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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. Born in Buffalo. Left in 1963. Now Stephentown NY- the only Stephentown on Earth. Thanks be to Sunday NFL Ticket.
  2. We had a guy Named Vincent who had a finance management company who almost became the Comm. of football. He should have. Smart guy. He has tried real hard to help these ego heavy boys. Many articles about him when he played for us. Too bad he didn't become the man because I believe he would have had a program for the new BOYS coming into the lights. Not a meeting but a program. Invest a % and be good for life. Shame yes. Feel sorry for them NO.
  3. Sorry Lynch was not a good fit for this team. He didn't like Buffalo and they didn't accept his additude. Good trade. I'm happy for him in Seattle. Who would want to be there? Guns in the trunk? Hit and run? Not our team mate for sure. Brawn. I remember real well his mother telling us that once we got to know him we would love him. Sorry Mom- not so.
  4. Your right. Playoffs or bust. I beleive he will shine and all this chatter will be history. The "D" will give him a great opportunity to shine. Bar injury he will shine. Trust me "I'M the Doctor".
  5. I can't believe all you "GUY"? are so interested in a guys body. Please. Lets talk about his brains.
  6. We certainly love this guy and want the best for him and his family. He is a younge 30. But listen to us. One contract and he is set for life- etc. He makes over a million now. How many of us could even dream of this? Thats alot of money. He should be happy with how many millions?? This is planet earth. Come down to it. Nix will be fair and he should be happy with it. Stick in a big bonus factor and see if it happens. He is not Super Man.
  7. 2gap from Forest Ave to Forest Lawn. Seems like you lost it here. God bless you and your family and have a nice day.
  8. I think most are selling Hairesten [me bad spell] short. He has had another year to improve and afew starts. He might make a giant leap this year. I like him alot. He didn't play bad at all LY when he started afew games in a row. He might be the guy.
  9. A great pick. Will only help the "D" going forward. Don't know about that look on his face thou. Praying? He will be alot happier when he gets his 1st pay check and gets to know the rest of the "D". Way to go Buddy.
  10. Another thug high on himself. The NFL looks for brains today. He failed the test. Oakland will take him.
  11. Bring back ""The Rock" Used to sneak in under the fence with a six pack. Sit on the steps at the 50 and everyone had a great time. Couldn't hit the goal post with a snow ball from one end zone. Froze many a sunday. Great war stories. I was on the Responsable Dome Action Comm and a dome was shot down than. All politics. Keep "The Ralph"- keep tailgating and clean it up alittle. Were only talking 7 plus 2 pre games ayear. Oh yea playoffs. And your talking 1 billion. Don't think so.
  12. Been there since 1965. Fish were the rage. Than came Bill and the boys. Had to vote them. Hate is to kind of a verb. But it's fun when we beat them and thats what it's all about. Go Buffalo.
  13. John the Helmet has it right. I think Buddy has it togeather and knows what to do on draft day. You can never have enough linemen. Who said that? What killed us LY. Injury to linemaen and no depth. Wouldn't kill me if we drafted the best linemen on the board at 10. Weather he starts or not. He is going to sometime.
  14. We all laugh but addiction is really bad. Tried giving up smoking for 40 years. So did many. Finally did when it almost killed me and I still wanted to smoke. Pills I'm told are 10 times as bad. Wonder what he did with his money? His agent should have taken him under his wing. The NFL has planners that help you if you ask. There are alot of smart guys in the NFL and it still happens to them. Greed is the cause of the agents etc. taking advantage of the players. Ask the Mannings who represents them. Family. Smart guys. Too bad about Leaf but not a surprise.
  15. 3001 posts and you wonder why your in the hospital? When I had mine in 2005, we were playing Miami when I came home and I was so drugged I couldn't get too excited about anything and it took all the fun out of it. Get well quick so your ready for the season to start and yell at the TV again for 3 hours. Beer and pretzel.
  16. Chan can run a great offense week after week if he has more than 9 players. Thats why we were so perdictable. Fitz has only had 1 full season as a starter and no camp last year. Wannie sat and watched for a whole year so he knows what we had and what we needed. We have acquired some depth and need more but what team doesn't. So this all means IF------ WE STAY Healthy we should be ok. I expect a great year for the Bills. Feed em beer and pretzels and they will be fine. Hope!
  17. It's time to sit back, and have a beer. Maybin is the guy we need to go after. 2nd chance don't you know. The Jets got T-Bow and they would take a 2nd for him I'm sure. We all know that the draft is a crap shoot and all this talk means nothing. Buddy has a plan and he will continue to amaze us. Just wait and see.
  18. Williams sounds likeanother Bell waiting to happen. Sorry History
  19. The back of McDonalds on Williams St was just reserved for VIP dining for 6PM. Ralph is buying so the source said. One portion of anything on the menu for everybody. Seating for six. PLEASEEEEE have it be true.
  20. We have pounded this into the ground. Winners have GREAT "D". You are correct- our offense is good when healthy. Need depth. This draft has to be about "D". Get some FA's for depth on offense at a moderate price. DRAFT "D". PLEASE
  21. BUFTEX I had tears in my eyes just reading your comments. I've been there since 1965 and have cried about OUR team many times. No shame in that. Now my 2nd wife just laughs when I screem and yell at the TV. Thank goodness for Sunday NFL ticket. Makes you want to SHOUT.
  22. His history is questionable. One year wonder is alittle strong. Injurys held him back. Big bucks? I don't think so. Good money yes. He is above average when fit. Will some team pay big bucks? I don't think so. Time will tell. I liked him alot. Hope he stays.
  23. Thats only the 10th time I've watched that and I still love every minute of it. Actually alot of fans left at half time and were listening on the radio and tried to get back in. They could not. I watched every minute. Alot of my friends out of town turned it off really mad and have kicked them selfs ever since. We need to get back to those days.
  24. Seems to me that Bell and Hairstein, with limited experience did fine. Allow them to grow and they could be very fine. Players come back from injuries many times with improved results. We need "D". Big "D". I think Winnie will infulance the draft alot. They didn't get him for nothing two years ago. Sign Bell and go "D".
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