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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. perfect. People call wgr and continue to call him this. I understand it's a running joke on here with some but I'm convinced most people don't understand the difference between I and L.
  2. true. I've been hearing that shady isn't the best pass blocker
  3. If we lose Hughes I would be ok. I don't think 2 years 10 mill will do it. Also he would not be replacing kiko as a 34 olb kilo would have most likely been a mlb in a 34 due to size and strenght.
  4. thus why I said to move this because I just saw the salary cap thread after I posted this. again read the last two lines in the post. Move if needed. Crap I just saw the salary cap thread... but thanks
  5. someone posted on it yesterday. It's almost comical how much he hates buffalo.
  6. Rosenhaus has a pretty good relationship with the bills doesn't he?
  7. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/bills-news-notes/2015/3/4/8147309/lesean-mccoy-trade-buffalo-bills-reaction-rex-ryan-philadelphia-eaglesJeffMcClain(dont know who he is)said on twitter shady was upset at first but is" ready to move on" Near the bottom walker has been trashing buffalo on twitter since the trade
  8. once we are a playoff team we should lock the "doors". I despise bandwagon fans
  9. I always laugh at these posts. Why try to attract attention? Just leave.
  10. how do we only have 12.8 mill I don't understand
  11. I think the rb depth chart goes like this. 1. Shady 2. Brown 3. Jackson FB/short yardage Boobie
  12. So let's trade kiko for a back up qb and watch everyone flip out. Smh
  13. A friend and I have been discussing free agency and being able to keep all of our players. I said to restructure Mario and McCoy's deals to make them cap friendly. He said he doesn't think shady would do that because he wants more money. Are there ways to get the players more money and also lowering the cap hit. We both are unfamiliar with the language and what money goes where in regards to contracts. If this needs to be moved I Apologize. I just saw the salary cap thread uggh
  14. It's not like Pennsylvania is that far from here. It's like a 45 min flight from buffalo to philly. I just went there last week.
  15. I like the trade. I like kiko but I don't think he is as good as everyone else does. All he was asked to do was fake a blitz and drop in coverage. Once teams figured this out he went down hill fast.
  16. I heard the interview but I was at work so I may have missed some of it. But I didn't get the impression that either are gone.
  17. I've been on Searcys bandwagon since we drafted him. He is a perfect fit for a Rex Ryan defense.
  18. I'm with you on this. I would even go to two seconds that could move up to a first.
  19. he hasn't been subjected to league drug tests in a year or two so maybe we can you know...
  20. I don't see carr becoming a "franchise" quarterback. I also have no idea why everyone thinks he was good last season. People were praising him against the bills when he completed something like 45% of his passes. I think it is just people thinking that anything is better than ours.
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