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Everything posted by HansLanda

  1. honest to sweet baby jesus, on touchdowns this is what they say: "Touchdown, Bear down!" EDIT> DANG IT. Two posts about same thing. It's so bad, however that it's worth reading twice.
  2. And then the cynic in me would think the Pats would cut Danny Etling, sign AJ and just get the playbook out of him
  3. I think this team has to carry all three at least to start the year.
  4. Do we really think someone as detail oriented as McD doesn't already know who his day one starter is? Just because he's humming and hawing over it with media doesn't mean a thing. Regardless of who gets the bulk of the load tomorrow, expect heavy doses of Cadet, Ford and Taiwan Jones via handoffs.
  5. Seattle really must be a tire fire at QB behind RW. Last week the word was they offered a second round pick for Brissett.
  6. https://footballmaven.io/bills/news/guess-who-s-back-bucky-and-sully-returning-with-comprehensive-bills-coverage-dhO-1MPf9EO7R0czw2IujQ/ Site is free and part of a larger network.
  7. How can you start a thread saying Peterman was always the plan, then have this blurb that AJ was really the pick? No comprende
  8. We may not notice the nuances the coaching staff is looking for. Plays are just backyard vanilla but he still needs to make the right throws. However, his communication with Daboll, et al, his command of huddle, his pre snap reads/changes are going to weigh heavily.
  9. His hit, once upon a time, on Flacco was as dirty as they get
  10. Have to take him for what he is. Basically the anti-Sal C. Which I guess can be healthy. It's very clear he does not take the rah-rah position basically ever. Not saying other hosts are all rah-rah and pro-team, but he def is on the other side of the spectrum.
  11. Quite the manspread happening to start that video. I cannot unsee.
  12. It's fine. Really. OBD is the homer show. Did they get the QB right?
  13. This is the only proven thing to work in Cleveland: "Every time we win, we peel a section."
  14. Too long; didn't read: we should all be optimistic. Thanks for this. As a longtime skeptic, given our QB history and I wanted Rosen, color me very intrigued/impressed. I made a LONG drive to see the first game in person at NEF. Without question, I've never had this level of optimism in Losman, Edwards or EJ. Losman had an arm and some legs, but was kinda small and never really knew what the hell he was doing. Edwards had - it seemed - poise, but that led to check downs because he had zero arm. EJ, well, I never really got him at all. Just a guy. Allen, in one game, showed poise, command of huddle AND at the line, and just made plays with his arm and legs. Once he really gets dialed in within this O, it really is something to consider. A few things highlighted: (1) I really can't comment on his college mechanics because, well, I just don't know that much about foot position, but he was not wildly inaccurate by any stretch. With #1 NFL receivers, at least one of his deep shots is a completion. (2) If he didn't have an arm, after all the hype, we would have pitch forks. But my lord, I know it's cliche to have an arm to 'throw in the wind of Buffalo' but it really is a thing. The fact he was throwing guys open on game 1 is very encouraging. (3) I don't know if this is just a product of the 'game plan' for the first preseason game, but he def stared down his receivers. Did he do slight pumps here and there to get DB's to commit? Absolutely. That all said, he needs to scan the field more with a plan already in mind. #1 defenses feast on guys that stare at the first read. That will lead to picks and sacks in the regular season. In some cases, all he had to do was identify the first read and where he was going to go, and then just look elsewhere for half a second to move a safety and make the throw. I am fully aware that is counter to my lack of knowledge of foot position, but on tape it's very clear what DBs do when Qb's are only looking at one half of the field. Again, could be a game plan/play call thing. He just can't be Mr. Improv if he plays against #1's. Not yet anyway.
  15. I tend to agree that the NFL won't get involved with a she said/he said civil matter. That said, the moment any police report with some evidence substantiating this claim, you never know. The fact her lawyer is getting this going now with nothing from the police makes me think she just wants some $$ and she'll go away.
  16. That is all fine and dandy, but if there is no police involvement or indictment, Shady will probably do one of these: (1) fight the suit in court <-- can be a royal pain and a time suck (2) pay her something to get this all to stop and have her absolve him of any wrong doing <-- not sure the NFL will care if they think there is anything more to the story, but I would ask her for a $ number and offer half for her to get out of his life (3) nuclear option: fight suit and counter sue.
  17. weed wasn't his, ID not legit, driving at 3am during training camp, and doesnt tell team for almost a day after the fact when they traded an expendable coleman? maybe, just maybe, we get lucky here.
  18. Billsmafia isn't running for office (as far as I know). I am much more concerned about if they got the QB right.
  19. More than that. Has to be at least one 1st rd. Shaq prob valued at a 4 or a 5 and then another pick. Even dangling McCoy isn't going to move the needle too much
  20. Public Service Announcement: pass on all Brady-era former Pats WRs not named Randy Moss.
  21. Honest Q: Has Shaq done anything more in the NFL, relative to his position, than Corey Coleman has done? If you move him, you have to do player-for-player to get someone on this 53 man roster. Dumping him for a 4-6th rounder doesn't seem like a good idea given Trent's injury (and history)
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