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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I don't have a problem AS wanting to retire. I have a problem with his unprofessional Favreian approach to it.
  2. Fits perfectly for this situation, which has dragged on for too long.
  3. Carroll's crash and burn in Seattle is inevitable. Leopards don't change their spots. What happened in New York and New England will happen again in Seattle. Unfortunately for him, I don't think he'll find a home in Division I college football after it. This is the sort of thing that gets you blacklisted by ADs and school administrations. They tend to have long memories. So while it appears Carroll has avoided penalty, its simply taking a raincheck for later.
  4. I'd hope that since the offense sees the 3-4 every day in practice, they will be able to solve it on gameday. The offense looked absolutely lost when up against a 3-4. I'm one of those optimists. I think last season went wrong in so many ways off the field...and the team has attempted to correct those problems and the injury-riddled talent cranked out six wins despite everything. Their corrections in the front office, coaching and conditioning have given me hope for this season.
  5. Objective, no. To be objective, you'd have to be talking about Lynch, Schoebel's Favreian retirement watch, why Maybin doesn't appear in any of the OTA reports and how the 3-4 looks like without pads on yet. I do think that his reports are informative and entertaining, especially since you've got new coaches, new defense. It's interesting to watch the players in action, and see who's doing what. It's eye candy to keep us interested.
  6. I think it will depend on how the quarterback situation plays out. If it turns out Brohm falls flat, and Fitzpatrick and Edwards are who we thought they were , I don't see the team making a move. They will want to retain those picks for next year to trade or draft for a quarterback. I don't put a lot of stock in Levi Brown, sorry. However, if the coaching staff has strong confidence in either Brohm or Edwards, and they take off in the new offense, I could see them making a move for a Left Tackle.
  7. The fans. The city. If you've ever been to a game of a corporate run, big city team, you know how unique and special the Bills are in the grand scheme of football.
  8. Trading for NFL players is sorta like buying a house. If the house is overpriced, you hold tight, and let desperation trickle in for the sellers, who must sell, and let the house come down to market value. The price for Gaither is above market value. Buffalo isn't the only team that would like a young LT. Nobody has given Baltimore what they seek. So, sit back and wait until Baltimore gets antsy, and lowers the price.
  9. The entire NFL should do only throwbacks for an entire year, as the main uniforms. Not only would it be very cool to watch, but the cash registers at the NFL offices would beg for mercy.
  10. It'll be Minnesota or nowhere. I think Childress is desperate enough. He knows he has to win this year. He'll forget 2005 in Philadelphia.
  11. Not to mention the massive amounts of steroids he's taken have destroyed his body. Looks like a physical specimen on the outside, but on the inside, his body is breaking down. The knee injury was just the beginning. He'll spend more time on the injury list than on the field in future seasons.
  12. The guy doesn't want to play football. Unless that changes, everything else is just conversation.
  13. The OL is a question mark like the rest of the offense. Have no idea how good or how bad they are. It's tough to spot any trends when all of us fans got a shot at playing OL last year due to all the injuries, plus you had 2-3 rookies starting on any given game day. I can't stress enough that continuity and coaching matters. Trading your LT, canning your OC, adapting to the no-huddle, then throwing that away when it didn't work, protecting three different quarterbacks, all with different throwing progressions and ability to read the defense and routes, canning your HC mid-season, plus all the injuries...it makes Fred Jackson's achievements last year look like weekly miracles. Last year was such an epic mess, and this team still won six games. I think that's a sign that the team has talent.
  14. Gailey knows what he has in Fitzpatrick and Edwards. Plenty of tape on those guys. He doesn't with Brohm, and especially Brown. Smart move on Gailey's part as this goes a long way in settling the Brohm debate. See what Brohm has so you don't waste time having a 3-way race in training camp. If he does poorly now, it's a manageable competition between Fitzpatrick and Edwards for Q1 and Q2. If Brohm does well during rookie camp, I'd be worried, Trent Edwards.
  15. Evidence that coaching does matter. This team got six wins despite Jauron and company. That's evidence alone that there is talent on the team.
  16. If you're 40 years old, the only position on the field that's probably a fit is the punter. Outside of Brett Farve, I can't recall any 40+ years old players starting besides the punter and the 71st resurrection of Junior Seau.
  17. Thanks guys. Looking forward to the trip and the game.
  18. Thinking of coming up for the Jets/Bills game in October. Any suggestions on good hotels to stay for the weekend?
  19. There is an assumption that all teams treat their practice squad the same. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...quad/index.html I'd submit that perhaps Green Bay did not do a very good job in teaching and coaching Brohm and Meredith, who do have talent. I think it's tough to be Brohm or Meredith and go from practice squad on one team to starting on another in the same season and fans to expect them to execute the playbook to perfection. This season will be the true test of what the Bills have in those guys.
  20. I agree about Moats. I think he'll be very good. A bigger, stronger London Fletcher at ILB.
  21. If he goes anywhere, and that's a colossal IF, I think it will be Minnesota.
  22. I'm punting on who the quarterback should be until training camp. The way I see it, Gailey's offense is going to be completely different from that of Jauron's, so how do we have any idea on how the quarterbacks will fare? There are *system* quarterbacks in college and the NFL. I'm not convinced any quarterback would have been successful in Jauron's system. I think his offense was so bad, that it's difficult to compare quarterback ability based on it.
  23. I'd offer that perhaps there is something with the logistics of having an NFL player who so happens to be a registered sex offender that is making NFL teams exceptionally wary. Crossing state lines, questions of residency, etc. may be a nightmare that NFL Security and team security doesn't want to deal with over the course of the season.
  24. Wang, Chung and two guys with the last name of Knight. Wang, Chung and the two Knights. Somewhere at an obscure state fair, the Outfield plots its glorious return.
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