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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. Here in the South I'm called "Hun" and "Sweetie" all the time. Every once in a while someone calls me Gregie-poo but that is very seldom. You know what they all have in common? They are terms of endearment. I think it's nice and I hope it never stops. At least no one is calling me Gramps or Pee Paw ! Dadgummit, hang in there Bubba ~
  2. Please don't leave. If you need help with your homework just ask me.
  3. "She's so cold, as pure as the driven slush. And that's not jewelry she's talkin'about, It really don't cost that much. She was gettin' bombed, And I was gettin' blown away, And she took it in her hand, And this is what she had to say" with thanks to the Rev Billy G
  4. Please remember hookers are people too. In fact, some of them even have a heart of gold.
  5. Cool ~ I saw that string of photos on www.ircimages.com last weekend. Someone out there really knows how to work Photoshop Have fun ~ Surf
  6. He and Saddam have so many doubles who the heck knows who is dead and who is a double?
  7. When a gal is uncovered there it is because her chest is warm and she's trying to cool it off. They don't want men looking there at all, desiring them, thinking they are attractive and beautiful. Chicks hate that. The best you can do is to ignore them all together and hang out with the ones wearing turtleneck sweaters. What I would like to know is ... when you are takling to a gal, conversation is going well and then she reaches into her blouse and adjusts her bra strap. Does that mean talking to you makes her bra uncomfortable ... or ... does it mean she feels comfortable enough with you to do so? Oh sweet mysteries of life ...
  8. Jeez ~ I'm not drunk until I can't type or turn on the computer.
  9. I know you usually give advice. Here's a tip to put in your advice jar. Don't get lap dances from strippers wearing glitter gel. That crap stciks to all the wrong things and it is hell to get off of clothes or furniture. If she wears glitter You should not get her
  10. Dear AD ~ When Yoda told Luke that Darth Vader was his father he was tired. Why was he so tired? Does he feel more rested now? Wondering ~
  11. Bless her heart, she should have invested in a good sports bra a long time ago. Those puppies have been tossed into flapjacks. Also, are are her you-know-whats pointing in different directions? Just goes to show you that you don't have to live in the ghetto to be ghetto fabulous. Bottom Line: That is just so wrong for so many reasons.
  12. To quote Bart Simpson "Crapboobscrap!" As a Noles fan we love to hate Shiny Pants. Oh well ...
  13. That might be correct IF we were talking about an Independent Woman. However, in this case were talking about a political loose cannon in the form of a foriegn hag with a "My other car is a broom!" bumper sticker on her SUV. That's apples and rotten oranges Mr Coach.
  14. I'm in Florida. So I voted for the right for pregnant teenagers to play the slot machines on the Bullet Train. If you live in Florida you know what I'm talking about. I also voted for Bush again because he's so frickin funny!
  15. "So, I ordered some of those "Beer-noculars ..." It sounds like a product Homer Simpson would buy and fill with SkittleBrau. I would like to remind you that innovation is an American tradition. How about next game you return with your hollow Evil Knevil walking stick full of cognac?
  16. Here's my borrowed entry to the contest >> I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! But I'm sick and tired of being told that I am! Monty Python
  17. You tell'em ICE. Barbs at posters is your turf. All others back off.
  18. If you are sorry I forgive you. After all you have always been very nice to me. Have a nice day Surf
  19. I see the photo of the fat guy at his computer on www.ircimages.com all the time. NO ~ That site is not work safe ... but it is very entertaining and a good source for links to Euro web sites that are free just like the US Internet used to be 10 years ago.
  20. Oh Christ ~ You're back. Did you get your job and life straightened out yet? Or are you still too busy righting the wrongs of professional football teams?
  21. Question: Do they serve fried baloney at the Stadium any more? Answer: No. There's the reason for the sudden drop in attendance. Next question please ...
  22. I just don't get it WHY the NFL Cheerleaders get so little air time when the game is on network TV. The network knows the majority of the viewers are male (some may even be men) so why not more coverage of the Cheerleaders? The Houston Texan gals were looking hot yesterday !
  23. Every year it KIND OF goes like this: Season starts: If you see a problem you are told it is too early to tell, you're told you are Chicken Little if you point out any problems. ICE just might call you names. Mid Season: People start to realize just how f'd the team is. Some calculate our record if we win out. Good for them. Others are debated about Bledsoe. Late Season: People say it is too late to do anything about it now, we'll wait for the draft and perhaps free agent acquisitions. We'll fix it in the off-season. Off Season: One Bills Drive has a lackluster draft picking near no-names and picking up has-beens from other teams. Cheaper the better. Bledsoe was a bonanza for the front office season ticket sales. Goodie for them. Start cycle again ad naseum. Speak up or say you aren't happy with the way things look ... you are told to go root for Miami. Or you are slammed for posting an "I told you so" post. Bottom Line: If you want to help. Forget it. You'll get slammed. If you want to be a pollyanna and say everythinhg either IS alright or it will be alright you'll fit right in. After all aren't we all here just to socialize anyway? Better than that if you are a part of the inner circle here, you have found your niche in life, sit back and enjoy! You are more in than in. Then why the hell does Surf come here? Because I have a few friends here that sometimes think what I say is funny ... and ... sometimes people post a link to a story or photo that I find interesting. But to actually discuss Bills stuff here is near pointless unless you are a hardcore participant in the above vicious cycle.
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