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Everything posted by RochesterLifer

  1. I don’t think this is any big deal. It is an intense sport and players are going to occasionally shout out....nothing to see here.
  2. Thank you for making my point. There is a good chance I will call you out whenever it suits me.
  3. While I don't disagree with you, I have to say that your personal lack of humility is quite a turn off. Are you filling some inner need by being so condescending on chat boards? Hmm.....please, get over yourself.
  4. A sign of how (wonderfully) times have changed - New England looms as a potential "let down" game.
  5. I read that he injured his back. No idea on extent or severity.
  6. Bourbon makes the trauma disappear. Trust me. Right now, there is no such word.
  7. Go ahead and gather at the airport. But, you gotta eat a sandwich.
  8. I stormed it with you brother! I remember being very surprised how long a jump it was from the stands down to the field. I’m sure alcohol prevented injury. 😀
  9. We go out and beat the Patsies next week. A split is not good enough. We must sweep and let them know their time is done. Send those b@$turds off to to the dumpster, where they belong.
  10. On Diggs, “He was exhausted from being awesome”. Great quote.
  11. I agree calling it a bad spot. He was a yard further ahead, before the pushback.
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