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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Actually, unfortunately, there's so many. So with that in mind, I'll put it this way: 1. About 98% of the starters on the 1984-5 teams. Remember those 2-14 teams? They couldn't get out of their OWN way. 2. Most of our defense from about 2003-2009, especially against the run. Painful to watch.
  2. LOL. Great post w/ the names! I remember Happy Feller. I'm lovin the off season as well. Great pick ups in FA. Gonna love watching this D. Should be the best since the 90's. Did'nt Stonebreaker (ouch!) have a brother, Steve? Ya gotta like some of these names some of these posters brought in to your thread. I guess you'd be a Happy Feller if you met a Fair Hooker, huh? Gives a new meaning to "Free Agent pick up."
  3. Hey K-9, how's it been going? Here's a couple that just popped into my head. There not NFL guys, but I think that's ok w/ you isn't it? Warren Peace (USFL) He Hate Me from the XFL
  4. Point well taken, Buftex. We love our Bills, and they do help make Buffalo/WNY a special place. But I think Esmonde is saying that, just because some pampered athlete, who has never been to Buffalo thumbs his nose at offers to play in the city because it's not South Beach, or NYC, or whatever, doesn't mean the city/region is nothing but an iced-over (as TV media from other parts of the nation all too often portray Buffalo)waste land. Appreciate it for what it has, not wish Buffalo it was Miami, or Las Vegas or The Big Apple or any place else.
  5. In Sunday's (March 18th) Buffalo News, Donn Esmonde did a great article, "Stop Caring What Others Think of Us." A great piece w/ lots of excellent points. Please feel free to post any opinions, insights, personal experiences, what have you. RWR
  6. What??!! Buffalo IS a good place to live! And the city doesn't have to appologize for not being a Miami, or Las Vegas or any place else. The self-esteem of the city is not based on the perceptions of star players who have never been here and have a limited knowledge, if any clue at all, what the city is like. "Needs to create a player-friendly culture"? The Bills have been like family to this city, all the way back to 1960 when they began. Sure there's been some lean years, but there's been plenty of great years to, just like all families go through. But to imply that the city is just not good enough/friendly enough is buying in to what some other players ( the estute W. McGahee comes to mind) say.
  7. 1. Another helium baloon has shorted out the electricity at OBD. 2. The USFL just called & made him a better offer.
  8. Good insight, PTR. This very well may have been "the plan." Buddy has been, in my eyes, the most straight-forward, smartest football minded Front Office guy we've had in a lot of years. A lot of Bills fans are excited about what they've been seeing in the last year especially. And many on this board have said so. If he gets us some good free agents this year, bolstered by a good draft in April, it should really be a reason to party. Go Bills.
  9. You're right. I don't agree w/ the people lumping him in w/ Merriman & others that he just can't stay healthy, and therefore we should give up on him and move on. Gailey knows talent and can evaluate it well. He knows we got a special guy here. In the past two years, he's raved about Easley's talent and has openly and quite sharply pointed out the need to keep him. Clearly he's seen enough to REALLY believe in him and he's itching to get Easley into the rotation. Furthermore, with the Bills badly needing quality depth at a lot of positions on both sides of the ball, I say he's worth AT LEAST that. Lets give him his shot.
  10. Agree. Ithink he has become sort of a "forgotten man" by many because he's been fighting through health issues. But I agree w/ your point. Don't count him out.
  11. Chris Berman's Scott Nor"wegian"wood. The Electric Co. and The Bermuda Triangle are Icons, though. "The verable" James Lofton. Just a few off the top of my head.
  12. Yeh, just like Woodstock, 1969. Oh wait, that has nothing to do with the Bills. Sorry.
  13. Yeh, along with all those "reality" shows & every other junk programing.
  14. Agree on that. "Get what I pay for" and "politicians treat me like a kid" is spot on.
  15. You can be sure that in future presidential election years, the party committee's will make darn sure not to make that "mistake" again. The NFL is big business, and both parties will be sure not to "get in the way" of opening day of the NFL season. Yes folks, in America, NFL football is WAY bigger than party politics. MHO.
  16. I'm glad we didn't pick him also. Especially in the early rounds! Trade up for a project player?? No way. We needed a huge infusion of talent in a lot of areas, especially on defense. I like Tebow and his attitude, but to waste an early round pick (within the first 3 rounds) on a project would have been a huge mistake, exactly like we've seen so many times on draft day the previous 11 years.
  17. Thanks for taking the time & explaining the process,John. Hopefully there will be something positive towards a deal to report this week.
  18. TPS, good post. And good info., too. I especially agree w/ the "insurance and backup to Merriman" part. I know that some posters on this board think he's washed up, but I feel he still has a presence on the field as shown in the first few games last year. Yes I know he didn't get sacks, but I think he's still trying to come along w/ that achilles. That said, hey if he lays-an-egg this season, cut your losses & move on. If he has a good season, keep him for a few more years, meanwhile grooming the young pass rusher we got the round 2. And I agree, it must be the off, off-season. I HATE this time of year. The Bills are pretty much all the sports I care to follow, so I'm like what Vic Carucci mentioned, "for Bills fans, there's two season, Bill's season, and waiting for Bill's season." beer
  19. In the 2001 draft, Bills select Drew Brees in the first round,instead of being drafted in the SECOND ROUND by San Diego!!
  20. I get ya. Cool. And I can agree to the best wide out of all time if he were more mature & a better work ethic! Catch you later.
  21. I did the 'Outsider' play on words dig for their calling Wannstadt a "new hire." Not about their overall opinion. That's all.
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