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Everything posted by agardin

  1. I am not liking my under bet. Oh well, the game is good.
  2. Did I miss some important piece of information that supports T'eo? This article suggests he is far from being unshredable. http://www.sbnation....e-investigation The investigation ordered by Notre Dame was limited to the electronic search, [Notre Dame spokesman Dennis] Brown said. Investigators did not interview Te'o or his family, nor did anyone attempt to contact Ronaiah Tuiasosopo or any of his relatives. In response to questions, university officials said the investigators did not examine cell phone records, e-mails or other electronic communication to determine the length or extent of Te'o's communication over the past few years with the person claiming to be Lennay Kekua.... Now I am missing something, isn't an electronic search a search of emails or other electronic communications? Maybe the goal was to establish the fraud. Once established the investigation is done. Which is where this story is at, done. Manti needs a great combine. Great 40 numbers, other explosion drills as well as very stong interviews. I think it is obvious that some GMs will question his maturity and leadership intagibles. Those qualities are important for every first rounder and Te'o epecially.
  3. The story will die now. There will always be people that doubt him but he only needs one GM to believe. Strong combine and he is back in the top 10 to 15.
  4. I believe him. He had a real online relationship with someone whom he thought was genuine. Fake photos, twitter accounts, elaborate back stories and an unsuspecting victim are all plausible to me. Sad. This guy feels like a dupe and has people laughing at him for the rest of his life because some jerk is getting off on screwing with him. I will take him at his word, the University's word and the knowledge that this type of online identity creation is not rare. Also, there is no motive for Teo. As for the motive of the other individual/s involved who knows. I don't get why people hack computers and launch viruses either. If something else comes out that incriminates Manti then I guess I will be wrong.
  5. That made me laugh, I guess we will find out what happened as this has gone viral and there is no way to run from it. I read through the article and it is very confusing. There is one part that indicates quotes a source as saying says that he/she was 80 percent sure Teo was in on it. Could Teo actually be victim of an elaborate hoax......strange things can and do happen. I am not holding out hope of a spelling mistake and there really was an actual live girlfriend. Could he have been having a fake long distant relationship without even knowing it? Either this is the case or Teo is one crazy dude. I choose to believe the former until it is proven that he was complicit in a massive and elaborate fraud, if only to protect my faith in mankind. Also because it is very unclear as to what Teo's motive might have been. Win the Heisman? Gain popularity? Stay in the closet? (this would be the only one that might actually make sense)
  6. Me too. I will admit that I am not the biggest Kelly booster but ND needs some stability, recruiting is going great and I don't want the boat rocked. I also don't see Kelly in the NFL but what do I know. I also know nothing about Marrone but I do agree with the post about the Bills doing a good job of signing the guy they wanted. My prediction is Lovie lands on his feet in Philly, I would imagine the Eagles fans would appreciate the know how he would bring to their under performing D. Who am I kidding, Eagles fans won't like anyone they sign.
  7. I wouldn't say rally but I can't bash Marrone or Hacket as I have no idea as to whether or not they are good choices. Could be a great move or it could be more of the same failure. I have no idea and until I do I think I will reserve judgement.
  8. Yes he would, the cuts and the speed of that spin move on one of his touchdowns was impressive. Bama had players all over the field that would look good in a Bills uniform. Cooper I knew about but I was surprised by McCarron to be honest. Not to mention a couple of DBs and Mosely. Oh and pretty much their entire o line.
  9. People that say ND didn't play anyone are just wrong. Alabama is the best team in the country and would have beaten anyone by a significant margin. I would include LSU, SC and Georgia in that statement. I would listen to arguements from Orgeon and Texas A&M fans but likely would not be convinced. ND needed to play a perfect game to make it close and they didn't. The refs didn't help but the amount of missed tackles and the fact that Alabama are just better doomed ND to failure. ND will be back, their recruiting class is second only to......Alabama. Oh boy. Hopefully Kelly figured out a few things on how to coach up a team for a five week layoff to make the next one a tad closer. Like I said, Alabama are the most physically gifted and deep team in the country
  10. Only 28 more to go. I love ND and this is tough to watch but Bama are physically dominant and clearly superior. I tought this one would be close with Bama pulling it out in the end with their depth and physical advantage. Oh well, at least ND is having a good recruiting year and things are looking up for the coming years.
  11. You are right. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/sea/ I believe I was watching NFL AM or something like that, I am not sure what they were referencing then. Perhaps it was no more sub 500 teams would have made the playoffs. Seattle would have been the only one that year even if the number was expanded. I bet this happens, the money is too good for the NFL to pass up.
  12. Don't have a link to source but apparently no sub 500 team would have made the playoffs had the number of teams been expanded to what Goddell suggested. I thought that was interesting. I am fine the way it is though.
  13. FWIW Here is a short list of NFL active players by birth state. I think you can use this list as a proxy for hotbed college recruiting as the more NFL players your state has produced the greater the talent pool within your state for college recruits as well (not exact but decent) College recruitment for the best programs is obviously national but there are some schools that have a natural local advantage. Alabama, LSU and USC would seem to have it a bit easier. Boise did a great job of picking the right players in the beginning, guys that didn't get offers from Texas, USC and others. Then they got good and starting pulling in big recruits off of a good reputation. Syracuse seems to ebb and flow but NY state does produce a decent amount NFL players, not enough of them went to Syracuse I guess. Is there another NY state school that would be in Syracuse league? Rutgers is close by I guess. http://www.businessinsider.com/nfl-chart-these-states-produce-the-most-nfl-players-2011-10
  14. He is an excellent coach, just keep him out of personnel moves. The browns hiring him basically in that capacity was dumb. They had to take away his keys in Seattle. I can't speak to his motivation to just coach and I am assuming its tough to not be the guy pulling the trigger once you had that control but assuming he is cool with just coaching this isn't that crazy an idea. Ps".....His signing of Delhome in Cleveland was one of the dumbest personnel moves I have ever seen. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4992744
  15. If true and Reid goes to the Chiefs that would be a bit surprising. Alex Smith to the Bills would be less likely as the theory was Reid would have been fine with Kolb. Next HC for the Cards may not have the same feeling.
  16. Seahawks. Love Wilson and they have never won it. Great fan base as well. But honestly it will be whomever I bet on.
  17. Alex Smith would be an upgrade and I can't think of an NFL situation where he would come in and be named the opening day starter without competition. The Bills may be the only ones that can offer something close. 'We are going to draft a QB in the first or second round, we are going to make you our opening day starter as we don't envision the draft pick to be NFL ready for at least a year, it will be your job to lose. Here is a 2 year deal, front loaded, what do you think?" Assuming the Bills do not bring back Fitz, this is likely the conversation they are going to have with every FA QB I can think of.
  18. I think the Whaley promotion took care of that possibility. There is nothing for the Bills to offer him in terms of promotion.
  19. Weather and market size are down the list. Coaches want talent, control and a big check. Didn't Parcells say that coaching in Buffalo would be great, only thing to think about is football. Media market also brings media and no coach likes that. Come to Buffalo win a Super Bowl, get into Canton and open up a chain of restaurants. Done.
  20. It would be great if Reid told AZ they got hosed but you are right the Bills don't need competition for QBs in the draft.
  21. I am pulling for Chan and hopes he finds another home. I like that he was progressive, I didn't like that he was trying insert a square peg in a round hole. There are NFL teams with the personnel that Chan could excel with as an OC. At the end of the day show me a good coach and I'll show you a good QB. Good luck Chan.
  22. They got Vick, developed Kolb to the point where they could trade him and developed the new guy enough to bench Vick. Ironically, Bills o line acquisitions didn't help the Eagles terrible o line play. The Bills haven't come remotely close to this type of development in 30 years or more.
  23. I think the Martz hiring was a mistake but it did show that Lovie would hire a OC with credentials and past HC experience. He didn't put his head in the sand saying " I know everything, bring in a lackey that will do my bidding." The problem with Martz's system is that it relies on a passing game that requires very good pass protection. Maybe Lovie should have realized that the Bears didn't have it and then gone in another direction.
  24. The Bills better hoard their first round pick next year. You don't want to have traded the rights to draft this guy if things go badly next year.
  25. You can't franchise Levitre at the O line tag number. Everyone knows this, including his agent and other teams. I would expect the number to come in the average of the top 5 to 10 guards in the league. Front load a bit more and make him happy. The Bills need to retain pro bowl caliber players not have them leave only to be replaced. Bidding wars for guards are rare but I remember Hutchinson and the Vikes as well as a couple of others. I don't put Levitre in that league as yet but there will be other offers for him that is for sure.
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