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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I liked the idea of going with Lewis as opposed to rushing out to get a "savior" from the discarded qb pool. If it were a situation where we were 7-0 and we had NO confidence in the existing qb's I might be tempted to try to get a quality outsider, but in most cases you have to have confidence in the folks you have as it adds to team confidence. I think the Lewis experience is a great example of this.
  2. know...I LOVED having the show and I suspect most south park grads get a kick out of it. Imagine, I left a strict seminary to go to a co-ed public school the year the micro skirt was invented. Almost nudity there of a most positive kind!
  3. Actually I was ready to fire Chan the minute he was announced and would have fired Jauron after year 1, but I'm seeing some good things in Marrone. As far as the Bills coaching situation I was in the early fire contingent for everyone after Wade Phillips. I am liking this guy so far, although I expect no more than a six to eight win season this year.
  4. Excellent article. And the idea of a Hall of the Very Good is first rate. So many players like Lamonica who we admire greatly but might not make it to the Hall of Fame. Nice job, not only on the article but on the research in general.
  5. Spent three years in a boys boarding school after eighth grade, played football at South Park, was in the military for four years. Naked in the locker room was pretty much a given. I even remember changing rooms at state parks which were gang changing rooms and showers as a kid. But then I graduated high school in 1966. In fact I used to go various athletic clubs in cities where you swam naked as well. I think nudity just wasn't a big deal back then.
  6. I agree with the guy who said "We will be 4-4"...but...Beating NO would be a major statement and would cause me to re-evaluate my present "ceiling" or stretch goal of 8 wins for the Bills this year to being of the mind that they just might be a playoff team. One would probably get more excited over a win against a divisional opponent, but beating NO would make people wonder. In the final analysis even though it only means 4-4, it would be a significant victory and sign of improvement.
  7. This game is a real test of how good we are. We beat New Orleans and people are going to take notice. Its not a division game, and no one is making us favorites or even predicting a close game. A win here would be a statement!
  8. I have a suggestion of something we might do to establish a culture of winning......WIN.
  9. all in all I clearly think McKinnie would have been the better choice for us.
  10. In my memory (which could be absolutely wrong) Shaw was a fairly good qb...certainly not a bust (Marangi, Dan Darragh, Kay Stephonson, Holbert, JP etc...)
  11. we are an improving team and making for good close games throughout. That being said eight wins would be a major accomplishment, and nine would be outstanding. I'm liking the way we are going and this is the first year I have confidence in the coaching and in the team, despite some unfortunate injuries. I don't see us in the 88-89 bills class, but I see us being the best teams we have had since 2004.
  12. Ohhh...hate to admit these, but I think I have the wrongest judgment. In my high school days I went to a Bills preseason game and decided that a rookie cornerback named Butch Bird should be cut. He's on the all decade and probably on the all time buffalo bills team. On a more recent note I was a huge Kyle Boller fan and thought he would be an all pro qb. This is painful stuff to admit.
  13. 2004...Drew Bledsoe, Eric Molds, Lee Evans, Willis McGahee, Travis Henry...it is perhaps the highest point differential of any team to ever not make the playoffs. after an 0-4 start they blew through the season and then lost to Pittsburgh's third string players in the final game.
  14. kyle can always say he considered picking it up and taking it to the house, but on reflection thought falling on it the better course of action since the Bills could kill the clock and get the field goal. Some folks might even believe it! Actually I do think he chose wisely after scooping the ball around a little to just fall on it ungraciously and be happy we recovered. Nice job Kyle and nice job Mario in jarring it loose to begin with.
  15. On the one hand it was an ugly win. On the other, it is a team with a new coaching staff, a bag of new players, some critical injuries and they are in every game, good or bad. I think we should be optimistic, but we can't make an ugly game pretty.
  16. Well...Ringo Starr was a replacement for Pete Best? Want Ringo out of the Hall of Fame? That's a problem with hard and fast rules such as a "no replacement" rule.
  17. These are some very very tough teams coming up. If we win more than two of the next four I'd revise my estimate of eight win max to making us serious playoff contenders. Stranger things have happened and we will have some players coming back off injuries...so let's keep our fingers crossed. Realistically? I would be happy to win one of the next four.
  18. Andre Reed isn't worthy of the Hall of Fame. Gary Marangi was an underrated quarterback second only to Dan Darragh.
  19. I'm thinking its too early to say for Marrone. I'm liking that we are in every game, and we'll see how good he is as a coach by how the team plays the rest of the season. So far I see good things and I see bad things. He's handled the qb situation well and made the move to Lewis in a timely fashion, not panicking and going to someone new and unfamiliar with the playbook.
  20. 5-0 would make it impossible to start anyone else. It would be like having a doug flutie get you to the playoffs and then starting rob Johnson. Oh....wait a minute.
  21. I've been as negative as anyone in the Jauron/Gailey years because the team sucked and then got worse. I'm actually positive about the team this year. We could easily be at the top of the division but for a few plays, we've suffered some critical injuries and we're playing far better than last year. I'm still of the opinion that six wins for this team would be okay, and eight wins is a stretch and a great season. I'm optimistic.
  22. he was invisible last year, and I even thought of him as a bust...but he's certainly come back to pro-bowl form. However we are not paying him pro-bowl money...we're paying him hall of fame money. Keep improving Mario.
  23. I may be naïve but I just don't understand how anyone can play corner with a hand as wrapped up as his is. I'm not going to judge him until he plays a few games with both hands.
  24. I agree that this game is a big test for Marrone. We have to win our division or at least win a bag of division games to get to the playoffs and Miami wil tell us whether we are in the mix. It should be an interesting game and I hope Lewis makes a name for himself in this one. I also hope Gilmore is out of his club for the game or that the defensive coaches have sense enough not to put him on the field in that condition.
  25. What he said. I said it was an insane move at the time and time has borne me out for sure on this one. Note that Willis McGahee is still playing as well. Rather than get some players in positions of real need ...like a quarterback or offensive tackle for instance we were fixated on CJ.
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