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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. To me, there seems to be more questions than answers at this time. The record, 6-9 at this time, doesn't indicate that much of an improvement over last year. Yes I know all about the injuries. But there's many uncertainties, I see, going forward. What calibre of player acquistions will be made in the off-season, both FA & the draft? Who will we keep on our roster during the off-season & who will be let go? That includes the DC. What positions will we address in the, say, first 3 rounds of the draft? Chan once said that "football is a tough game played by tough people". Yet why won't we "ground & pound" the ball more instead of relying so much on a finess offense? Are we finally going to change the "culture of losing" next year or is it going to be more of the same from the last 12 years? On the other hand, I've seen some good things since Chan/Nix: Last April's draft I think was a good one. We have an offense that's for the most part, fun to watch. (I don't think that's a contradiction from the above statement.) I'm confident Fitz will improve. Looking forward to the K. Williams/Darius tandem next year. That's just a few things, for what its worth.
  2. X soldier, you don't fool me at all. You're a troll, NOT a Bills fan! Yours is the most pathetic post I've read so far on this message board. You took something positive that the Bills did, and spent the rest of your post turning it into a negative. Your post is laden with pathetic, really ignorant claims like,"this win cost them dearly in next year's draft", "where there's pressure, they fold", and on and on and on. "Rooted for the Bills since 1960"? Really? And this is the height of your knowledge of the Bills? Pathetic. Crawl back into your hole, and your miserable life, and quit trolling our message board.
  3. I never said anything about it being "readily acceptable". I'm not happy with it either. I just wanted to point out quickly, without going on-and-on that there are many other franchises that have played even worse, for longer periods of time.
  4. silvermike, thanks for posting this. as disappointed as we all are about the bills not making it again, this offers a little perspective. not saying we should'nt be disappointed, but there has been worse. amen to that.
  5. Upper echalon playoff/super bowl teams have balanced teams. Strong defense & offense. A strong defense will get you into the playoffs faster, you start there. You build your offense as you go along. We don't have a "weak" offense. We DO have a weak defense. We also need to add depth on both sides of the ball. We need depth all around badly, and a few more play makers on both sides of the ball. Amen to that, jw.
  6. Blizzard, I like the positiveness of your original post. But, I feel that if Merriman doesn't perform next year w/ lots of sacks, we still should keep him during next season for depth. This team meeds depth badly. Then in the off-season, look for a replacement.
  7. Exactly, Jwolf! I was thinking of the Baltimore game last year too. The rules committe in the off-season has to look at plays like this. Its too obvious what the opponent has planned. Corral the reciever w/ a bunch of guys holding him up & "walking" him along so there's some forward motion to continue the play, while 3 or 4 other guys mug him to work the ball loose. The initial 2 to 3 guys that first hit him weren't trying to tackle him at all, just holding him up while they & others go after the ball. The Rules comm. has to do something about these tactics.
  8. Elda, hope you're right. I think it's possible if they play the rest of the way out like they did against the Jets last week. And playing 3 of those 4 games at home should help. Reality is though, Elda, I think we have at this time, too many young players playing for the first time. They're learning as they go along, OJT. And in the NFL, mistakes will be made as you go along. I agree with Promo the Robot in that 2 - 3 wins is more like it. And a lot has to go right to get the 3 wins. The huge X-factor I feel is our D. Who knows though, the ball bounces in strange ways some times. In closing though, if the Bills wind up 8-8, especially w/ all the injuries, that's a good season and A: an upgrade from last year, B: a good springboard to go into the off season w/ a good feeling going forward to next year.
  9. Well this would be good news if he left. But am I missing something? What about promoting Wann-stach to DC?
  10. Likes: "Do you Billieve it!!??" Van Miller "It's Fandamonium all over" Jeff Wright Where else would you rather be, than right here, right now? Who the hell is our sponser, anyway? Earnie Warlick during his TV show No one, circles the wagons, like the Buffalo Bills Lobster Dainties, a Paul McGuire story Thurmal Thomas "Caught by Reed. Touchdown Buffalo"!! Dislikes: Wide Right, tops'm all Music City Miracle "Lost 4 Super Bowls" Any negative comment about "Buffalo weather". overplayed
  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, CSBill & for keeping things in perspective. Same wishes go to all Bills fans, Bills players & their families and the coaches as well. Last but not least, Go Bills, don't get down & keep playing hard.
  12. Nick, I'm w/ you.We all knew at the start of the season the Bills had depth problems on BOTH sides of the ball, and that the defense, was still the weaker side of the ball. Now throw in several injuries, as Bills fan 4ever has listed, and look what you got. PS: Nick, have a pint on me. RWR
  13. Jerry, I think you have some good ideas listed in your original post. I doubt if switching to a 4-3 this late is going to make a difference, though. I like the running reverses as you mentioned. I also think doing things like using a 2 minute offense a few times a game,even well before half time, going on a quick count w/ a quarterback sneak on 3rd & 1 (or less as in the Jets game!), tight end screens, a little more wild cat,set up screens to get Fred & CJ into the open field, things that would make us less predictable!!! Clearly teams are prepared for our offense's play selection. As for our defense, I don't know, mix up blitzes better?, jam recievers at the LOS?, be more aggressive at ball hawking by the D backs?, and, acquire better people on defense during the off season. Clearly there's a lot of holes to fill, on both sides of the ball. GO BILLS.
  14. Yeah way to go Dre. Be negative. Put it all on Fitz. Nevermind what the defense could'nt get done, be sure to come in at this time to pile it on Fitz. Great analysis, brainiac!!
  15. Just Jack, enjoy the game!!! I'm here in Va., sunny & temps in the low 60's. Heard its about the same conditions up there. AWESOME. Important question: what's your beverage of choice at the game? Have fun. GO BILLS!
  16. Great video, and welcome aboard. Thanks for posting that.
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