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Everything posted by 1st&ten

  1. That's what I was wondering---are Pats getting better or Cowboys overrated ? Cowboys have been flagged 5 -6 times already.
  2. A lot of strange scores so far today but I'm just watching on Red Zone so not really seeing the flow of these games. Will watch the Dallas\NE game----go Cowboys---boy that's hard to say !!
  3. Does this guy still wear sun glasses at every public appearance or interview---December in Buffalo guy still has those shades on.
  4. #2----Stand Pat----get a good player. I think Beane might move up in the 2nd round.
  5. Been in the league a few years, trying to get as much money as he can---can't blame him for that. Problem is Detroit, the black hole of the NFL.
  6. Here a picture from 2010 when our group stopped by Ken's tailgate: Get well soon Ken !!!
  7. Yeah, but we might have dogged a bullet---he could turn out to be a spoiled sausage well past his expiration date.
  8. I don't fault Watt for getting his money----I wonder how good a fit he really would have been here ? To me free agency is like buying a used car---buyer beware.
  9. Interesting article. Sports betting is a big factor in this. I think the networks paying the big bucks will want to get in on the action some how.
  10. I won't be surprised to see hm end up with the Carolina Panters.
  11. I hope he plays. I want to beat them when they're at full strength ---no excuses. I like our chances---Go Bills !!!
  12. They have strong lines on both sides of the ball. I'm surprised that they didn't win their division.
  13. Can we play Notre Dame ? Oh no---well let's no be afraid of anybody & kick As*
  14. Good question, the Colts were over Pressuring the whole game, I thought it was perfect for McKenzie to do a sweep or throw a pass.
  15. Well, It was an old fashion nail biter. I thought our defense was a little scary today but on the other side of the coin this Colts team is well balanced and are a tough out. The Difference is we have Josh Allen !!!
  16. Sounds good, but we'll have to score in the 50's again & hold them down so when you divide the score by 2, it makes up for not playing 2 games like normal division contests.
  17. I agree, the Bills must like him, they keep him over the veteran Kimirow who wasn't too bad.
  18. Bills are going to sign this guy for the playoff run
  19. I didn't mean for the whole game but to mix him in for a few plays. He would be an emergency fill in for some plays. He has lined up as a tackle in the past.
  20. Bates has played guard & tackle. He'd probably be the next man up but they might mix in Lee Smith on plays, he listed at 265 lbs but he looks to be closer to 290+
  21. Wow seems like a strange move, I thought he looked really good & all reports I've read say he's good on special teams too. Maybe the Bills have some kind of financial arrangement so he'll stick around & move to the PS if some other team wants to claim him. Not sure how all that works & what would be legal, etc. As reported on this board Aron Rodgers was high on him so have to see if they scoop him back up.
  22. What about that Rex Ryan guy, he sounds pretty Knowledgeable on ESPN ? LOL I think I'd go with Caldwell, anyone who can get Lions into the playoffs must have some talent. I always liked Bowles demeaner on the field but he might be better suited for the defensive coordinator only.
  23. Your right Hap about not getting him down & to think we used to have QB's who slipped on mats running onto the practice field.
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