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Everything posted by Mango

  1. They will all get criticized as they learn to mature into the league for whatever their shortcomings are. McD mentioned this today or yesterday. Something along the lines of, it happens in the league, it is fair to question, and it will be up to Josh prove people wrong. In his experience the good ones always do, Cam and McNabb. Baker has a history of acting kind of like a frat boy prick, so when the season goes awry, and he is continuously a douche, people are going to wonder if he can play the game with the maturity needed at a pro level. Can Baker manage football like an adult along side other men? He won't get worked on his game too much because he was very accurate in college and set the rookie record for TD's the year prior. Allen, the super raw dude with amazing measurable's and questionable accuracy struggles to get the ball out on time, or misses a receiver, or can't average more than 200 yards per game, he is going to get questioned a ton as to whether he can put it all together in year 3, especially as the Bills put together a top flight WR corp and a fresh backfield. Lamar has a ton of wiggle room here. He would have to be reeeaaalllllyyy bad in 2020 for the masses to start questioning him. But if he has a year or two where he struggles as a pocket passer, people will start questioning. Darnold. I mean, its the Jets, they are in the NYC/NJ market. Adam Gase is their HC. Gregg Williams can't get out of his own way when it comes to PR. Everything is a disaster. He will get some shrapnel, but probably will get less criticism because everybody is pointing tons of fingers at everybody else in the FO and coaching staff. They're all getting it in their own way. But they don't have the same historical deficiencies as Josh, they have their own, so their criticism is different.
  2. Are you talking about this? Something along the lines of "look at you always trying to record people. What do I look like, the police? "
  3. Last year we watched Josh Allen in a playoff game run at full speed and attempt a lateral with the game on the line. That same game also featured a 50 yard bomb to a double covered full back. What other throws are there left for him to attempt? ?
  4. Article basically ends with, “Mario Addison abuses Cody Ford all day.”
  5. I agree with you. MT is not as powerful of a runner as Allen is and Trubisky definitely regressed (statistically) from 18/19 compared to Allen, it is why they are view differently, even though one didn't really play much, if any, better than the other in 2019. Funny, though, the last line you could replace Allen and Mitch and it would be the same. Also, Buffalo and Chicago's 3rd down conversion rate are nearly identical. 35.7 and 35.9%. Slightly related, just going though some numbers, Buffalo had the 6th most offensive drives in the league last year, but 20th in total plays, and 24th in points per drive. 8th best in average starting field position, but 26th in trips to the red zone. It seems like the biggest difference between the 2019 Bears and Bills, would be Buffalo falling from a top 5 down to a top 10 defense. It seems we should at least be able to maintain from last year with shoring up a more complete backfield, a much improved WR corp.and an improved JA should be able to get us a pretty large leap. I think the OL is good enough (about average overall). Sustainability of being top 3 in multiple categories is really difficult defensively. I think if the Bills can maintain their league rankings across the board on defense, we would be very lucky. Not uncommon to go from 3rd to 5th or 8th year to year.
  6. Something to point out is, Trubisky and Allen had very similar performances for 2019. Mitch just came down from huge expectations after a very good 2018, Allen came up from a very bad year passing in 2018, so the narrative changes. If Allen flat-lines in 2020, he would actually have two years comparable to Mitch's 2019 season that is basically running him out of Chicago.
  7. I would focus on this. If our offense can’t be really good (much better than really bad in 2019) by basically giving your 2 year QB another offseason (third year), he probably isn’t a very good QB. At the very least, I think he needs to be able to take, what I would call an average supporting in the NFL (2019) and pull them out of the basement. If another player can help improve those chances great. But he’s still got to do it.
  8. They should actually move Thursday to Saturday’s. With a 5 day incubation period, playing Sunday to Thursday doesn’t make any sense. Also a short week with a wild COVID offseason isn’t really good for anybody
  9. There was a slam dunk follow up there. “Jake, what people need to love god first and people second? Are you saying that loving people first is bad?”
  10. That makes sense.The $175M floor is already a change to the CBA, so I do not think making another amendment is an issue. Regarding the bonds, they can afford to carry the debt for sure, but I am not sure they need to. That $175M is also based on expected regular season TV revenue this season. I get the sense the NFL is trying use the decreased revenue while maintain GP $. I honestly do not know the total overhead of an NFL team, but I would think that 100% of the cap +60M should be enough to cover a vast majority of it. Could be wrong, but I don't think I am far off. From my point of view, if the league gets in a full season, with no fans, and a full superbowl run, there should be enough cash in TV revenue alone to break even this year. In that scenario, there is no reason to take out any bonds unless you are trying to maintain GP$. If they don't get in a full season (seems likely), they will absolutely need to take on debt. If they get a full run, once they calculate in SB revenue and the extra playoff games, the cap may end up being the same again anyways, and our whole conversation is worthless. haha
  11. Estimations are pretty wild, anywhere from dropping it 30M to keeping it flat for 2021. This seems like a slam dunk for the owners to agree with the CBA on and at least keep it flat. Dropping the cap 30M is detrimental to literally every team in the league, especially when revenues go back up with people in the stands in 2021. The NFL is in a good spot, the TV contract covers the entire salary cap plus another $60M. And that is if they spend 100% of the cap. I would be surprised if any team goes into the red this year. This year teams may barely break even year for owners. It hurts teams much more in the long term to drop the cap and have teams lose talent because of a pandemic. They can make it work. It just depends if owners want to try and make back lost profits. Edit: Sportrac is estimating $175M. With roll over, if that happens, the Bills only have $8M in space next year. Definitely some space to for cuts to make more room, but it would be much tighter than expected.
  12. God, with how quite stadiums will be this year, I hope one Sunday we hear a QB audible into Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV.
  13. They were doing that last year. But it depends on where you lived. Saratoga was not available...
  14. Honest questing regarding the top of this. Did Tre voluntarily announce he was contemplating opting out, or did he get asked and then responded? The only thing about it on his twitter is him responding to negative comments from fans.
  15. You are right, and those people should take that up with their employer and/or elected officials. Not Tre or other players who do have the option.
  16. Gotcha, sorry, definitely misread that one. I agree, wouldn't make any sense to do it to demand a new contract like 36 hours before the deadline. IF there is one thing advantageous about this for Tre and his next contract, it is that by all accounts, the NFL will have a lesser cap next year. Tre has bought another year before an extension to allow the cap to start to trend back up, and he can take some extra cash.
  17. I may have misunderstood your point. I went back to read it again and I still don't get it. At first read I thought you were making the point that he would lose value because somebody else will step up admirably. Hence the, "well our CB2 got worked last year at times". Now that I am rereading it. I don't actually know what you are saying.
  18. I don't think @Billl nor Tre were ever implying that NFL players are any more important than anybody else. He is better than 99.9% of people at what he does in relation to what almost all of us do in our own professions. I don't think that is debatable. Doctors are important, electricians are important, 7-11 workers are important, but even among those, those that are very good at their job, there are only a handful of each who are as good at it as Tre is at playing CB. If I had to guess, the real issue for a lot of posters (maybe not you) complaining about this is that they do not have the choice, and are upset that Tre does and is exercising it. Sort of similar to Sweden regarding the virus. A lot of people (maybe not you) want to be given the choice to go out, wear a mask, stay home, etc. like Sweden. But one thing people leave out is that Sweden also has safety nets in place that allow their citizens to make that choice without losing their home or worrying so much about the well being of their family. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a structure where nearly everybody in the country had the decision to keep working or not during a pandemic without having to worry about a roof over their families head or food on the table? I don't get the connection some are making on this thread to vilify somebody who does have that choice, provided to him by his employer. If people want to be mad at anybody for Tre making this decision in one way or another, be mad at the NFL and NFLPA. Be mad at your local and national politicians for not providing an economic system that strips you of that choice.
  19. Meh. He’s on a new team with a QB who has to take the next and without a history of a potent passing attempt. He’s a smart dude. He’ll bust his arse for a great season and push for more money in 2021. It’s not worth it now.
  20. Remember when Dick Jauron converted WR George Wilson to SS. What a wild time to be a bills fan.
  21. Interesting. I didn't even know "persistent positive" was a thing. This is a wild ride we are on. A quick google to fact check this one taught me that they are doing some testing via anal swab.... So that's an adventure...
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