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Everything posted by agardin

  1. Agree, I can see why Cutler always seemed pissed. He was getting killed out there.
  2. Michael Lombardi said that the Bills are the perfect fit for Reid. Reid would be an upgrade for the Bills and he has found QBs, yes he never won the big one but he cleary built winning teams in Philadelphia. Don't forget its hard to win in the NFL or so I have been told.
  3. I would have no problem with Lovie as the HC and Norv as the OC and for that matter Romeo Crenell as the DC.
  4. Does Romo make it through to next year with Dallas? Can Jerrah really go ahead with someone this inconsistent? How many chances can you give the guy? The problem with Romo is that he is a great QB and horrific,often within the same game. Ditching Romo would add Dallas to the draft QB mix and they have shown they will trade up to get who they want.
  5. Just like the stadium, I heard the PT cruiser has Ralph Wilson Car painted on the side. Apparently he even names his lamps. Faith Hill's legs and the rest of her are great. I wonder what they would be like with some wing sauce? Very made up for TV of course but she sure is purdy.
  6. Arizona's QB play has been brutal. I wanted Floyd last year and thought he would come out of the gates fast as a rookie. Truth is he is probably the 4/5 th WR on the team. I still think he will be good but he has to beat out teammates for more opportunities, hasn't happened yet.
  7. Over 39 points, is what i want. I know it is likely better that the Bills lose but I just can't seem to root for that outcome.
  8. I've posted on other threads that I think the Bills will be in the mix for Vick. Not sure of the timing but if Vick is traded for Gailey might actually keep his job. Problem with trading is that Vick would keep his rich contract or he would have to renegotiate.
  9. I agree on both fronts. Is there a player in this draft that will fall to the Bills that can step in and start day 1. I think the task of selling tickets is going to play a role as well. I have a hunch the Bills FO is going to make a play for Vick at roughly the same salary as Fitzpatrick was making maybe a bit more. Is Vick great? No but he would put bums in the seats.
  10. I don't want to discuss how I know, let's just say it was a strange camping trip but you can move this rumor to 100% confirmed.
  11. I think there is a strong chance Vick is the QB for the Bills next year. There will be other suitors but the Bills wanted him out of prison and the need is even greater today. This would free the first round for BPA. We will have see where the free agent QB dominoes fall.
  12. Michael Vick? I think that would sell tickets. If a near finished T.O sold tickets so would Vick. I guess it depends on who the coach is.
  13. Not sure but I think he was in that capacity with the Colts up to 2007 and then moved to Atlanta as director of college scouting. So he would have a hand in the Falcons drafts since then. Impossible to know how much input or credit he might deserve. Just ask Tom Modrak.
  14. That would be great. Sanchez gets hurt, Tebow comes in the middle of the first quarter, has a career game against a hapless Bills D and leads the Jets to a convincing victory. The Jets fan base and the media goes ballistic with the 'What if' headlines. Sounds good to me.
  15. Don't agree with the OP on most of the outline, especially the idea about Wanny, but if Norv is fired by the chargers he will be an NFL OC next year for sure. The Bills could do a lot worse.
  16. This sort of thing was given as a main reason why the owners don't want to open up their books. They draw salaries and have family members draw salaries that would be embarrassing for the owners. Ralph does draw a salary from the Bills and I doubt anyone really knows how much it is really worth.
  17. I agree that coaching is important but show me a HOF coach and I will show you a HOF QB. Which begets which is always open to debate. Is it Bellichek or Brady? Walsh or Montana? Levy or Kelly? Probably both. They always seem to go hand in hand though.
  18. I agree, I wish there was some reason for the Bills to retain him as I didnt want another rebuild and think the lack of continuity hurts the team but I see nothing that bodes well for the teams future with Chan at the helm. Times up. He made his bed with Fitzpatrick and now he has to sleep in it.
  19. At one point, not that long ago, the college game was way bigger than the pro game. The NFL didn't want to compete with it. I do like the Saturday Super Bowl though.
  20. Hand 10 percent of the team ownership to Bellichek, seriously. Even with spy gate and whatever else he has done, he is easily the best active coach in the NFL and would increase the value of the franchise by more than the ten percent Ralph would be giving up. Even the haters would bow and kiss his ring if he were introduced as the football czar in Buffalo.
  21. A winning culture is everyting. It comes down to one word confidence. Take a look at your personal lives, when you are confident and in the zone then things seem to fall naturally into place. This holds true for team sports and football in particular. A team that lacks confidence won't win. It will play not to lose, won't 'buy in' to what coaches are trying to implement,unravel when things don't go right, it can't force their will on opponents and won't put in the extra work to help ensure outcomes. I am not Tony Robbins or anything, but confidence is something that I believe will makes all the difference. The trouble is that confidence is very hard to instill and yes, some people are just born with it. Football is the ultimate team game and it is up to the coach to get his players to get it. Once implemented, players will get other players and so on. I guess another word for it is, leadership. Two types of coaches can each be effective, players coaches and/or screamers. Both can work it depends on the team. Time to go, I have a yoga class to attend.
  22. The colts staff would be fired but I think cutting Manning and selecting Luck was Irsay all the way. Not that he would take the blame if Luck was a bust.
  23. This crosses my mind everytime I think about the Bills leaving Buffalo. Unless the move was to Toronto, I would have to say the Browns. At least no one could accuse me of jumping on the bandwagon. If the Bills never existed then it would have been the Raiders.
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