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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Appears to be a great athlete who's learning the LB position. Endured 5 years of that with Edmunds. Henley as a starter? Not a chance. The 2023 Bills can't afford that OTJ training.
  2. Agree 100 percent. He's the worst of the bunch. I think ALL of the OL are strong but slow and not in great condition.
  3. I imagine something like this would sell out in a day in Buffalo. Big money for charity.
  4. A play where actors would dramatically read posts from this thread would be very entertaining.
  5. Two thoughts: BB is one of the very best, if not the best coach in the modern era to change his strategy half to half, game to game, season to season. He isn't a slave to any particular approach. The Patriots always prioritized the experienced, smart football player. The Patriots invested in true football players who had a high IQ for the game. The complete opposite of say, the Raiders, who stocked their team with legitimate Olympic athletes who understood little, or had a difficult time, understanding the details of the game of football.
  6. I am ok with trading picks for Hopkins. I prefer Hopkins over OBJ or drafting a WR in the first round. He will have a big year if he comes to Buffalo. I could see the Bills having three receivers at +1,000 yards. Hasn't been done since 2008, but doable.
  7. The 9-11 Commission report is suspect because to this day ,through several presidential administrations, the US government has fought tooth and nail to keep documents and information pertaining to potential Saudi involvement in 9-11 classified. Even the great party saviors - Trump and Biden - continued to classify that information.
  8. My apologies for not being concise - when I mentioned the Saudis - was talking about the reasons behind the Iraq War only.
  9. It's hard to name a US war, post WWII that wasn't a failure in policymaking. In the Iraq War, we seemed to go out of our way to make the worst decisions out of the possible choices. The real reasons for this war always interested me. It wasn't about freedom or WMDs. Why would the US invade a reliable pressure door against the Iranians and a dictator who had no use for groups like al-Qaeda? Did the same thing in Libya. (Answer: The Saudis.)
  10. The analytics department gets to pick one player in FA and the draft. "This guy is going to be really special." -Steve and Jeff, analytics department "Who?" -Brandon Beane, General Manager
  11. #1 The Andre Smith roster spot. May as well have put a fan on the roster. #2 Never have understood this team's fascination with Taiwan Jones.
  12. Oddly lacked the concentration in big games. He had a drop in the Chiefs game last year that made me think "yep, that's going in the file."
  13. I don't understand the infatuation with players like Matakevich and Dodson as must haves, but I appreciate that he's a responsible steward of the free agent money. The contracts he negotiates in free agency aren't absurdly long or above market salary wise. We aren't doing Dockery/Walker free agent deals these days. I don't understand the infatuation with players like Matakevich and Dodson as must haves, but I appreciate that he's a responsible steward of the free agent money. The contracts he negotiates in free agency aren't absurdly long or above market salary wise. We aren't doing Dockery/Walker free agent deals these days. I don't understand the infatuation with players like Matakevich and Dodson as must haves, but I appreciate that he's a responsible steward of the free agent money. The contracts he negotiates in free agency aren't absurdly long or above market salary wise. We aren't doing Dockery/Walker free agent deals these days.
  14. That's a deal a rebuilding team can afford. Teams with legit Super Bowl aspirations cannot afford to pay a star salary to one good player. One of the drought era Bills teams would have done that deal, and we all probably would have liked it.
  15. Lady Gaga on the account she has a lot more range in the types of songs she sings. You enjoy a variety of songs with Lady Gaga music.
  16. I feel .gov was just as surprised as everyone else. That's not an encouraging sign.
  17. IMO, it's the prevalent and continued use of Viagra and Cialis, and to a degree, the growing use of supplemental testosterone by men in the last decade not necessarily "growing" them in size, but protecting them from size loss. As you age, especially in men, blood flow to the penis can be a problem, and testosterone decreases, rather substantially, in most, compared to where we were at 18. Men today can combat both. Men in every demographic and age cohort take these drugs now. Not the case back in 1992. Penis and prostate - use it or lose it. I'm sure these same researchers said "well, pollution!" to answer why post-menopausal women were having all that sex in their 60s. It couldn't be all that great hormonal therapy out there. No.
  18. The corporate veil prefers to keep friend and foe close. Besides, you don't want to put Dan Snyder in a position where he feels compelled to leak knowledge of other NFL skeletons. I also feel the NFL prefers North American ownership of their franchises they will hold on to those to the greatest extent they can. They don't want, for example, a Saudi company or a Chinese conglomerate owning a franchise. Even owners like Khan/Jags are US citizens who own American companies.
  19. I suspect they will trade him at the trade deadline in November and see if he has a great first couple months of the season and sell high.
  20. My pick is the Titans. Nicer weather, considerably better tax situation than NJ, and they have the means to get the deal done. Vrabel has a better track record than Saleh or McDaniels. 3 out of 5 seasons in the playoffs, COY in 2021.
  21. Exceeded expectations so much I have new expectations. He, and everyone at OBD for that matter, has impressively taken a long mediocre franchise to the verge of greatness. I now want the very good to become the great.
  22. The NFL should fire Ed Mangan but he'll likely keep that job for another 20 years because the NFL operates like the Soviets at Chernobyl. There's no fault because there's no fault to see. The NFL is also at fault because Mangan knows baseball turf - turf that's in the hot, humid, southern heat of Atlanta. He knows absolutely nothing about what they tried to do in Arizona - growing it outside in dry, but not summer desert conditions, and then moving it inside and re-installing it indoors.
  23. I love the pitch clock. Next up: An NFL-style salary cap too to make the league much more competitive. 10 teams are spending $100 million or less in 2023, and 14 are spending below the league average.
  24. I'd do it - 1-2 year deal. A fan here posted a statistic that showed Wagner had as many interceptions in one season as a Ram (in a new defense) as Edmunds has in his entire career. That was interesting. I'm inclined to do this sort of deal to take advantage of what's likely Von Miller's last year of playing football at a "great" level and that it'd be great if the Bills got into a Super Bowl (or win one) before the new stadium opens. I saw this year as an all-in year and given the disappointment of the 22 season, the 23 season is even more desperate. If I were the Pegulas, I'd want everyone in OBD feeling like it's Super Bowl or else this year. No more "aww shucks, we'll work harder!" crap.
  25. I do. I try not to create potential for a crash or road rage incident that I have to deal with or someone else behind me has to deal with. I'll take the 15 seconds to let them in.
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