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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. I am more than OK with the nickel defense. It is our best base defense, even in stopping the run. Taron (and now fill in Dane) excel in run support. You can still have 8 in the box in a nickel D....
  2. I went in for the opener at 1145 and waited for about 10 minutes to get through vax check (then ticket line is quick as usual) I started going in later and later, went in at 12:20 last game and waited only a few minutes. It also depends on what gate at what time, its kind of a crap shoot. But I would say you would be safe going in as late as you want honestly. Local radio guys talk about going in at 1245 and walking right in. Bottom line: dont sweat it, go in like you would normally go in pre-covid. Be loud AF
  3. was there, saw no struggling. We were firmly in control of the game for 3 plus quarters. 24-10 with under 12 minutes to go.
  4. Been to every game, two different lines...line up and they check your vax card or app, no verifying against an ID, then you line up and give your ticket / go through security as usual.
  5. Really really wish we had Star for the Colts game. Next man up and all I get that, but boy we will miss him.
  6. Like all teams, it comes down to the QBs. If Wentz shows up and makes no mistakes itll be a field goal deciding game. If Wentz shows up and is average to bad, we will win by at least a touchdown. This is of course providing Allen continues his good play (Jags game aside).
  7. yea, thats why I said im not normally this guy. However, id sit anyone with any kind of boo boo against the pooptastic Jags. Its a moot point though because I know Brown and Knox are not playing Sunday, so no need to delve further into the topic.
  8. ill riot if Dawson Knox practices or plays this week. Dont need him whatsoever for the Jags. I am not usually "we dont need him this week" guy, but this week and with him, I sure am. Same thing with Spencer Brown. Sit these guys and let em play in a division game against the Jets next week if they are ready. Jags suck, we roll (jets suck and we roll too, but its at least a division game).
  9. yea once he starts practicing they have 21 days to add him to the roster
  10. I ate at a diner in Colorado owned by a guy who worked at denver mine company and personally made elvis his fools gold sandwich. It is their signature menu item and the entire restaurant has elvis pics all over the walls....excellent food. Cant remember the name of it, but I think it was just the guys first name.
  11. Would be absolutely game changing if Jones can't go. Please football gods.
  13. The Bills are SO GOOD at universal messaging. It isn't particular to this week, but it is obvious these guys gets coached up before doing their media interviews. "Its the biggest game because its the next one". "Its a week to week league". "They have a lot of good players, a lot of weapons that can hurt you". All of the players using the same vanilla answers, not giving the opponent any bulletin board material. It is really a minor detail, but a great one that is obviously a focal point by our staff. Minor details add up to winning championships.
  14. Ive won back to back survivor pools, $2200 the first year and $2800 last season. I am not saying this to brag, I am saying this to say the strategy works. You HAVE to "Get cute" to win it all. You can pick obvious favorites/what everyone else picks week to week, but all you are doing is kicking the can down the road. Pick good matchups every week, absolutely. But you have to pick against the grain. I didnt pick the Bills last week like over 50 percent of my league did, and now I can use them later in the season when most remaining people have already used them (think: free week). It doesn't matter if you get knocked out week 4 or week 14, your still getting knocked out, thats why you have to "take smart chances" - like the bengals last week (and I agree, I hate taking anything in a thursday matchup), and the Patriots this week. They are still plus matchups, but not the heavily taken favorite. I also try my best to avoid division games, no matter how big the favorite is, because anything can happen in division games. Just my 2 cents in how I have been winning my survivor pools. Go Bills!
  15. Patriots over Texans is the correct play this week. Save your better teams for later on when you need them. Thats why I went Bengals last week. Going Bengals then Patriots back to back is how you win a survivor pool.
  16. Really just a great slate of football. Thursday could even be entertaining. All the prime time games and the Sunday games we get in Buffalo are good. Need to make it out of the stadium in a good mindset so I can fully enjoy Sunday....ill try reminding myself that all morning on Sunday while tailgating
  17. he has had that nickname since he was a kid due to always being high energy. So to answer your question, he didn't do anything as a Bill that earned him that nickname, just always been his name. It is also what he requested to be referred to as in interviews with the media.
  18. you did a lot of eating...which you absolutely should do when you come to Buffalo. Bar Bill and Elmos ARE great wing stops...Elmos is my number 1. Next time, check out amherst Ale house too, delicious wings. Those are my top three.
  19. I got $100 saying the Bills win if you wanna wager that the dolphins win
  20. I think it will turn out that the Steelers aren't as bad as the talking heads predicted, and Vegas was able to cash in on that (there was a reason the sharp money was all over the Steelers), and are a matchup nightmare for the Bills.
  21. talk about an over reaction lol. "A Team that laid an egg at home on opening day". Laid an egg? They were leading the game for 3 quarters. Did they miss a bunch of opportunities? Oh absolutely. Their o-line stunk against the best front 7 in football, and that was not great to see. Our offense doesnt match up well with the Steelers, and hasnt for three straight tries now. The difference in this game last sunday was the bounces and calls and big play (blocked punt) went the Steelers way instead of ours...but thats the game of football. Pump the brakes on your dire straits act bud. This is a fantastically loaded football team. I fully expect them to win Sunday (steelers game was 50/50 for me) and remain in the drivers seat for the division and one of the top two seeds in the AFC. *Also, your 0-2 teams only having 12% chance doesnt account for the fact that teams play an extra regular season game this year for the first time. Take a deep breath.
  22. yes I know. keep reading in the thread. I misunderstood what he was trying to say.
  23. yes that is correct. So your saying you suspect the plan was to cut him THIS offseason (Before this season), but now they have to wait until next offseason....ok I get that. And yes that has been widely suspected based on the structure of his deal. I would imagine he will take a paycut if he wants to stay with us. He only makes like 6 million against the cap this year (which would have been last year) but it goes up for next season. None of that is related to his impact on the game though. We just cannot afford to pay big money to him with our roster makeup. opt out didnt kill their plan, it just kicked it down the road a year, which im sure they are grateful for now. We get an impactful Star at a decent cost for a super bowl run
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