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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. I know how this goes. Next week he will have a bad game and we will hear about how he might not be the future. I kid I kid!
  2. I love how fans are still able to find faults with this team and complain.
  3. The amount of weed in Denver might be the real trap there.
  4. You worked really hard to find something to complain about I see. Good job. Now please close this thread.
  5. “The administration should release the names of all P.P.P. borrowers — as the S.B.A. routinely does for similar loan programs,” the lawmakers wrote in a letter to the heads of the Treasury Department and the Small Business Administration, which jointly administer the program. It came days after Mr. Mnuchin told a Senate committee that information was “proprietary” and not public. “Contrary to Secretary Mnuchin’s recent testimony, there is nothing ‘proprietary’ or ‘confidential’ about a business receiving millions of dollars appropriated by Congress, and taxpayers deserve to know how their money is being spent,”
  6. Wow there were some bad calls? How can people watch this??
  7. It's pretty sweet that we ended up with one of the coolest and most talented dudes at QB. If anyone deserves to have JA it is Buffalo.
  8. We need a thread titled... The art of dealing with an unlucky last second loss and moving on.
  9. I am not willing to make any rash decisions about this team until 7 minutes into the next game. At that time I will let everyone know on the game day thread which players suck and if we will ever win another game with this awful coach, offense and defense.
  10. I dont feel half the team and the coaching sucks. it's first quarter.
  11. This might be the worst news of 2020!! I mean will this madness ever end? According to ESPN’s internal data, some 96 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds still identify as sports fans, a consistent figure over the past decade. But the share of fans who call themselves “avid” has been dropping, from 42 percent a decade ago to 34 percent last year. Isn't this actually good? Kids can be a little more well rounded rather than "avid" fans.
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