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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. I do not know how to post pics from my phone but I was sent a pic this morning of Greg Roman and Josh McCown allegedly at the sabres game. i really hope it's not him. I do not want josh.
  2. I thought it was William C Robinson... have been telling my uncle he has a commercial on wgr..
  3. an argument can be made that with out Sammy we would have lost a few games but that is irrelevant this is a team game. We win as a team and lose as a team.
  4. Mario doesn't seem to have a problem with gun laws in ny.
  5. I wonder what you would think of my job. All this happens before noon.
  6. yeah because the Patriots lost so many games with Rodney Harrison
  7. If this were 5 years ago before everyone turned into PC pus**es this would be considered a great move. But now everyone is sensitive and sofT so most hate it. I love this move.
  8. When he wouldn't play darick in preseason and after I met him at his first Training camp. I understand darick didn't earn it but from what I could tell Marrone didn't try to help. From how he handled darick and MW at cuse, I knew MW wasn't going to get a fair shot here. i tried to like him but there was always something that made me cautious.
  9. Pats* allowed something like 5 tds on 6 carries from less than 2 yards in the playoffs.
  10. Just curious. How can the NE* center bob his head like that before the snap on the kneel downs?
  11. I agree. Carpenter is bad. Lynch and Wilson mask a lot of the o-line problems there
  12. he had success in pettines system which you said yourself is similar to rex. He had success in gym shorts system which used him basically the same way. Rex said himself that he fits the scheme to his players so hughes will most likely be used the same way he has been used the last two years.i don't understand how one of the best defensive minds in football won't be able to get production out of the guy. Hell rex got production out of Maybin.
  13. that's a lot of assumptions. IF the base defense is what pettine used we would line up in a 43 over and Hughes would be an edge player/pass rusher(very similar to the way he was used the last two years) IF the base is a 34 Hughes would be used as a pass rushing OLB (very similar to the way he was used the last two years). IF the defense is a 43 he will be used as an end (very similar to the way he was used the last two years). IF we use nickel as base, he will play end (very similar to the way he was used the last 2 years). IF we use a 46 he will play end (very similar to the way we used him the past two years). IF we fit the scheme to the players he will be used as an OLB/DE (very similar to how he was used the last two years). yup
  14. uggh..... IF Rex runs a 34 like most people here assume he will despite Rex and Thurman saying they will fit the scheme to the players. Hughes is a perfect fit as a rush LB. Also like others have already pointed out he played very well in a defense that a guy who learned under Rex deployed. How don't people remember this. He has been used as a DE/OLB the last 3 years (going back to the Colts. And was showing signs of progress with them). thank you. OG Randell Johnson!! 100% disagree why would he only play 50% of the snaps?
  15. could you imagine the threads? It would be da'rick all over again
  16. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure a majority of the perry's are empty. I know the towers were closed a few years ago. I really hope the Buffalo creek site is where the stadium is built. From the pics it looks like the site with the most available parking that will keep tailgating alive also looks to be the easiest for traffic.
  17. Eric smith is here I believe, but as a coach.(I may be wrong. Don't have time to look it up) so doooooomed
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