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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Hey..go ahead and post...what the hell I'm full of crap most of the time too and they let me post!
  2. I've always thought that myself. Kemp had a great offensive line, great receivers and a hell of a running game, and the defense was out of this world. Plus you had Gogolak to kick field goals. On the other hand I think the Packers were still a very good football team and probably not the worst to win the superbowl two years running.
  3. Wishful thinking..but nothing wrong with that. It is certainly POSSIBLE. So far I'm going with the hope that he's healthy enough to get a solid week of practice before game 1. If he doesn't make game 1, it won't be the end of the world.
  4. I am not too concerned, and agree with the coach that the increase may be a result of being so aggressive. Being aggressive is terrific, and as they play they'll get a better handle on the penalties. I'd prefer to look at it as a healthy and aggressive attitude that needs a little fine tuning.
  5. Actually the only criteria I've mentioned are sacks, tackles, win/loss and overall performance. I never mentioned popularity, which I don't think should be a criteria. Don't know how I've given you that impression. Furthermore, if he were getting a journeyman defensive end salary, which I think he might actually deserve, I wouldn't consider him a bust. He's a better than average defensive end..but nothing special. I'll bite...what evidence is there that his performance against the run was "superb"...just asking...
  6. Hey..I said Gailey and Nix were a disaster the day they were appointed and Wanny was a mess. I'm just focusing on this one guy's performance which is not of pro-bowl nor hall of fame caliber. Should he be a starting defensive end? sure. He is one of three or four defensive linemen and in the Bills scheme he might be the best of that small group. But given his salary he's what I consider a bust...so far. Hope he proves me wrong and has a pro-bowl season, but until he does...I'm not impressed.
  7. Boy..I wish we had been the worst team to win the superbowl instead of maybe the best team to ever lose a superbowl (against the Giants).
  8. And OJ Simpson who won gold in the 68 Olympics (relay) Another Olympian who played WR was Bo Roberson for the Bills in the 60's. Reynaldo Nehemiah, won gold in the hurdles and has a superbowl ring with the 49 ers.
  9. Hmmm.that was the figure that was bandied about. I don't think his tackles were all that impressive. I don't think he was the greatest run stopper the bills ever had...and finally...we had six freaking wins last year. Hope he has a better year, but we haven't been getting value for the dollar with this guy.
  10. espngo.com statistics for 2012....Starts with Watt at 20.5 and Williams is tied for 17th with Robert Quinn at 10.5. Hardly elite. He'll get what he gets this year..hopefully 15 or more, but he's not shown anything special yet during his tenure in Buffalo.
  11. Who was the actor originally planned to play Rick in Casablanca? Ronald Reagan.
  12. The contract is for six years and can pay $100 million, 50 of which is guaranteed. I'd expect a lot for that. We're not getting a lot...yet.
  13. Look..he isn't in the top ten or even top fifteen sackmasters. He's on a losing team. He's sitting out preseason...he is streaky as hell. I don't know what would make him worth $100 million. I'd hope that for that amount he'd be a pro-bowl player (hell for that amount I'd want a hall of fame player) and a leader of the defrense. Didn't happen. Maybe it will this year, and I hope it does. But right now he's nothing special.
  14. Answer to question one. 8 or more wins Answer to question two. Six or fewer wins.
  15. I think its kind of given at this point that Manuel was a very good pick and that the coach and staff deserve a lot of praise for picking him? I don't see any qb in this class in the same ballpark to date. I'm really impressed, and looking forward to this Manuel guy making a huge difference. Frankly I'm pretty impressed with the entire draft this year so far.
  16. Considering that there were seventeen guys who got more sacks last year than he did...he's not exactly performing like the highest paid defensive lineman.
  17. At $100 million I'd expect a lot more from him. He's nothing until he's something.l..and I don't think he's earned his paycheck yet..as a defensive end or as a team leader. Hope he does both this year.
  18. He has been a bust so far. I'm hoping he has the wherewithal to earn his paycheck this year and become a team leader.
  19. I suspect Tuel is on the chart to play game 4 as there is no sense on risking Kolb to injury when we aren't certain Manuel will be ready for the Pats game. So Kolb gets his showcase moment against the Skins and we can be hopeful that Manuel will get enough practice in to play in game 1. This is unfortunate, but not a major setback for anyone.
  20. Wait and see. I agree with the idea that if he can get a full week of practice in Manuel will start against NE. If not the job is Kolb's to lose...and so far he is on his way to losing even THAT competition
  21. Am I wrong that the final preseason game is usually one where most starters rest and there is a rush to avoid injuries? And if EJ is cleared for a solid week of practice before game 1 I suspect he would start. Much as I hate the patriots
  22. people with more money have more sex, until they have less money and then they have less sex. As the hooker said: "Its a business doing pleasure with you."
  23. I t5hink the preseason games are important for us as we have a new coach, new qb and bunch of rookies, so every rep we can get is important. Hopefully the coach will settle on the starting qb soon. I can't believe how many talented receivers we have this year, and I suspect there will be some very hard decisions to make in that area. I don't see the Vikings as a "litmus" test as much as I see it as a chance to get experience with a different "look" than the Colts gave us. I would hope Manuel gets meaningful time in this game as well as part of the growth process. I'm interested in seeing what Tuell looks like as well. This is one of the more interesting pre-seasons the Bills have had in a very long time.
  24. Before the first preseason game I would have thought just getting six wins would be a stretch goal and an adequate accomplishment for a team with so many new players and rookie qb. The team performed way beyond what I thought they were capable of in the first preseason game and I'm getting more and more optimistic. I don't think an 8-8 goal is outrageous at this point. Yeah its early, but so far I am impressed.
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