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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. I will do all I can do to help the Bills win. Therefore, I am betting the Cards and taking the points. I don't know what made the line give points to the Cards but I'm taking them. Rest assured .... If I bet against the Bills THEY WILL WIN !
  2. Paige or Lauren are very nice names for a young lady. I would go with either of those.
  3. Hogboy! Is that you??? Your name is repulsive, what other clues do we need?
  4. The Los Straitjackets will be appearing with the Pontani Sisters at The Christmas Pageant 2004 starring Kaiser George and introducing The Hi Risers! This is a great chance to see America's Instrumentalists and have a great time. If you haven't heard this band you are in for a real treat. Here is their web site: http://los.straitjackets.com/index.html Surf's Up !
  5. I don't care for cats. They cause SIDS by snatching the breath away from babies when they are in the crib sleeping. Then the baby is dead and the cat gets the attention back from the parents. Real nice. They stalk helpless birds in MY backyard uninvited while all the time thinking they are some big African cat on the prowl. What !@#$s cats are. They have lots of friggin cat food at home but they have to kill birds and baby rabbits in MY backyard. They also taunt dogs behind fences just to wind dogs up. Then they don't come when you call them and act like they own the house and you're the guest. PLus, their tails move like a snake. Icky! I AVOID chicks who own cats because they sometimes have similar habits. Cats have no shame of stuff they do to you. And if a guy is a cat owner, I steer way clear of that Looser. Girls with cats cheat on guys 200% more than girls who own dogs. If a cat walks on the mantel and knocks a vase off and it breaks the cat will act like it wasn't me. But if a cat attempts a jump from the sofa to the kitchen counter and misses by an inch it will run away and hide becasue it did something stupid and can't face itself. Plus if you are in trouble a cat can't help you like a dog will help. If you fall over in your house and drop into a coma, the cat will eat your eyes before the paramedics turn down your street. A dog or potbellied pig would dial 911 before you hit the floor. Dogs can also detect cancer in humans by smell. I think cats should be tied up and behind fences just like dogs. Or ... if you don't care for that idea, let's let the dogs have the same American FREEDOMs cats have and let the two of them sort it out in the street. One famous type of cat is the Persian. That comes from what is now known as Iraq and Iran. Need I say more? I think not!
  6. The party is really only for the women, but they need the men there to make sure the batteries go in the toys in the right direction.
  7. Insane to name a girl so the initials turn out to be PMS. It sounds like a punchline to a bad joke. PLEASE see what you can do to get this changed and have Mrs SDS wake from her dreamworld if she thinks the little girl won't catch flack because of this. Kids are cruel ...
  8. Can we all please remember the only people in the USA who are fair game to make fun of are White Anglo Men. Like Bundy on Married with Children. Like so many dozens of TV commercials. It is the white doofus dad, the white stoopid boyfriend, the white male husband who gets treated like a child by his TV wife on sitcoms. That is the ONLY role we can make fun of ... all the rest are taboo. Keep this in mind when you watch TV next time. You'll see very claerly what I am saying is true. On the other end of the scale there are some groups of people so holy, so precious, I can't even tell you who they are because they might be offended by that. All I have to say to them is ... way to go! As a White Anglo Male I'm happy for the recognition.
  9. I chose Bostom to win last night because it represents Kerry. Now if Houston wins tonight the series will be Boston (Kerry) vs Houston (Bush) just like the Presidential election. Let's see if that happens.
  10. I remember when London first came to the Bills. Folks on this board were rejoicing in the departure of Sam Cowart saying London would take his place and then some. What happened? Didn't it work out that way??
  11. Not me man. I have no clue what you are talking about. Right now I work with brain surgeons and rocket scientists to study the effects of weightlessness during surgery on the brain. They are very smart but they drink way too much on the job!
  12. What's the problem?? It's not as if people can READ in Miami anyway. They just see the pretty colors on the mural on their way to their next drive-by.
  13. If the US Government wanted to put a chip in me I would wake up early that day to be first in line. After all, they wouldn't do anything to me they wouldn't do to themselves and their own families. If they said so it would be for my own good and the good of others. There is no argument with that.
  14. One great part of being a Noles fan here in Tallahassee is I get to hate Miami as a bonus. Oh the phones were ringing here last night during the game. That is until the end of the fourth quarter. Mandatory Sour Grapes Section: When Miami had a 4th and 4 at the end of the game NO WAY did the guy with the ball even touch the first down line. On replay it showed it clearly he did not make it. But the ref spotted the ball on the 4 yard line and GAVE Miami first and goal. That's when I changed the channel and gave up on the game. Crooked Zebras. Way to go Louisville. They came dadgum close ! Way closer then FSU did. I think Wake Forest will beat Miami later this season. Laugh now, but I think it will happen. TGIFF ~ Surf
  15. I do the laundry at Chez Surf. If you did a load and left it there too long some kind of secret mold stuff has gotten in there. That is a problem. Usually is I rewash the stuff in hot water with laundry soap it comes back to normal. If you've done that and it still stinks I would throw the stuff out and not do that again. Did you leave that stuff in there over a weekend or something? Or try to rewash the load with a whole box of baking soda to take the smell away. That could help. Here's a bonus laundry tip >> If you dry towels in the dryer and not hang them outside on a line here's a tip. Once ther towels have completed the wash and final spin, take all of them out of the washer, shake (Master Shake!) them out and put them back in the washer and spin them one more time. Not once around but the whole spin cycle. This extra spin drives out a lot of extra left over water in the towels. So once you move them to the dryer they will dry faster and use less energy. It works for me. Laundry is my life !
  16. I laughed until I died ~ Rodney A delight in prose form (but still manly) ~ Hemingway An ode for the ages ~ Karl Groucho Marx The best I've ever read ~ Ralph Wilson
  17. Jim Rome huh? It is beyond me why anyone with self respect would call themselves a fan of Jim Rome. His photo is in the dictionary under hubris. The way he talks down to his "clones" and acts so tough on the radio out of his massive 5'7" frame is just plain nutz. I guess fools get the heros they deserve. It is also beyond me why any woman would want to be a part of the woman hating Catholic church. Run by closet fags since the beginning of time they blame Eve a woman for ruining all of our chances to live in the garden of eden. Yep, because of one woman taking the advice of a snake we all sucked out is the mantra. If I was a chick I'd say ... count me OUT. What a bogus concept. But if you're going to the Rome show or Church on Sunday enjoy the show!
  18. Greatest American band is ZZ Top or Little Feat small time act is Los Straitjackets. They rock !
  19. Eat fresh garlic. Put it in your food. It will be tough to get down but it will make you better overnight.
  20. UB beat UCF on Saturday. UCF is regarded as a pretty pretty pretty good football team down here. Way to go UB, you gave the Buffalo football fans something to be proud of .... well for at least one day.
  21. That would be October 1, 1977. Is that right? I had just graduated Buff State in Elec Eng and got a job with Hughes Aircraft in Los Angeles. I was getting ready to move to LA. Those were the daze huh ?
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