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Everything posted by RochesterLifer

  1. The aroma of Steeler desperation drifts into the room.
  2. I appreciate your breakdown and the thought you put into it. I think differently. I do not believe that “special things” need to happen for the Bills to prevail. I believe we can win simply by playing good, disciplined football. The past 12 weeks show how good we are. The Chiefs are neither scary nor superior. In fact, they should be anxious about Sunday’s game.
  3. Thanks for sharing this. I wouldn't have found it on my own and tremendously enjoyed reading it.
  4. This segment of the game, in the second quarter, gave me chills. To those of you at the stadium, thank you for doing such a great job last night.
  5. The close, selflessness of this team is something I have increasingly enjoyed all year. Another example is (it has its own thread) Jerry Hughes calling out Isaiah McKenzie for his help as the defense prepared for this big, difficult game. Jerry could have just basked in the glory of his well deserved moment. But, that's not how the Bills roll. Sean McDermott, sincere, humble and strong - a gifted leader.
  6. Last night does not equal the second half of the season. Words matter and yours were very poor.
  7. I'm sorry you weren't able to watch the Indy game. Maybe you can find it on YouTube?
  8. It is so great to see Bills fans being......Bills fans. Dressed in Nanook of the North clothing, unconcerned with weather or discomfort, jumping around and screaming with unbridled love. I miss those folks.
  9. Same thing as last night. Same thing as last week. My official playoff shirt; Tasker and "It might be chilly". If it ain't broke...
  10. My final thought going into this game is that Buffalo’s manhood has been called into question. - OMG, the Baltimore blitz is scary! Can the Bills handle it?! - OMG, Baltimore’s run game is scary! Can the Bills even hope to slow it down?! They are both challenges to Buffalo’s toughness, their manhood. Personally, while we are too disciplined to talk about it, I don’t think a Sean McDermott led team takes this likely. I expect to see a proud response tonight. Go Bills.
  11. I don't know what to predict about Saturday night's weather, nor how it will impact the Bills' performance. However, I will note this: There is not one challenge this year that Josh Allen has failed to meet and conquer. Man coverage Zone coverage Pressure Pocket passing Reading and recognizing defenses Falling behind Needing to create Staying calm and focused during adversity He is no longer a project. He is now an elite and lethal NFL quarterback. Given that, I will grab my popcorn (and bourbon), tune in Saturday night and watch what happens, with high optimism and anticipation.
  12. As an example, the Indianapolis snow game in '17: We parked under sunshine. We walked to the stadium under sunshine. We passed through ticketing into a blizzard. 'ya gotta love Buffalo.
  13. This play will be one of those "forever highlights" that is never forgotten throughout the future of the Bills.
  14. Disagree. We already have one too many tributes to violent crime up there. #Simpson
  15. It certainly was not a good play. However, if in a 60 minute playoff game, against a high quality opponent, you feel the need to point out one poor play, no NFL quarterback - not Brady, Mahomes, Rogers or Manning is going to pass your test.
  16. I think this high degree of confidence regarding the Steelers is a really bad take. While our Sunday night victory against them was hard-earned and impressive, Pittsburgh was at a low health ebb. Roethlisberger especially, was playing on a hyperextended knee and couldn't step into his throws or shuffle (a strength of his) in the pocket. Any of our three potential opponents are going to be big challenges next week and the Steelers will be just as difficult as the Ravens or Titans.
  17. I think this is the untold story of the game. I believe all our wide receivers, save Davis, played less (maybe far less) than 100% today and Daboll's game planning and play calling was about managing the situation. - With MacKenzie and Beasley, it their limitations were clear. - With Diggs, while he had a great game, he was not working the underneath routes in high traffic areas where he has been so dominant. I think he was being protected. If this is correct, it makes today's win very impressive. Heal fast and go Bills!
  18. I’m wondering if Diggs and Beasley aren’t completely healthy and Daboll is trying to hide it.
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