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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Cupping has been used effectively for couple thousand years in multiple coultures. It is now even used by most chiropractors. It works on fascial restrictions thus promoting healing and relaxation.
  2. How does this great breakdown get 5 responses in 14 hours while the 20 JA sucks threads are getting pages. Thanks for the post. Really fun to watch the breakdown of how the D works.
  3. well this is refreshing that it is not about how JA sucks.
  4. I felt like we were watching the 2019 version of Millen. He better get his act straight fast.
  5. Yes some good BS there. Yeah next week is when we see if the O-line is NFL worthy! Good takes bro.
  6. This is the type of BS I was exactly talking about. 35-0 whining!!! Good work.
  7. This is type of stuff you talk to your therapist about. You dont actually say that stuff out loud.
  8. Come on folks? Who sucked on this 35-0 win. Let's hear your BS.
  9. some of these posters here dont either. You know JA played sub par.
  10. Nothing better than constructive criticism on a 35-0 win. Nah you aint a hater.
  11. Got it. He is not allowed to have a couple down games. I hear you. But the whining on a 35-0 win is just absurd.
  12. So what is your point? Should we move on? Or maybe just calm your brain and understand he can't impress you each week. 35-0 !!!!!!!
  13. Yup. Just keep focusing on the few negatives you can find!! Keep up the good work.
  14. Well he did get 4 pages of attention. Good job folks.
  15. I would still complain about Edmunds, Levi, Ford, Mongo, Oliver, Daboll, and so on. Oh and Josh has regressed.
  16. I was wondering if someone was gonna try to blame that ***** show on offense on the D somehow. This is brilliant.
  17. Shock the other team. Run the ball. Give the OL some confidence. Pull 8 or even 7! Into the box. Let it rip. My god. How attached is daboll to the 5 wr set. Get a grip.
  18. The offensive play calling was baffling today. And josh played very spotty. Some of this falls on McD. But let’s not pretend he isn’t a good coach and he has this team in the SB hunt under his watch.
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