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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. I think the implication of the question is wrong- It's not that we know Bell can't be good, it's that we don't know for a certainty that he will be good- I like Bell, Woods, and Jamon Meredith but I don't know for a certainty than any will be a quality NFL player- the OL is the most important unit in football and unless you have established players you have to give yourself multiple chances to succeed - if I were the Bills I'd take 2 OL in the first three rounds and maybe 3 in the first 5 rounds.
  2. If you could get Indy to give the 31st pick for K Williams you make that deal and run like hell. In the 3-4 he plays 3rd and long at NT and maybe is in rotation at DE - while the 31st pick is gold in this draft - btw I got nothing against trading Stroud, Kelsey, Schobel, Lynch, Whitner, Edwards or Fitz too maybe even Evans.
  3. Dwan Edwards is a great player I heard it directly from Dwan Edwards and who would know better than Dwan Edwards.
  4. When you get your franchise QB next year you'd like an Offensive line that can keep him from getting the hell beaten out of him- I still think Bell has potential but I wouldn't have all my eggs in one basket like Jauron did- this year I'd get 2 OL and a NT in the first 3 rounds. one advantage of the 3-4 is that good pass rushing OLBs are a little easier to find than quality 4-3 DEs.
  5. Watched Tony Washington at the combine, both physically and in all the drills did not look out of place with the top five OTs- if no one had name tags I'd rate him fifth after Okung, Williams, Bulaga, Campbell ahead of Davis who didn't look good and Brown who didn't participate in a lot of the drlls- thought he'd be a steal in the 5th-4th where was rated at the time but of course everyone probably had the same reaction which will move him up to a 3rd-2nd where he won't be a steal.
  6. Everything depends on price- just because a player is not worth 1st round money doesn't mean he is worthless.
  7. Since you are a Senator it reminds me that Football and Government have this in common - either the people running them are profoundly stupid or the stated goals and agenda are not the real goals and agenda.
  8. Yeah anyone remember Kurt Cobain - btw this guy might just need more vitamin D- that would be funny as hell
  9. worse than the slow 40s was the fact that he didn't look to smooth in pass defense drills- it's kinda too bad cause I really liked how he came up and knocked the begeezus out of people but the NFL is a passing league and if you can't cover you are going to drop like a rock in the draft.
  10. Bills won't be ready to compete for a couple years - QBs, WRs, OL, DL all take a little time to bloom RBs are usually ready to go in their rookie season - so if you take a RB high this year you know nothing about building a team.
  11. Why doesn't he want to be traded? my guess is he'd rather be cut so he negotiate where and how much.
  12. I like Bulaga but to have him go before Okung because two coaches are buddies would be a crime- I really hope Oakland takes Campbell and we get to take Williams or Bulaga- but it would be just our luck that Oakland would wise up now- someone needs to call AL and remind him that Campbell has freakier long arms and low body fat than any other OT.
  13. they use to say "no news is good news" now we say "good news is no news"
  14. Unless Davis has some type of treatable mental problem (clinical depression) he will not go before Campbell or Brown- the other conclusions for his actions would have to be that either he just doesn't give a F**K or that he is grossly stupid and immature.
  15. yep got that right- the Buffalo bargaining chips should be our new name
  16. I predict we get under 90 mil by the beginning of training camp with trades cuts and retirements.
  17. This a pretty good year for OTs but obviously OTs that go later are going later for a reason- less upside, more risk, less college production, lower measureables, questionable intangibles. AS for the OT. 1.Okung -has done nothing to hurt his #1 rating 2. Bulaga- some say he's dropping but I think it's more of a case that other players are rising, I think he's still the #2 OT but any discovered flaw real or imagined before the draft and he swaps places with Williams 3. Campbell- is he rated #3 by the NFL? I don't know but I think he will be the 3rd OT taken at 8 by the raiders 4. Williams coming into the season he was 1a with Okung but a rough start knocked him down to 5 or 6- he is moving back up by killing it at the combine and pro day and providing a plausible explanation for his early struggles. 5. Davis- has cost himself millions of dollars with a sub par combine and a pro day no show- scouts are not happy when the only player you are coming to see no shows- his agent doesn't sound too on the ball either if your client isn't going to work out you don't have the scouts waiting there and then tell them your client has a hamstring and a virus and isn't going to workout- the guy could slip out of the first round. 6. Brown- if he comes to his pro day at 305+ and shows he's still athletic at that weight he could jump up even as high as #2 - sounds shocking but he really has some of the best LT credentials and if he can ease concerns about weight strength issues he's going to really jump up.
  18. Ralph said Jamie Kennedy! I saw his show once I hate that guy don't sign him.
  19. The Bills get either Bulaga or Trent Williams - Okung and Campbell are both gone and either Bulaga or Williams may be gone but not both, the Bills may have their pick between Bulaga and Williams which in case I'd predict they take Bulaga. The only way I don't see it shaking out this way is if the Bills make some type of trade for a quality OT in which case I think Berry, May, Jason Pierre-Paul, Dez Bryant, and C.J.Spiller all become contenders
  20. Getting rid of expensive players and loading up on draft choices might add value to the team for a new buyer- or it could just be a good idea period- If I was GM I'd probably get rid of as many of the older more expensive players as I could, I'd look for trades if possible even those couple years down the line the Pats- but if I couldn't trade I'd cut.
  21. Blood pressure medicine is a PED it keeps you from dying which will enhance your playing ability.
  22. Players have to be careful taking even so called natural legal supplements- it is not uncommon in the bodybuilding supplement business to dope the first batchs of supplement with oral steroids or other PEDs- people try the stuff get results and you get great reviews and sales - later you stop putting PEDs in but it doesn't matter because your product has a rep and you'll get years of sales.
  23. worst than Beck at least he apologized for wasting our time.
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