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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. When Diamond Dave left Van Halen he took the party with him. Somehow he also took EVH's "brown sound" as well. I have seen DLR solo a few times and it has always been a good show. I can't stand Van Hagar but that is just my opinoin.
  2. We've had the FSU fans booing senior QB Chris Rix this season. Coach Bobby Bowden has said one of three things regarding this practice. 1.) He didn't hear it. 2.) The boos come from all of the PlayStation All Americans in the stands. 3.) Those people would boo an Easter Egg Hunt.
  3. I have seen him LIVE many times. He is an American Treasure. I hope you have a great time!
  4. The Jills look like MI Wouldn't LF.
  5. I'm glad you decided on Paige. It is a sweet name for a girl.
  6. 7. Ralph Wilson needs to sell the team before he passes away from old age. Maybe OJ will buy it with his secret stash of cash. Oops, not so secret any more huh?
  7. I've got to root for Buffalo. The voices in my head told me to ~
  8. ... and your fingers just typed that with out locking up. Super!
  9. Exactly ... It's like what I call Tiger-Time on the PGA tour. When Tiger is playing the whole tourney is ALL about him. Even if someone in his group is winning it is because he is playing with Tiger. Ugh!
  10. Granted. Like I said so NE is good. But do they have to atlk about them like they are old ladies at a friggin flower show. It was just dripping with artificial sweetner.
  11. OK, we lost. So what? OK, NE is a better team. Good for them. But those announcers last night were killing me. What a giant ass kissing fest for NE all night long. My God it was like they were paid just to spew sloppy kisses all over the Pats in the most sickening way. Yech blech.
  12. We are the Buffalo Bills. I was born, raised and schooled in Buffalo right through college. Ever since I was old enough to talk I have been a Bills fan. In the beginning that involved listening to them on the radio while they worked their magic in the old AFL. I was a fan when OJ was drafted and I used to see him play live in the Rockpile and at Rich. Once I moved out of Buffalo one January during a snow storm I remained a Buffalo Bill fan. Not because I wanted to, not because it was a good choice, but because it is in my blood ... for life. This may be quite close to your story too. As we have seen Bills teams and coaches come and go we have been the consistent factor. Comapred to life long Bills fans the team members themselves are little more than a rotating set of numbered jerseys. So when something isn't quite right with the team, I would like it changed. And when I bring up a positive change I RESENT being told ... if I don't like it go be a Miami fan. How about an alternative? How about we ship the bum player or coach or whatever to Miami and we get ourselves an improvement? Doug Flutie is a Charger today. Think of all of the energy we all wasted talking about him and today he is in SD by the Sea and we all are still Bills fans. Because to suggest improvement in a bad situation is a part of the American way of life. That is unless this has become ... The People's Republic of the Buffalo Bills where we can't write, speak or think negative thoughts about the team we have paid cold hard cash to support. And that is what kind of Bills fan I am. It is a part of me that can not be removed from what I am for life. Thanks for asking!
  13. I predict Janet Jackson will unzip the fly of Justin Timberlake exposing him to the world audience. Fortunately for family viewers the high resolution digital cameras will not be able to see anything in his pants. As a result, young rappers will grab their crotch while they "sing" as a sign of solidarity with Justin.
  14. Now I have something fun to do this weekend. Because my company makes me carry a Diners Club card I collect points when I travel. So I cashed in a bunch of points and got a slot car set. It is HO Scale with over 50 feet of track with loops, crossovers, banked curves ... and stuff like that. It will take a while but I'll set it up this weekend. I remember when I was a kid we used to race large scale slot cars at a place called Grell's (is that how it was spelled?) on Main in Williamsville. It was just a few feet down from where the Santora's Pizza place is now. I remember being there one day when someone's car lost it on the track and went right through the front window of the place. Is anyone here old enough to remember that place? We used to have fun in 3-D before Atari was invented. It is never too late to have a happy childhood!
  15. That spoon, that spoon, that spoonfull. Willie Dixon wrote that one I think. For a pweriod of time Willie played bass for Muddy Waters. I love that Willie Dixon song "The Same Thing" as peformed by Muddy Waters as well. That is some fine pool shooting music.
  16. I think you should write him an email and say you are honored he is using the photo you took of him on his web site. Then extend the offer to provide additional photos for his use. Perhaps you could make some suggestions. You could tell him you are a big fan since way back when he was with Cinci. Sure. Bottom Line: Be nice about it. He might take you up on your offer and that could be your foot in the same door you just might get shut in your face if you took a negative attitude about the use of your photo. It is cool though ~ someone quasi-famous ripped you off !
  17. Not enuff junk in those Hilton trunks for me. Serious lack of sweater puffs as well. One or the other please. Goes to show you breeding can eliminate positive attributes.
  18. Before the interview they saw your resume. At the interview they saw how you represent the resume. You letter to the interviewers should be to the point. That point is thanks for the interview. The letter is not your second chance to hit the home run you fear you didn’t hit in the interview. I suggest you work some behind the scenes magic with the mutual folks you know and stay subtle on the surface. Then if they don’t take you, you still have your self-respect.
  19. I see their use if reconstruction is required after breast cancer surgery. That is it. As an elective process I am 100% against them. I hate the way they look and I think the lady does herself a great disservice having them installed. Plus the marks the surgery leaves like in the case of Tara Reid is very sad. If a gal is something like an A cup and wants a little more she can get great results from ... www.imustimust.com Those drops they sell are not cheap ... but they really do work. And the result is totally natural. Try them today you'll like them. Sweater Puffs Rock !
  20. Last year I flew those 50 seat Air Canada jets from Dallas to Tallahassee every other week for four months. I thought I would hate it but it was OK. Because they are jets they stayed above a lot of the rough stuff. Now I tell people they are a nice flight but there isn't much room to move around so I feel like I'm in a tube of toothpaste. Good luck ...
  21. I imagine he'll keep blowin' down the road. He ain't got nobody, and he don't carry no load. next question ...
  22. Pee Paw is Grandfather Mee Maw is Grandmother These apply (as far as I can tell) when you are in "The Sweet Tea" zone of these here United States. It is more than fun living in the South. It's Infotainment !!
  23. Men don't know it all. Only middle aged white guys with figures like Homer Simpson truly know it all. Just ask one anything and you'll find out.
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