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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Over the last dozen years the one thing that's been overwhelmingly consistant is our losing record in November & December!! Yea too many of those seasons it was due to extensive number of injuries. But even w/ those seasons aside, the Bills just couldn't get the job done in games where we were leading in the 4th quarter. In short, we had a front office that didn't get us enough quality ball players all-around, first string guys nor second string for depth. There's a litany of reasons for that, but it all boils down to that. Not enough quality players to win in the most important part of the season, November & December. With that said, yes I'm very optomistic about this year. But the season, like all seasons in the NFL, is about when the weather turns colder, the month is November, and there's 7 to 8 games to play.
  2. You got it. Pathetic. I don't think that the "progression" is too far away for some of these numbskull writers to just call him "Fitz-somebody".
  3. OverOfficious, I agree w/ including Wilfork. He could have seriously injured Losman on that cheap shot he took. And yet, when a play that's only SIMILAR happens to Brady (the KC game) the NFL changes the rules (the Brady Rule) the next year to protect him. But w/ your being surprised nobody brought Wilfork up I think only shows you how many of these jerks are/were in the NFL. Players like Wilfork just get lost in the mix. That's my opinion, anyway.
  4. All right, I'll bite on this one. I haven't looked at that link yet, but in no particlular order, here's some of them. Ryan Leaf Mark Gasineaou Buddy Ryan Rex Ryan Brian Cox (remember him, Bills fans?) Dion Sanders Jerry Jones Jimmy Johnson T O before & after the Bills Pac Man Jones (I have NO use for) Al Davis heck, most of the Raiders for that matter
  5. Guffalo, I especially felt the sadness in your post when I got to the last part. I'm sorry, man. The program covers were great. A real piece of American history, not just Bills history. Thank you for sharing and, take care. RWR
  6. My expectations? They're usually in a few phases. The first one is what I've had for many years starting w/ the regular season: win'em all. If we do that, then win all the post-season games too. Why not? Next, play smart football. A team's chances of winning increase exponentially if they make very few,(preferably none) mistakes that "shoots them in the foot." Those are the ones from over the last several years. The first one listed was more of a wish than a real expectation. But now for THIS year. 1.Get to double digit(10) wins ASAP. I think that's a gold-standard for being in the play-off hunt. If its week 15 & you're trying to get your 8th or 9th win, you'r on the outside looking in and you're probably not a strong play-off contender anyway. (Unless your getting hot in the second half of the season.) 2. Division games, sweep Miami, sweep the Jets, and AT LEAST split w/ the Patriots. (But just like the first one I mentioned at the top of the post. I'd like to see the Bills win'em all.) 3. Pressure on the Qb's, and stuff the run. 4. Redundant expectation: Make the playoffs.
  7. Can't blame you for not getting too excited. Cautious optimism is what I have on him, as well as Merriman. That's why those two are Person of Interest for me going into this new season.
  8. I agree Fig. I like the fact that he's got the size to be a physical wide out. Poster Franz Kafka compares him to Moulds in regards to his physicality. I hope he does develope this year and gets reps w/ the starting team because a physical reciever I think is a better asset to our offense. Light & fast guys are fine, but in the long grind of a season, its a very physical game.
  9. Thanks Fig. Sounds like he's doing all right. Gotta see him get reps against the first team now.
  10. Relax Skippy! The topic is merely inquiring about one player, not a call out to give your opinion about him. Nowhere in my post I said I was "excited" about him. If you don't understand about why some are "excited" about him, start a post about that but keep your negativity about him out of mine.
  11. Anybody heard anything on how Easley's doing so far at these parctices? I'm not hearing anything from the pressers on the Bills website. No questions nor comments about him. Nothing in Chris Brown's practice highlight films either, nothing. He's one of my Persons of Interest this year to watch. (Merriman & Fitz are my other P of I's) Just wondering.
  12. WOW!!! Thanks for posting that. The guy comes out of now where like a SHOT. Knows how to shed blockers too. I haven't seen that speed into the backfield since Bruce.
  13. Hello K9. Yeah if he can stay healthy, he should be a heck of a force on the field! To me, that's the big x-factor on him. He needs to have a strong season THIS year.
  14. Ditto on that, Promo. From the time we signed him, I felt that if he can be at least half as good as he was in the Lights Out era, he'll be a significan force on the field for us. The thing is, after a couple of years now w/ the injury bug, he really needs to prove himself NOW.
  15. Is the season squarely on him? No. There's 10 other guys on offense that's responsible for making plays, plus 11 on defense, plus special teams. The responsiblity is squarely on each & every one of them, too.
  16. GoBillsinDallas, Thanks for posting, and remembering Kalsu on Memorial Day. RWR
  17. Stevie vs Revis. Last year, Stevie caught 9 balls vs "Mr Shutdown". It was our 2nd game aginst the Jets that he did it. To my recollection, no other reciever came close to that last year. Merriman vs whoever he has to face all this coming regular season. With his injury bug the last few years, he needs to have a good season now. McGee all this season too. He might be (and I hope I'm wrong) starting to get a little "long in the tooth" and with coming off his injury, that leaves even more of a question mark in my mind. Here's the big treat for me. Our defensive front 7 vs Brady. For the first time in a lot of years, we've got the studs up there that can bust up into the backfield. Yea I know I didn't cite mostly individual matchups. But I think the spirit of the topic been addressed. We do have "individuals" on the team that this season is important, be it where they are in their careers, or who they are on the team. Anyway that's my opinion.
  18. Tipster, it is a good article. Its thought provoking and tells of a side of football that's been kind of glossed over in the past. There's often a "cultural lag" that takes place between how a long-held percection of something finally starts to change as more and more cold hard facts about that event, or behavior, or issue, is brought to our collective consciousness. Case-in-point is the perception of concussions in sports within the last few years. Twenty and more years ago in pro football, colorful phrases like, "He got his bell rung!", or "He's shaking the cobwebs out" were common descriptions & percieved as just normal occurances of playing the game. NOTHING was ever covered about the after-affects that those players suffered as a result of numerous concussions. And so we all just moved on. Here in 2012, I think that cultural lag is finishing. Our awareness of this type of injury with its potential to have serious long-term affect is raised once again with Junior's suicide. I believe that in the years to come, we will see rule changes, team policy changes and behavior changes through all levels of football and other contact sports from pop-Warner level all the way up to the pro level as this "cultural lag" finally come to an end. That's my take on it, anyway.
  19. BillsWin!, Great idea! I hope it can be done and that there's somebody out there that can do it. Also, this topic might prompt some good stories from Bills fans about about Van Miller. Good post.
  20. Wins on the field this year is what will define this regime. They've had 3 yrs now to work their magic. Significant results, like a playoff appearance, double-digit wins at least need to be made. By the way, with a "playoff appearance" I wasn't implying that I'd be happy with a "one and done" record. Wins on the field and lots of them defines any regime.
  21. Yes, stick a fork in him. He's done.
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