren’t true. In 2020, looks like it’s still working. https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/02_economic_mobility_sawhill_ch3.pdf
  8. State of the art is a 24 hour turn around in testing and thermometers in this situation. There’s no technological advancement that allows you to stop the spread during incubation. So yes, sitting on the beach with your family socially distanced from other strangers, or walking down the street is much safer than players breathing, sweating, bleeding, tackling each other. Super unsure what point you are trying to make here.
  9. Part of the issue is their family and taking them into consideration. The other is, more and more data is coming out suggesting that asymptomatic patients are seeing long term health effects. Case and point, The NY Times piece on the US Women’s Rowing Team where many have not gotten back to pre Covid shape. It’s August now, and they were diagnosed in March. They may want to reduce their risk of possible long term career complications by not lining up face to face in camps and games with 80 other players while sweating, breathing, spitting, and laying on each other. Or they hate football and are a bunch of liberal sheep looking for a quick pay day. You know, either or seem equally plausible. Yes, yes there is. Basically 99% of activities are a lesser risk of transmission than playing football and being in the facility watching tape, sitting in meetings, eating meals. With a 5-7 day incubation period, by the time one guy gets it and tests positive, he’s already tackled/been tackled, lined up face to face, blood, sweat, tears, then sat in meeting rooms with his teammates.
  10. Unsure if you’re first sentence is about me, but if you read my post above, I commented on what the shift is among elite/pro athletes. Specifically from my time living at the Olympic Training Center. To your second point. I agree, a coach needs to be able to integrate fun into the program. Loosen the reigns a bit and get back to the basics. Short term you may not see the effects on the athlete or team, but long term it does a whole lot.
  11. “I got in a fight playing pick up basketball. I understand what it’s like to be an elite athlete” -Basically you My dad in his late 30’s got kicked out of a hockey league for getting in a fight, he also played varsity hockey, sign him up for team USA!
  12. I believe that the NFL and NFLPA are still hammering out how this works with the CBA. The deadline is either 5 or 7 days after that is finalized. So it is a moving target at the moment.
  13. I think there is a lot of nuance here and you are painting with a broad brush. I think the picture you are painting is more akin to Andre Agassi, which is consider an outlier. But as you get better at sport, whatever it may be, it’s no longer about the game but the pursuit of excellence. You learn to get through the year for a single opportunity at greatness, and the goal isn’t having fun, it’s being the best. I have a friend who came out of f retirement to try and win her 3rd Olympic gold. When asked why she said “because I want to prove I am the best in the world” it wasn’t “because I love rowing” You mentioned Tom Brady. He doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder because of his love of the game, he has a chip because he wasn’t to be the greatest. I owe my life to the sport of rowing. It allowed me to live at the Olympic training center for a number of years. But training isn’t fun. Hell, racing isn’t all that fun. It’s a huge ball of nerves for the terrible things you’re about to will your body to do. Matthew Pinsent, 4x olympic good medalist in 4 straight Olympics threw up at every single starting line of an Olympic final. Steve Redgrave, 5 Olympics, 5 straight gold medals said after his 3rd or 4th, if you see me in a boat again, you have permission to shoot me. People like that may have lost their juvenile “love of the game” but gained a much deeper respect, understanding, and love for sport as a whole. If you were to have a larger conversation other than “do you love football” you would find that these guys have a drive and need to compete inside of them that you cannot possibly empathize with. EDIT/ADD ON: there was a point when my physiology was really great. On my irregular cross train days I was getting pretty close to training numbers for the triathlon team. I considered when my rowing career was over heading to Colorado Springs to train sport specific. I didn’t love triathlons, but I was passionate about greatness.
  14. Let’s say Herbert is a home run, they don’t have a heavy QB contract for 5 years. Lines up perfect.
  15. You would probably need regional bubbles just because of the enormity of the league. Finding housing for 3000 of the largest people on the planet would be difficult. Without fans, you just need stadiums/fields with enough quality and ability to set up network cameras. With it looking like college football is delaying the inevitable, you probably find a center big time football. It would look something like this: OKC Base- Houston, Dallas, New Orleans and Denver (access to Dallas, OSU, OU) Columbus, OH- Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinatti, (OSU, Ohio U, Miami Ohio) Florida teams- Just set them on fire Madison WI- Vikings, Bears, Lions, Packers I don't know, I am just spit balling, but something like that. If you wanted to take it a step further, treat it like the world cups. Internal round robin to start. Re-organize the bubbles, test, rinse and repeat.
  16. I agree. I am unsure in what I would expect from enforcement. Part of the issue in Saratoga Springs is that all public officials make 14k per year. So only the elite can run for office. For perspective, Saratoga county is the 5th or 6th wealthiest county in the state. Basically the wealthiest that isn’t in or bordering NYC. So getting people in their “spare time” to help police their community is probably a very slim possibility. This all started when a young woman in my neighborhood posted on FB that she was racially profiled by the police. The commissioner went on FB and basically said if she wanted to complain some more she would pull all officers from the neighborhood and tell dispatch to stop responding to any calls in the area. That sounds pretty much triggered me. People can disagree with all sorts of things, but that is 100% not OK by a public official. My mom used to be a campaign manager in Buffalo, my sister worked on Capitol Hill, I used to work with CAO’s in Buffalo, this isn’t new for me. If she hadn’t don’t that, I’d probably be your regular citizen posting memes, attending rally’s, and standard emails to public officials with opinions.
  17. Yes sir. They keep saying that the state EO and amendment to NYS health code don’t actually given them any teeth to enforce anything for the general public. Which is true...if you operate under the assumption that municipalities can’t pass their own legislation. But that assumption would be false. I have actually been chasing down our Commissioner of Public Safety on this. Not necessarily that we should have any sort of penal code, but at the very least take a stance so we can begin the conversation about whether we should or not. She’s gone to the point of posting on FB (now deleted) that it was proposed at a city council meeting and shot down. It wasn’t proposed, I shared the video of said meeting on the city page. That was later removed...until I reminded them that that is illegal, and it was put back up. Local politics up here are a disaster. Long and short, city won’t enforce a mask mandate because they don’t want to take police away from other duties. Which is a fine opinion (that I disagree with) but we can’t broach that until they give reason to why nothing is passing. Most recently I submitted a FOIA request for all communication among city officials about mask enforcement. We will see how that turns out. I imagine they push back for an appeal. About 6 hours after I submitted it they started scrubbing their social media.
  18. You should come to Saratoga. Numbers aren't huge, nor will they be given the size of the population. But the population has seen about 35 cases this week, bring our total to about 650. That is more of the eye opener, 5% of cases came in the last 7 days, and we just started track season. Granted the track is closed for spectators but every bar is packed at the moment with racing on TV's. It will most likely sky rocket soon up here without any local mandate/legislation. The Public Safety Commissioner keeps saying we "can't" enact any mask mandate, meanwhile we can, they just choose not to. Whether a mask mandate is popular or not can't even being addressed because the mayor and commissioner keep lying about whether they can or not. Everybody takes them at their word. The lack of major newspaper to publicly fact check them is infuriating.
  19. I mean, his attorney made a point of saying EO’s blood work came back greater than 0.000. Attorneys are dumb, I would guess via bloodwork it revealed something like 0.0004. Which mean he had a beer like 9 hours earlier.
  20. Basically stays the same name, the "new" ERA co. field. Pegula playing 6D Rummikub with this one.
  21. So I guess we’ll just put an end to the board? Or maybe just @MJS and @Mr. WEO can just agree that neither will post again regarding football or fracking? ?
  22. Oh, cool, fun game. I wanna play. I guess it doesn't make sense for a Joe Schmo to be criticizing an elite athlete or NFL head coach on their athletic prowess or decision making practices... See what I did there.
  23. I think if the NFL gets anywhere near 5% in the first two weeks they are in for a world of hurt. No amount of testing will slow that rate down and it is probably too late. Incubation is somewhere between 5 and 14 days, and the NFL opens with zero cases and on the 14th day they have 4.5% positive cases (130 positive cases or 4 per team), it is probably already working through the a ton more. That would be a total failure.
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