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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I'm not sure what they are thinking putting him in with that thing on.
  2. I gotta go with a seven person blame on the run defense front...which isn't fair to the two or three really good run stoppers. In the final analysis unless you have a super-crappy d-lineman (and we don't), its a collective fault. Something to work on with this team for sure but I'm not buying Kyle Williams as "the problem".
  3. On the one? Going for it is a gutsy call and if he made it we'd be all happy about it. Going for three is three sure points. Six of one and half a dozen of the other in my book. I'm comfortable with either call. If he were on the five? fg...if he were on the one inch line? run it in.
  4. haven't received a warning point in years....must be getting old.
  5. The offensive line needs upgrading for sure and a little depth on both lines wouldn't hurt. We need a quality tight end. The other receivers other than Johnson are looking good and may be what we need. A linebacker or two would be nice. I think we are pretty close, and I suspect Manuel is the qb and Lewis looks like a pretty good backup in the little we've seen of him. We need a little more time to gel.
  6. Gailey got a better roster than Marrone...and went 0-8 to open the season. No way there is a comparison.
  7. Puzzled by Gilmore being out there with only one hand. I don't see how he can be effective, no matter how good he is, at cb with that club where his hand should be. I'm cutting the guy a break until he can play with both hands.
  8. 1. offensive line 2. defensive line 3. quarterback. Great teams are built from the line of scrimmage back.
  9. "plays well" is a large category. If we go go 5-2 and it is close games and Lewis plays OK but not stellar, EJ comes in . If Lewis throws for four touchdowns and plays lights out...we'll probably keep him in. Pretty hard to make a firm conclusion, but I would think Lewis would have a tough row to hoe to get to be a starter, as EJ has earned the starting job and is already selected as the qb of the future.
  10. Terrific movie. I only saw it in regular 3-d but was far more interesting than the trailers would have you believe, and the special effects were astounding. Good performances by Bullock and Clooney.
  11. You know we are going to be continuing this debate on a game by game basis all season. Lets judge them by the body of work at season's end. However I'm starting to wonder about EJ being injured as much as he has, and hope that is just an aberration. I suspect if, injuries aside, they get the work in we'll find that there isn't much difference at the end of the year. If EJ is FAR better than Smith I'll be happy. If Smith is FAR better than EJ, I'll be sad.
  12. Gilmore and Byrd in the backfield is a big plus especially with AJ Green as the major receiver. Low scoring game and a little bit of luck and who knows what might happen? Bills 17 Bengals 13.
  13. The Bills FO must know something we don't. I don't think White has given any performance to date warranting his being a starting qb, or even a satisfactory backup. If he works out against the Bengals this will be the equivalent of Rocky.
  14. Its a safety thing. I'm waiting for Jarious Byrd to change his name to Nefarious Turd.
  15. I think the consensus is that you want to limit the number of people who have to handle the ball in any one play at that particular point in the game. Center to qb is basic. Center to qb to running back doubles the opportunities. When the issue is not gaining yards but killing time the kneel down is the logical choice.
  16. Are people actually arguing that we aren't being hurt by our interior O'Line play? Levitre would have been, and was an excellent guard and we don't have an excellent or even an adequate replacement. This has to be a top consideration in the draft this year, and in fact I'd consider a trade (Byrd?) for a good solid guard.
  17. You may be a little young to remember Pisarcek of the Giants trying arun instead of a kneel down and defensive back HERM EDWARDS stole the ball on the handoff and ran for a winning touchdown for the Eagles. Everyone since has blasted the Giants (and Pisarcek) for not doing a kneel down. Darned if you do...darned if you don't.
  18. The guy is a rookie playing on a team in transition. Give him a break. He shows talent and will improve as the season progresses.
  19. Well past my forties. I was good looking in my 20's in my 30's and in my 40's....look more distinguished these days than good looking. Seen good looking women in their forties but never really was all that impressed with the fellas.
  20. Gotta go with the Ravens on this one. We are just too beat up at the present time to give them much competition. But hey...on any given sunday...Prediction Ravens 34 Bills 17.
  21. Not time to scrap it yet, but I'd be more than a little wary of it if it doesn't start showing some success in the next few games. The fact is that the present condition of our defensive backfield might warrant some adjustment. If our defense is as ugly (because of injuries) as it seems at the moment, an offensive strategy that keeps the offense on the field and the defense off sounds like a good plan for the time being. Unless of course we have AN OFFENSE that is sacrosanct in all circumstances and damn the torpedoes full steam ahead.
  22. It could be worse...you might actually have bought a ticket, drove to New York and sat in the stands. The Bills were a fiasco, there were very unfortunate injuries...so we just have to weather the pains of a rebuilding team.
  23. If we wanted a power running offense we should have kept Marshawn Lynch.Whatever Spiller is, he isn't a power runner. Move him around and even put him into the pass game a little. The Ravens are going to go through our line like it isn't even there...so we might want to introduce a few screens. EJ has to be given the go ahead to run for his life when the situation calls for it. Put in Jackson and a fullback for whatever "power running" we want to do and in the meanwhile the two of them might block the onrushing Raven defense. Keep our defense off the field (coach...that means eat the clock...run it ....drain every possible second. Forget up-tempo for this game. Balls to the wall on special teams ...very aggressive.
  24. You could have jerry rice and andre reed with Gronkowski at tight end. If the qb isn't protected with enough time to throw its irrelevant. Someday we will discover that the key to a good offense is a quality offensive line.
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