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Everything posted by Dablitzkrieg

  1. Josh Allen shout out, but we all know Allen scores on that play
  2. Wow, a real piece of ***** comment here
  3. I'm sure you'd like to watch.....sicko Wait until he shows you his W2
  4. Dunne has a history of doing this. He did the same smear campaign with Rodgers to try and advance his career. Shady, but effective.
  5. I feel sorry that this was now sent out, 4 years later in an effort to embarrass McD. Not the brightest analogy. Nevertheless, Dunne has one motive and accomplished it. That being said, he's still not getting fired lol.
  6. I don't think it's a matter of chasing. Barring the unforseen, he will shatter TE records in Buffalo. He is already the best TE the Bills have EVER had and it's really not close. Are you 5?
  7. Just playing devils advocate here. But what if his s/o is batshit crazy? What if she makes things up? Von has never been officially convinced of anything, only accusations.
  8. English? I cant imagine being this bent out of shape on a Friday night, on a Buffalo Bills message board. Lighten up bud 🤣
  9. Because it's funny, if you don't like it because you are miserable, just keep scrolling you old, old man.
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